
Tactical meeting II.

Leon looked at his father with a shocked face, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"I'm serious, look at how old am I. I think it high time to see how you perform!" William said as he calmed down, weirdly enough now that he thought about it he agrees with Cain.

Going to war in the winter was a bad idea and it's best to deal with it diplomatically. It was unknown how Ourals lord will react when he knew that his men were all killed but William could care less, simply being caught in his territory was a death sentence let alone in his daughter's house.

"Try to solve with the least amount of deaths, but if he asked for war don't hesitate to show him what we're capable of!" William looked at Leon and then at Lisa, "Let your men work under him this time, we two are going to just watch from the side-line and see how they will perform."