
My Evil Stepson System

Kevin Lannister was offered the chance to reincarnate by the goddess of Happiness for unknown reasons. He finally got to live a life of luxury in his new life but something totally unexpected occurred. His mother was kidnapped and his father fell into a coma. Now, it’s been three years and a twenty year old Kevin wanted to visit his dad in the hospital but a cannibal suddenly appears before him, killing him before he could see his dad. Was his life finally going to end without even finding out if his mother was still alive or not? But before he could release his last breath, a system notification sounded in his mind. [I am called Evil Stepson System. The goddess created and named me and my only purpose is to help you in seeking revenge, In other words, I’m here to make you the ultimate bad guy,] [But I didn’t expect to see a weak human. Aside from your physique, your strength and agility are average and not fitting of someone called my host,] “Parasite,” Kevin mutters. He has had enough of the system’s rudeness. It might have evil in its name but that doesn’t mean the system should act so rude to him. [Huh?] The system was shocked. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” An evil grin appeared on his face. Finally, the system was flabbergasted this time around. “You dwell in my head and you call me your host,” “ This means you need me to survive and that makes you a parasite cause I ain’t your damn Uber,” “You know what? I’m going to call you parasite as from now on,” [You wouldn’t dare,] “ I just did and I would again, a thousand times,” [Why you little!!] [Fine you win. What do I have to do to make you stop calling me that?] “Hmm, If you help me accomplish my mission of ending every single one of those who captured my mother. Maybe then, I’ll acknowledge the fact that you aren’t a parasite,” [Then I’ll definitely help you succeed,] [As a matter of fact, your first mission is ready. Would you like to see it?] “Yes,” [First Mission: Pop your cherry,] Kevin smirks and says. “You know what parasite, I think I’m beginning to like you,” [Hehe...me too,] “ You say what?” [Nothing,] Join Kevin as he tries to right the wrong of his previous world by making his family (especially mom) happy again. No NTR No Yuri Tags:- Milfs, Smut, Hardcore Intercourse, Virgins, Enemies Become Lovers.

Megabyte · Urban
Not enough ratings
240 Chs

30. Updated Missions.

[Would you like to view your stats and your newly added features?]


[Kevin Lannister.]

[Level: 1] [2150/3000.]

[Evil points: 4,900]

[Strength: 10/ Agility: 10/ Stamina: 10/ Vitality: 10/ Mana: 10/ Resistance: 10.]

[Available Attribute points: 0]

[Skills: Sensitive Touch.]

[Love Meter]



'So what's the new feature about?' Kevin asked.

[This helps you to know the level of love/trust a woman has for you. The higher the percentage, the less chance there is of them betraying you or leaving you behind.]

'Hmm, this would be quite useful in completing my last quest.'


'But what's the percentage of Victoria's trust towards me?'



'So low?'

[It's like I said a while ago, a woman's heart is more sensitive than you think. It will take a lot more than just sex and nice words to win her over.]

[The same goes for why you shouldn't trust a human blindly, much less a woman as they are capable of doing what you least expected.]

[For example, just because Victoria said that she will kill her brother the first chance she gets, it doesn't mean that she will carry out the plan or even succeed in executing it.]

[The human heart and mind are very fickle and may change at any moment, but once it is above 70%, it will take pretty much a lifetime for anyone to make them betray you.]

[But 20% is pretty high as well.]

'Really? How so?'

[It's barely been twenty-four hours since you met her. This percentage of trust is really high for a person one met within this duration of time.]

"Hmm," Kevin stroked his smooth chin. "I guess you do have a point."

[Of course, I do. That's why I am here to guide you.] She said proudly.

[Would you like to see the details of the newly available Skills in the shop?]



[Erotic Gas: Tendrils Of pink vapor which can only be seen by you will be emitted from your body, and will cause every woman within a 10m radius to be aroused; 1500 evil points.]

[Emotector: A combination of emotions and a detector. Provides the host with a new means of obtaining evil points through the emotions of others. There's no limit to the kind of emotion that is required before it can be converted into evil points. It can be Pleasure, Happiness, Anger, Lust, Envy, and any other emotion; 5,000 evil points.]

