

Both Malta and Abornazine bowed to Alice and Sofia, the new two queens of the first layer of hell. "Malta, tell the devils to move close to this fortress," Alice said looking down.

"Can we count on you two to build a city around here?" Sofia smiled.

Abornazine kneeled, "As you order, we shall allocate the majority of resources to building houses and erecting walls. A city shall be built in your name as soon as possible."

"I will get all devils currently living on this layer to move here and unite our forces," Malta responded with a big smile.

Sofia stared at Alice for a moment, "What should we call the city?"

Alice scratched her head, "We just need a city as a base of operation and funds here…Thinking of a name is a bit too much for me."

"Can we just leave the naming to Cain?" Sofia asked, "It would be better if he found the city ready."

"Shall we name it Lisworth?" Alice asked with a puzzled face, "Hold up, that's a bit too much."