
Red Meat around the flames

Seith looked around him. Everyone was there sitting around the fire.

"What would you like to eat, the heart or the liver? We had a fresh kill this morning." Smiled Elena as she carried a bowl full of raw organs.

"I will take the liver!" Selena jumped in excitement. She had missed the taste of home. The animals they hunted in this forest tasted different.

"Can I take the heart?" Zaleria said as she jumped to the table, "Of course pick whatever you like." Replied Elena. "Leave me some!" Seith jumped as well. Like his daughter, he found it hard to resist the smell of fresh meat.

"Want some?" Zaleria handed some to Sofia. "You should be able to digest it." Said Zaleria.

Sofia has dragon blood in her veins. The fact that she has started to develop horns, wings, and a tail is proof that she is slowly transforming into a dragon. She should be able to eat fresh meat.