
The Intruder

Arthur couldn't sleep at night so he decided to take a walk. He was walking down the corridor when he saw an unknown silhouette. "Who is up at this time of night?" Arthur whispered to himself. He followed the shadow and saw the window to his garden was open. He quickly sealed the palace and took his sword. As palace and area around it was sealed no one could leave who was inside the territory. In the rose garden he saw the silhouette again and ran to catch the intruder. He unsheathed his sword and attacked the intruder head on. In 7 dimensions, Arthur is the 2nd best swordsman after Empress Neffari. He was well known for his swordsmanship in Magnolia so the intruder gave in. Arthur held his sword at the intruder's neck who was holding a scroll. "Who is your Master! Tell me this instant!"

-"I can't tell you".

-"You do know I can kill you here right now for getting in my territory and stealing official document right?"

-"What official document His Majesty doesn't even bother to call you at the court whereas your brothers can participate"

He had a villainous grin on his face.

-"So you know that this scroll you're holding is something important to me and not official document of Palace.. You're 2nd Prince Lorraine's man".

Intruder's face darkened,'How did he know?'

-"My brother is still trying to destroy the minimum evidence I got against him and his beloved brother Crown Prince Harriet".

Arthur laughed like an evil maniac making the intruder almost pee in his pant.

-"I know you wouldn't have told me anyway, you are here in a suicide mission. You'd rather die than tell me the truth".

Arthur summoned Peter with emergency spell while holding the intruder captive.

Peter yawned, "You Highness, what made you urgently summon me at this time of night? Oh who is this man?"

"He is Prince Lorraine's man. He wanted to steal the evidence I have against his master. Check if he has any poison or dagger by which he can kill himself then throw him at my dungeon. Make sure no one from Imperial Palace hears about it and arrange me a meeting with my lovely brother".

Peter bowed his head,"Yes your Highness".

This was first time someone ever intruded in Arthur's palace. Despite being famous for swordsmanship everyone knew how King Louis treated Arthur. Some even suspected maybe he is not son of the King. Arthur sealed his office room and went to the dungeon to interrogate. Every Prince's Palace had an underground dungeon. It wasn't quite big but it was still as filthy as any dungeon. Arthur's palace was relatively smaller in size than his brothers but it was still big enough to be called Palace.

It was 3am, Arthur walked down the muddy stairs, a foul smell of dead rat covered the area. There weren't many lanterns hanged, it was quite dark. Arthur held the lantern beside his face and grinned, "You must've had a marvelous time trying to work against me".

-"No matter how much you force me, I won't tell you Prince Lorraine's plan!"

-"Well at least you admitted Prince Lorraine is your master".

Prisoner bit his lips almost making it bleed.

-"You won't have to hurt yourself like that, I'll have a talk with your master. Don't worry, I'll tell him you had a heroic death".

Prisoner started laughing like a maniac, "Do what you want I don't care! You don't know who I am!"

Arthur pouted,"Says who? You are Alberto, notorious for his robbing skills. Sadly you couldn't win against me. But let me tell you I know where your family is, you can hide it from everyone but not from me".

Alberto's face darkened,"No! You can't hurt them!"

Arthur grinned, "You were in a suicide mission, why do you care about them anyway? Get used to this place Mr.Alberto".