
[Bonus chapter] Raging Potential

Cain's mana was the closest to being infinite, especially now that he has full access to Lilia's pool. It was a battle of endurance. He has a chance of winning.

Those cockroaches were clearly made to stall for time, and everyone knew that. Ball wasn't going to let that be, using all of her magic, and pulling from Cain to try and claim the land back from them.

CLAP! Baal's body flashed across Maladomini, sending pulses of scorching lightning, killing any bugs close to her without mercy.

CRACK! Zaleria landed on the ground, standing with a smile. The bugs couldn't even get close to her without getting cooked alive. She glared at them, "Baal is going crazy over there. Should I play as well?" she smiled, fire crackling from her body.

Her teeth became sharp, and her green eyes emitted a deep red glow as her skin turned red. Her body expanded as her finger turned into claws, and a massive tail expanded from her back.