
Within the Castle

Cain jumped to the side barely dodging the vase, using his magic to such a delicate job of inserting the silver shards and enchanting them precisely to a perfect job was no small task. He was exhausted, and this was the reason Emily was so obedient in helping him, her skin was crawling at what could happen if he slipped, she knew the one before was a master at his craft.

"Hold up princess, what if you injured him! You can't allow such a talent to even receive a paper cut!" Emily jumped at Isbert and tackled her down.

"Let me go, this is an order!" Isbert growled, she was still getting tackled while in the nude which enraged her even more.

"Each cut on your body is comparable to a fifth-tier spell, you rarely find a mage able to cast one let alone tens at the same time!" Emily cried.

Cain took the chance and teleported outside the room and started running across the hallway, he was low on MP after such a procedure that he didn't want to use [teleport] a lot.