
My Evil Stepson System

Kevin Lannister was offered the chance to reincarnate by the goddess of Happiness for unknown reasons. He finally got to live a life of luxury in his new life but something totally unexpected occurred. His mother was kidnapped and his father fell into a coma. Now, it’s been three years and a twenty year old Kevin wanted to visit his dad in the hospital but a cannibal suddenly appears before him, killing him before he could see his dad. Was his life finally going to end without even finding out if his mother was still alive or not? But before he could release his last breath, a system notification sounded in his mind. [I am called Evil Stepson System. The goddess created and named me and my only purpose is to help you in seeking revenge, In other words, I’m here to make you the ultimate bad guy,] [But I didn’t expect to see a weak human. Aside from your physique, your strength and agility are average and not fitting of someone called my host,] “Parasite,” Kevin mutters. He has had enough of the system’s rudeness. It might have evil in its name but that doesn’t mean the system should act so rude to him. [Huh?] The system was shocked. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” An evil grin appeared on his face. Finally, the system was flabbergasted this time around. “You dwell in my head and you call me your host,” “ This means you need me to survive and that makes you a parasite cause I ain’t your damn Uber,” “You know what? I’m going to call you parasite as from now on,” [You wouldn’t dare,] “ I just did and I would again, a thousand times,” [Why you little!!] [Fine you win. What do I have to do to make you stop calling me that?] “Hmm, If you help me accomplish my mission of ending every single one of those who captured my mother. Maybe then, I’ll acknowledge the fact that you aren’t a parasite,” [Then I’ll definitely help you succeed,] [As a matter of fact, your first mission is ready. Would you like to see it?] “Yes,” [First Mission: Pop your cherry,] Kevin smirks and says. “You know what parasite, I think I’m beginning to like you,” [Hehe...me too,] “ You say what?” [Nothing,] Join Kevin as he tries to right the wrong of his previous world by making his family (especially mom) happy again. No NTR No Yuri Tags:- Milfs, Smut, Hardcore Intercourse, Virgins, Enemies Become Lovers.

Megabyte · Urban
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240 Chs

06. A Drive With A Cop.

[Of course. Each lustful act will grant you various kinds of evil points and experience points, ranging from small sinful acts like groping, to unacceptable acts a typical stepson wouldn't engage in.]

"Wait!! Are you suggesting that I sleep with my stepmother?"

[That's for you to decide.]

"This is insane," Kevin's legs trembled and he collapsed onto the ground.

A few minutes later, Kevin regained his composure and finally asked.

"How do I view my status?"

[It's simple. Just say the word 'Status'.]

Kevin followed the instructions, and his status appeared before him.

[Kevin Lannister.]

[Level: 1] [1/3000.]

[Evil points: 0]

[Strength: 10/ Agility: 10/ Stamina: 10/ Vitality: 10/ Mana: 10/ Resistance: 10.]

[Available Attribute points: 0]

[Skills: None.]



His attributes aligned with those of an average human being, as humans were incapable of making use of mana.

It could only be used by mutants called the Awakened. However, since it was included in his status, it meant that he was capable of using magic as well.

[Vehicles are approaching from behind you.]

Kevin turned around at the parasite's notification and stared as cars approached where he currently stood.

He turned towards his destroyed car and muttered to himself.

"How in the world am I going to explain what just happened?"

[What do you intend to do?]

"I've got a plan, but before that, I have a few questions I wanna ask?"

"Will my wounds automatically heal again like they did a few moments ago if I were to get injured?"

[It won't. The limbs and organ regeneration were a one-time present from the goddess of Happiness. If you want to use such a skill, it will have to be acquired through missions.]

"Hmm, I see."


Two hours later…

"Do you have any idea why you were attacked by a Cannibal?" An officer currently sitting in the driver's seat asked Kevin as they travelled.

Kevin was seated right beside him and replied. "Yeah, I mentioned the same thing earlier at the station. I was on my way back home when the Cannibal suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked me."

"It destroyed my car, assuming I was dead, it then vanished into thin air." Kevin narrated.

"It vanished?" The officer whose face had a scar stretching across his right forehead to his left chin asked and found what Kevin said to be strange.

"But Cannibals aren't known to possess abilities. Only the Awakened are capable of doing that."

" Yeah, I was also surprised."

Kevin knew that it would be difficult for the officer to believe this, but even he didn't know how a Cannibal could vanish into thin air.

The only ones capable of magic were the Awakened and their species were extremely rare to find, even at night.

But there had been more sightings of them during the night.

Although, Kevin read an article saying that there had been sightings of at least one Cannibal or Awakened across the four cities once every three months for the past year.

Perhaps Kevin had just found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"It might have vanished because an Awakened was nearby. What do you think?"

"It's possible." Kevin agreed.

It wasn't uncommon to see a Cannibal in the company of an Awakened, but if what the cop said was true, didn't that mean they had a common objective in mind?

"Do you think they had something to do with your mother's disappearance?"

Kevin clenched his fingers into a fist while gazing out of the window.

It could be the reason why the cannibal had waited to confirm that he was dead. This realization only made Kevin wish that he had beaten that Cannibal to a pulp.

[Yeah right. That will be highly unlikely. Your current strength is far lower than the weakest Cannibal out there.]

[You will be killed before you can even raise a finger.]

Kevin didn't like the sound of that but he acknowledged he would have to get stronger before encountering a Cannibal.

'But if that happens, it would mean that you failed to do what the goddess asked of you. I wonder what she would do to you for your incompetence.'

[Tch!! Smart ass.]

Kevin grinned inwardly.

Two hours ago, shortly after Kevin informed the system of his plan, the cars that were passing by made a report to the station about his destroyed car.

It didn't take long for the officers to arrive and Kevin was taken to the station for questioning.

He informed them about what happened with the Cannibal, excluding the part where he got killed and was revived.

When the cops arrived, they saw how badly damaged his car was and how 'he had several scars on his arm', a few of those scars had been a result of when he flew through the windshield of his car.

But the scars were self-inflicted and no one knew of that fact, aside from Kevin and the parasite.

His left arm was stitched and bandaged to stop the bleeding, and the officers had no choice but to believe his story since there were no other witnesses aside from him.

While he was being interrogated, an officer who knew Kevin's uncle informed the rest of the officers of his desire to personally take Kevin home.

Kevin had his doubts about this, it was only when the cop made a call to his uncle and Kevin spoke directly to him that he believed the officer.

"So, how do you know about me? Through my uncle?"

"I'm not supposed to say this to you, but for both our sake, try not to say anything to your uncle."

Kevin nodded. He was curious about how much this officer knew about him.

The officer also knew about the fact that his mother was missing.

"You see, while your father was increasingly worried about your safety, he asked your uncle to keep an eye on you. But, since your uncle was stationed in Ruby City and I was at Emerald City, he asked me to do it for him."

'I see.'

'So, I've been monitored all this time and I had absolutely no idea?'


A/N:- Thank you so much for reading this far. As you can see, this novel is currently contesting in a WPC contest. I need your votes and support to help raise this novel's ranking. Thanks.