
My Evil Emperor Fell In Love With Me

He is an imperial powerful war leader known for his mysophobia and doesn't trust people easily. One day, he meets a person who is rejected by society and disliked by everyone except him. As she changes from being someone not important to becoming very important well powerful queen, they promise to conquer the world together, creating an unusual love story. The leaders, dealing with their own fears, and he starts to really like the newfound strength of the person he once disliked. Together, they face a world full of power, secrets, and surprising friendships. Despite the leader seeming cold, there's a suggestion that she might become his special friend, offering the chance for a happy life.

ZhinArt · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 85: Failed to show off

Claudius didn't expect that he could not slap her in the face, but in the end, he got a mouthful of flies.

"Sir, do you want to buy it or not? If you don't want to buy it, go ahead. I fell in love with this stone first. Come on, boss, 130 silver coins." 

After saying that, Aurora handed over the banknote.

Then almost at the same time, he still hesitated and gave money deliberately. Five large-denomination banknotes worth 10,000 silver coins have been handed over to the boss.

"It's only fifty thousand silver coins. I don't care about these little things. Boss, this girl hasn't bought it yet, so the one with the highest price should get this thing." 


The boss was a little reluctant, and his companion was surprised. He took the 50,000 silver coins notes in a hurry, his hands almost trembling, he looked at Aurora with some embarrassment and said: 

"Girl, look at this..." 

"It's okay, boss, just take it."

"Hey, thank you then. You're a good girl!"

Seeing that Aurora was not going to stir up trouble, the boss' eyes widened with a smile and he took the money from Claudius's hand.

Just as he took it over, he heard Aurora chuckle and say, "Boss, without my help in this matter, you definitely wouldn't be able to earn so much."

Seeing Aurora staring at the banknotes in his hand, the boss instantly understood. He laughed and happily gave 30,000 silver coins to Aurora and said, "Thank you, girl, for bringing wealth to our store." 

"You're welcome, boss, I like to help others the most."

Aurora said as he handed over 30,000 silver coins. The money was stuffed into her pocket without any sense of guilt.

The crowd burst into laughter instantly.

The commoner who just said that Claudius was not pretending but a fool could not help but ask his companion in a low voice: "Is he pretending to be a?" 

In an instant, the laughter in the crowd became even louder. .

Claudius's face turned blue and white.

Logically speaking, if there is a disagreement at this moment, force should be used directly. But there are too many people watching here. Taking action now will ruin Claudius's style. He didn't want to ruin the reputation of his Sect.

So, he endures!

"Let's go to the next store."

After Aurora gave Claudius a "You're an idiot" expression, she pulled Marcellus to go to the next store, but the next moment he was surrounded by a lot of merchants.

"Girl, come to my house. I'll give you a 50% discount on my spiritual stones!"

"Girl, come and buy my spiritual stones. I don't charge you any money if you have less than ten spiritual stones! Then we'll share the profit 30/70, and I'll give you 70% of the profit!"

" Girl, I won't take your money either. We'll share the profit 28%. I'll give you 80%."

"Girl, come to our house and we'll give you 19%!"

Seeing this almost robbing scene, Swarchak followed directly behind them.

Seeing this, Claudius stared angrily at the backs of Aurora and Marcellus, not even picking up the rough stones that his boss packed for him.

Aurora, ​​on the other hand, took Marcellus directly to the shop of the boss who threatened to compete with her.

She came here not because she wanted to share the missing money with her boss, but because of the strong vibration of energy source that brought her here.

The sky energy had always been lifeless on her wrist, but after feeling some kind of power, Aurora almost staggered from its excitement.

As soon as she entered, Aurora locked the source of the earthquake through the sky energy.

This is a display item placed in the shop window, a strange-shaped black stone half a meter wide.

"Boss, what kind of stone is this? Do you want to sell it?"

"If you want to sell it, sell it! Haha, the girl has such a good sense. This is passed down from my ancestors. The ancestral saying says that even if I die, I cannot sell this stone. . Because this stone is said to come from the heavens and is the treasure of our family."

(End of this chapter)