
Into The church

"See? Lack of sleep and nutrition, No wonder she is like a toothpick." Cain bent over Marina and started gently tapping her cheek trying to wake her.

"I'm going to bring some vinegar and garlic, please excuse me!" The maid serving the marina rushed outside.

"Let me handle this, you two sit there and wait," Alice asked Chad and Cain to move away, from how fast Chad was tapping her, she thought he might start slapping for real.

Alice immediately started using holy healing on Marina even though it might be useless. "Gracie, how do you wake her up?"

Gracie is a maid so she should know how to act. "As that maid did, we usually use vinegar, garlic, or anything with a strong smell. Sometimes just a sprinkle of water can work, and in other times time itself is the only solution."

"Those won't work as efficiently, she passed out from stress," Cain said as he was sitting on Marina's desk. "Her brain is a bit jumbled up, is the simplest way I can explain it."