
My Evil Emperor Fell In Love With Me

He is an imperial powerful war leader known for his mysophobia and doesn't trust people easily. One day, he meets a person who is rejected by society and disliked by everyone except him. As she changes from being someone not important to becoming very important well powerful queen, they promise to conquer the world together, creating an unusual love story. The leaders, dealing with their own fears, and he starts to really like the newfound strength of the person he once disliked. Together, they face a world full of power, secrets, and surprising friendships. Despite the leader seeming cold, there's a suggestion that she might become his special friend, offering the chance for a happy life.

ZhinArt · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 58: Aurora's Identity

"The previous Aurora went to find General after reincarnation, but General told her that he did not discipline her too much because he wanted Aurora to experience the happiness and fun of life. 

After all, General knew former Aurora's life will not be too long. Instead of spending it in endless studies, it is better to have fun.

Obviously, General knew that Aurora was short-lived. And when he knew that Aurora was coming, he was so excited He decisively stood on Aurora's side. So it can be concluded that what he has been waiting for, for so many years is Aurora's arrival.

If General is the survivor of the Denvil family, then Aurora... Could it be that Aurora is... cough, cough "Ahem..."

"My lord!"

Gareth and Swarchak were shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Marcellus, who was coughing violently after being stimulated and spurted a large amount of blood from his nose and mouth.

Gareth quickly took out a pill from his space ring and put it into Marcellus's mouth.

Marcellus's normal face turned purple due to his violent coughing.

The originally good person suddenly spurted out mouthfuls of blood, making Gareth and Swarchak pale with fear. Swarchak, who was always carefree on weekdays, now had a solemn look on his face.

After five big mouthfuls of purple-tinged blood were sprayed out, the elixir took effect, and Marcellus's coughing gradually became quieter, and his wheezing gradually subsided.

After seeing that Marcellus improved, Gareth said: "My lord, General suddenly appeared and followed Reynald again, so it is not surprising that he changed his surname to Denvil. As for Aurora, ​​she became Reynald's daughter, so she should naturally follow Reynald's surname."

Swarchak also quickly agreed: "Yes, Master, if you look carefully at the young lady, she actually doesn't look like those two. And with such a big explosion, do you think the little princess might survive? "

Seeing that Marcellus gradually calmed down, Swarchak said again: "In any case, Aurora is the person you have been waiting for, for 20 years, my lord. The person you are destined to be with, even if she only has this identity, it is enough.

"Isn't it?"

Marcellus wiped a handkerchief from his arms, wiped the blood on the corners of his lips, and commanded with an unprecedented light in his eyes: "Gareth, increase efforts to explore General's identity. If I can't find any information from General, I'll start with the people around my foster father and foster mother. In addition, I want to know all the movements of the godmother in the three months before she died in the battle." 


Gareth accepted the order. Went down immediately to make arrangements.

Swarchak looked at Marcellus and comforted him: "Master, I know that you miss the Emperor and the Empress, but they have been dead for twenty years. Can't you look away a little? The burden on you is already heavy enough. Let's stop trying to be ridiculous, okay?"

"I'm not trying to be ridiculous."

"But do you think the little princess can really survive such an explosion? Can she really turn into the woman you are destined to be with and stand in front of you? 

"She can't survive in such a situation. But what if she didn't existed in this world in the first place?"


"Since I can survive in this way, why did the little princess. Isn't it possible?"


"And you can deduce it in reverse. If General is someone from my foster father's side and used great supernatural powers to send the little princess's soul away, but he uses another way to get her back. Then, as a servant of the Denvil family, what kind of attitude will General Take after knowing that his eldest lady has returned? Shouldn't it be like this now?"


For my dear readers;

You did not understand Aurora's identity? Dear readers, who don't understand why she is Aurora and why Marcellus is so excited, don't be anxious. The identities of Aurora and Marcellus will be explained later. It will definitely satisfy you.

(End of this chapter)