[Cubic Fabricated Reality: A skill that provides the host with a means of creating a lucid cubic dimension that will surround the host within a 10m radius. The laws of the world do not apply when the host is within this dimension; 30,000 evil points.]

"Woah, parasite. These two new skills are really OP."

The parasite chuckled proudly. [It is all for you to achieve your goals.]

A smile appeared on Kevin's face, "Thanks."

[You're welcome.]

[Would you like to buy a skill?]


Of all the three skills available in the shop, there was only one skill he could buy right now and Kevin chose that one.

[Congratulations host on completing three out of four of your quests and obtaining your new skill, wishing you luck on your journey toward revenge.]

[Kevin Lannister.]

[Level: 1] [2150/3000.]

[Evil points: 3,400]

[Strength: 10/ Agility: 10/ Stamina: 10/ Vitality: 10/ Mana: 10/ Resistance: 10.]

[Available Attribute points: 0]

[Skills: Sensitive Touch, Erotic Gas.]

[Love Meter]



[A new batch of missions are ready.]

[Would you like to see them?]


[Main Quest: 'Take Care' of Alfred (Inactive).]

[Main Reward: 1,000 evil points.]

[Locked Skill Reward: Semen Control.]

[Time frame: 5 days.]

[Side Quest: Make Victoria Cum In Front Of An Audience (Inactive).]

[Locked Equipment Reward: Manarator.]

[Time frame: 5 days.]

[Side Quest: Discover Your Fifth Target (Inactive).]

[Reward: 500 evil points.]

[Time frame: 5 days.]

[Side Quest: Choose Your Next Target (Inactive).]

[Reward: Mana Regeneration Potion.]

[Time frame: 5 days.]

[Side Quest: Claim her heart (Unavoidable) (Active).]

[Reward: 1000 experience points.]

[Time Frame: 61/2 days.]

[Failure to complete all 'Active Quests' equals Impotency.]

'Impotency? Damn!! Wasn't expecting that,'

'So, I have five days to complete most of my quests, huh?'

'Okay, I can work with that.'

'Yo, parasite. I would like to make all the inactive Quests active.'

[Are you sure about that?]


'I'm feeling a bit impatient. I want to find my mom as soon as I can.'

[Very well. As you wish.]

[All inactive Quests are now active.]

'Thank you.'

[You're welcome.]

[So, what's your next course of action?]

'I currently have the location of Victoria's boyfriend, so it's only a matter of time before I pay him a visit.'

'But I'm still a bit worried about who called Victoria over to my house.'

[What are you implying?]

[Are you saying that the timing is too convenient?]

'Precisely, it feels odd.'

'I can't help but feel that someone gave Abel that video to make sure that it made its way towards me.'

[Do you have anyone in mind, who might be doing this to you?]

'My mom?'

[Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves here.]

'Yeah, I guess you're right.'

'But it'd be cool if she were the one sending me all these hints.'

[Just so you can find her in the end?]

[Seriously, my future disciple has watched too much mystery anime.]

[Now, what's the plan?]

'That's simple. I'll make a few calls to my friends first, then I'll learn all I can about Alfred before implementing what I have in mind.' An ominous smile appeared on his face.

[Will I like what you have in mind?]


[I'm suddenly feeling sorry for your next target.] The parasite remarked excitedly.


[Nope. Go make me proud.]

Kevin smiled, then added, 'But before that,' He leaped off from the bed, striding leisurely to the bathroom while his dick jiggled as he moved.

"Honey!!" He opened the door leading to the bathroom which caused Victoria to jolt up from the Jacuzzi in surprise while she reflexively tried to hide her exposed boobs.

"I choose sex over breakfast, after all." Kevin said with a smirk.

"Let's make more memories together!" He screamed, diving into the jacuzzi.

"What! Sex! Now?!" Victoria was bewildered by his sudden declaration.

The door closed behind them and the loud moans of a delighted woman could be heard from the other side.