
My Ever Persistent Luna

[My Ever Persistent Luna Synopsis] Emily Silverfang, Who was the heiress of the Silverfang family who's descendants had always been chosen as the head of the Silverfang pack was left heartbroken when her chosen mate and the unfortunate biological father of her child decided to reject her for another. With her mate now gone and the elders of the pack that continuously pressured her to seek another mate, Emily who had long given up on love seemed to have lost her will to live. ******* On one faithful night Emily's thirst for love was rekindled when a seemingly vexed heartbroken man known as Lu Xin happened to save her life during a near death encounter. Unfortunately since her family and pack would only allow her to marry a mate of her own chosen, She soth the help of a witch, Her best friend Sasha who inturn helped her to turn Lu Xin into one of her kind, Sadly this was all done against Lu Xin's own will. After being turned against his will, Lu Xin wants nothing more to do with her, Unfortunately even though he wanted to reject her he still couldn't escape her family's pursuit. His resentment for Emily grows when he gets forced to become her betrothed due to her family's pressure while also trying his best to fit into her exorbitant life. Moreover Emily who wants nothing more than for him to truly love her tries her best to close the distance between them only to find out that she wasn't the only one who currently had eye's on the dashing man.

Lord_GrimX101 · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 24, That's just unfair!!

Sasha was actually only being cold and distant towards him since she herself was still curious as to why her best friend of all people would be so willing to go so far for someone like him, Knowing Emily she found the thought of her actually being able to go to such lengths for a man no less completely unbelievable.

Till she figured it out she decided to stay sn arm's length away from this man before her eyes lest she unknowingly got herself into trouble.

Emily on the hand was rather quick to reply " There's no reason for you to speak..." She said calmly and coldly as if not even willing to let him speak at all but Lu Xin didn't seem bothered instead speaking up again.

" I beg to differ, there's obviously a reason for me to speak when my own life is being discussed so openly...." Lu Xin smiled lightly as he said.

" No it's not..." Emily retorted calmly, her face as cold as always.

" Uhh Yes it is!" Lu Xin quickly retorted, his voice louder than before as if his life depended on it.

" Look I don't know what I did to offend you in any way but I promise I'll make it up to you okay, So please just untie me and let me leave, I promise I won't tell anyone about this, you have my word" Lu Xin tried negotiating his way out.

" That's not an option, I think I'll rather keep you than your word... sounds like I far more better deal don't you think" Emily grinned towards him, her eyes curving like two crescent moons.

'The heck is wrong with this woman?' Lu Xin shivered involuntary, he felt his back turn cold from that simple gaze alone.

" But we don't even know each other that well enough, plus were basically just strangers"

"We just met this evening, don't you need more time to think this over?"

" You know were really just friends at best don't you think?!!" He hastily tried to plead his case.

" That's all the time I need to decide so stop trying to change my mind and no, from now on we're now lover's and nothing will ever change that..." Emily said sternly as if not willing to change that fact no matter what, judging from her tone it seemed she was standing firm on her decision.

Meeting her stern gaze Lu Xin subconsciously avoided it, his eyes coincidentally landed on Sasha as an idea miraculously came to mind.

" Look I understand where you're coming from, even I've experienced heartbreak before, I mean just earlier today I lost my lover but that doesn't mean you should just go and kidnap someone else and force him to love you against his will, I mean am not even that stunning...ok maybe I am but that's all there is to me there's nothing more really" Lu Xin pleaded.

" No...there is, For one, I do find the fact that your single far more attractive, saves me the time of competing with someone else don't you think" Emily said happily as she chuckled lightly, her hands clasped behind her back as she turned from side to side seemingly happy with that.

" Oh I see...., but to be honest your not really my type....I kinda prefer girls like her instead" Lu Xin shifted his gaze to Sasha who looked shocked, The black haired beauty was caught off guard by his sudden change of words.

" Hey don't drag me into this!!!!" Sasha yelled hastily, she didn't like that sentence, not one bit.

Sasha quickly turned towards Emily and as she expected she saw her friend's expression slowly turning darker for the worse.

" And what do you mean by that?....." Emily who was briefly happy suddenly frowned for the first time ever, her sudden change in demeanor made Lu Xin fell frightened but in other to escape he decided to go on.

" Yeah that's just it, to be honest, I really don't like girls like you, I for one prefer girls like your friend over there, tall, sexy, voluptuous and a nice waist band to top it all off, to me that's the type of girls I vy for!" Seeing Emily's expression slowly turning even more darker he felt the hair on his skin stand on end prompting him to quickly stop before it was to late and he did.

Emily whose face looked Grim stared coldly at Lu Xin, her eyes gleaming coldly like a pair of blades, it might have just been his imagination but he couldn't help feeling his skin hurt all of a sudden as if a cold blade was placed against his neck.

Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone 

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal 

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

And so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.