
My Evil Stepson System

Kevin Lannister was offered the chance to reincarnate by the goddess of Happiness for unknown reasons. He finally got to live a life of luxury in his new life but something totally unexpected occurred. His mother was kidnapped and his father fell into a coma. Now, it’s been three years and a twenty year old Kevin wanted to visit his dad in the hospital but a cannibal suddenly appears before him, killing him before he could see his dad. Was his life finally going to end without even finding out if his mother was still alive or not? But before he could release his last breath, a system notification sounded in his mind. [I am called Evil Stepson System. The goddess created and named me and my only purpose is to help you in seeking revenge, In other words, I’m here to make you the ultimate bad guy,] [But I didn’t expect to see a weak human. Aside from your physique, your strength and agility are average and not fitting of someone called my host,] “Parasite,” Kevin mutters. He has had enough of the system’s rudeness. It might have evil in its name but that doesn’t mean the system should act so rude to him. [Huh?] The system was shocked. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” An evil grin appeared on his face. Finally, the system was flabbergasted this time around. “You dwell in my head and you call me your host,” “ This means you need me to survive and that makes you a parasite cause I ain’t your damn Uber,” “You know what? I’m going to call you parasite as from now on,” [You wouldn’t dare,] “ I just did and I would again, a thousand times,” [Why you little!!] [Fine you win. What do I have to do to make you stop calling me that?] “Hmm, If you help me accomplish my mission of ending every single one of those who captured my mother. Maybe then, I’ll acknowledge the fact that you aren’t a parasite,” [Then I’ll definitely help you succeed,] [As a matter of fact, your first mission is ready. Would you like to see it?] “Yes,” [First Mission: Pop your cherry,] Kevin smirks and says. “You know what parasite, I think I’m beginning to like you,” [Hehe...me too,] “ You say what?” [Nothing,] Join Kevin as he tries to right the wrong of his previous world by making his family (especially mom) happy again. No NTR No Yuri Tags:- Milfs, Smut, Hardcore Intercourse, Virgins, Enemies Become Lovers.

Megabyte · Urban
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240 Chs

11. The Video

While eating, Drake surprised everyone at the table by asking Kevin a question.

"So Kevin, how many girlfriends do you have, right now?"


"Drake?!" Vanessa said reproachfully. "I'm sorry Kevin. Please ignore him. He's just....." Vanessa tried to say a few placating words to Kevin but Drake abruptly interjected.

"What is it, sister? What's wrong with the question I asked him? He is a good-looking young man so I'm pretty sure he's got a couple of fish swimming in his pond, right?"

*Wink* *wink*

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Drake, but I'm currently single," Kevin calmly replied as he took a few gulps of his orange juice.

"So, you weren't single before, right?" Drake teased with a wink, causing Vanessa to slap his arm lightly while mouthing. "Stop it!!'

'What?!' Drake mouthed back with a shrug.

"Actually, I was single before, but I do have some women in mind whom I would like to share my life with," Kevin confidently replied to Drake's inquiry.

"Well, if you do find someone you like and you are ready to spend more time with her, do not hesitate to express your feelings before someone else sweeps her away from you," Vanessa said, extending her soft hands to gently caress Kevin's hand which was on the dinner table.

The dinner table wasn't very spacious. It could only accommodate a maximum of six people. So Vanessa and Kevin were sat facing each other.

Vanessa gently withdrew her hands and flashed Kevin a smile before slowly grabbing her glass of juice.

[Do not worry stepmother. We intend on including you in our top three list of women to bang.]

'Since when did we have a top three list of women?' Kevin asked in bewilderment.

[Since now.]

'Ugh!!' Kevin didn't want to argue with the parasite right now.

He glanced at Vanessa once more and understood why his dad had married her.

There was no doubt that Vanessa was a beautiful woman with blonde hair, beautiful green eyes and her eyeglasses only served to enhance her allure.

'Dad is such a lucky bastard,' Kevin thought to himself.

Kevin recalled his mother telling him that Max had always been a sucker for blondes back when they had been in university. It was quite evident since Kevin's mom had also been blonde.

But looking at Vanessa, Kevin had to admit that she looked too young to be called Max's wife.

Kevin wouldn't even be surprised if people mistook Vanessa for Max's daughter, given how young she looked, with those huge watermelons resting on the dinner table.

Kevin had seen his fair share of girls with big boobs in his department's library, but damn, the size of Vanessa's breasts were breathtaking and on a whole new level.

They had to be twice the size of Dahlia's and even Dahlia had ample breasts too.

A part of him wished he could touch them to see how soft those melons were.

Of course, it was for a good cause. *Coughs* An academic one at that.

'Stop it. What the hell am I thinking about? She's my stepmother,' He chided himself.

Putting the disturbing thoughts aside, Kevin was surprised by how comfortable he felt with his stepmother.

'Maybe it's because, in a way, Vanessa reminds me of my mother,' He pondered.

'Or perhaps I just miss my mom so much that seeing how Vanessa tries her best to be a mother to me just makes me feel relaxed,'

[Um, sorry to disturb you but are you seeing what I'm seeing?]


[That!! Those pair of eyes staring at a certain angle,]

Kevin slowly lifted his gaze to find Drake staring at Vanessa's womanly oversized melons.

'What the f*** is he doing?!'

[He's been doing that for a while now,]

'What? Really?'

'Sis-con?' I speculated.

[He could be,]

'Still, I'll have to keep an eye on him,'

'And here I thought he might be a little cool to have around the house,'

By cool, Kevin was referring to Drake's physical appearance.

Drake was a man with a Hulk-like physique– Not exactly like the Hulk, but you get the idea.

He had a light-brown tanned skin that contrasted with his blonde hair.

Kevin certainly liked Drake's blonde hair. He had also thought of dying his hair blonde, but an image of Mason and Abel laughing their lungs out popped into his mind.

Those guys would definitely have a field day with something like that.

Kevin was certain that Drake was a lady killer. There was simply no lady who wouldn't want to be grabbed by his huge muscles.

"Thank you for the meal." Kevin said as he rose from his seat. He was about to take his plate to the kitchen when Drake stopped him.

'Oh, leave it, the maid will see to it.'

Kevin nodded and said. "Good night."

"Goodnight," Both Drake and Vanessa replied simultaneously, watching Kevin leave as he climbed the stairs to his room.


"???" Kevin paused, feeling as though he had heard something.

[What's wrong?]

'I thought I heard something,' Kevin thought he heard a moan just now.

[You sure?] He turned back to see Vanessa and Drake eating as though nothing had happened.

'Maybe it was nothing.'

With that thought in mind, Kevin went straight to his room. He wanted to thank Dahlia for making such a delicious meal but he decided to do that tomorrow morning.

Immediately Kevin opened the door to his room, he instantly became bored.

To fight the boredom, he chose to listen to music. He went to his backpack and brought out his headset.

'Nothing beats boredom than listening to some good old country music that will soothe both my body and my soul,' He placed the headset over his ears, but just before he zipped his bag, he noticed something hidden in his backpack.

"What? Isn't this...." Kevin was stunned to see that the adult video he had asked Abel not to give him, was in his bag.

[I guess your friend really wanted you to have it,]


A/N:- This novel is taking part in the WPC contest. Please help support the novel. Your Powerstones will be hugely appreciated as it will really go a long way. Thanks.