
My Emir

Glitz, glamour, culture, family, area emirates, religion,and lying beneath, lurking in the shadows, is evil. A king must handle all that comes his way with grace, but let's see how Ashraf Malik, the youngest heir of the Malik dynasty does it after having to become king because the eldest heir of the Malik dynasty didn't want to have anything to do with the emirates. Though young, he has to deal with the evil lurking in the darkness, trying to bring an end to the dynasty of Kano. Some old ties, some envy, and some, out of sheer malice. Would do with a good woman by his side. But with all these bringing up bones from his past, how would he hold up his crumbling world? A world of many faces.

Hawa_Yakubu · Urban
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6 Chs


  Mariya's office.

  " Tell me. Did he..."

" He could only try. He didn't get what he wanted, all thanks to you." She answered without letting Zayn finish his question. He was the one who saved her from that calamity so he should know what she was talking about. If anything, it's obvious.

" So does anyone in your family know about it?" Zayn asked.

" No. He told me he'll eradicate my family if I disclose the incident to anyone." Tears stung her eyes." Zayn, I'm helpless." She sobbed.


Zayn wasn't surprised at all. That sounded like something Hassan would do. He had to put Hassan and his father in their place before he became the Emir. They are a threat to the sultanate and they needed to be shown where they  belong. They can't just crash the dynasty the Malik's ancestors strived to build, under the pretext of fighting for their 'rights'. Hamza Malik has proven in the past that he's not worthy of being the Emir by indulging in heinous activities that posed threats to the whole dynasty. According to Zayn, it is a must to shut Hassan and his father up before he becomes king. It's not going to be easy doing it all alone and that's why he needs someone who's also against Hassan and his father Someone like Mariya. What Hassan did to her is enough to set her mind up against him. Someone like Hassan shouldn't be roaming around scot-free People might think Zayn is a bad guy for pursuing Hassan that way but come to think of the things he has done...cringe. Mariya isn't his first victim. The royal family only keeps his deeds and punishments hidden from the public to save the family's name and honour. The royal family thought he had changed when he decided to marry Mariya. Little did they know. He even talked about having the throne to himself. Together Zayn and Mariya are going to eliminate both their targets for good. Call him selfish for using  Mariya's cause for his good but at the end of the game, they are going to get what they want. Mariya is going to get justice for herself and Zayn is going to eliminate the threats against the throne and make sure his family's honour remains intact.

" I'm going to help you out," Zayn announced, making Mariya shift her gaze to him. Finally, help has come.

" I'm going to make sure you get the justice you deserve and also, day and night security for your family..."

" Thank you." She breathed. She was very grateful and beaming with delight.

"... but only on one condition." Zayn completed the sentence he should have finished before Mariya interrupted him.

Her smile faded away. She should have thought of that. These royals would never do anything for anyone unless they got their share of the advantage.

" What's your condition?"

" It's easy. Don't disclose whatever happened between you and Hassan to anyone and I'll handle everything." Zayn answered.


  Mariya scoffed. She should have seen this coming. That was the same threat Hassan had posed to her. The only difference between the two cousins is that, Zayn wasn't harsh.

He's shuttered all her expectations. She thought that, since Zayn had promised her full-time security for her family, she could finally tell them everything and they could even back her up.

" Are you crazy?" Unbelievable. Mariya rolled her eyes at him.

" Watch your tongue. Truth be told, I would like to propose a deal to you. If you accept, there's a high chance that you'll get justice." For the first time since he entered her office, he settled down on a chair just across the mahogany desk Mariya sat behind.

" And what makes you think I would accept whatever you are going to propose?" She questioned.

" Because you are going to need it " Zayn replied, sternly.

Mariya sighed. She didn't want to be part of his deal but as long as she's going to get what she wants from it then, why not?

" Go on." She urged.

" See... Hassan has got some shady business going on. He desperately wants to become the Emir."

" What?" Mariya's eyes widened. That's some confidential piece of information and definitely not for someone like her to be aware of.

" Together, we can stop him. Already, he has done enough."

" Why are you telling me this? That's up to you and your family to deal with it." Mariya almost yelled. How does that concern her?! 

" What I'm trying to insinuate is that he's so passionate about being the emir because he thinks his father deserved the throne, and not my father. He would do anything he could to be the emir. That's one thing, Mariya. Second, I don't want you to disclose the incident to the public. It will tarnish the royal family's reputation. Do you have any evidence against him? Do you have anything to prove him wrong in court? Even if you do have the evidence and he gets sentenced, have you wondered how many years he would be behind bars? Fourteen years. That's a lot. Sounds good but his father can even make your case invalid before the court. Bribe the judge or something. Corruption is one thing we are trying to eradicate here in Kano yet, it still happens. Mariya, this is the reality. At this stage, you are compelled to marry him due to the fear of not being able to protect your family. What bigger punishment can you give him other than making sure he doesn't ascend the throne and he forever lives with the regret of not being the emir? Besides, with this deal, you won't have to marry him again.  Think over it carefully, Mariya. I'm not leaving your office until you accept the deal. It's critical."

Zayn has said a lot and come to think of it, he was right. She doesn't have any evidence against Hassan. She hadn't even thought of it until Zayn mentioned it. He was speaking pure facts. She's probably going to have that terrible incident etched on her mind for the rest of her life so along with that, why not have Hassan live in regret for the rest of his life? A painful one.

A long life punishment for Hassan instead of fourteen years. He deserves it. She can't bring herself to forgive him nor forget what he did to her.

Mariya smiled unconsciously. Zayn noticed that.

" Is it a deal?" Zayn asked, hopefully.

" Yes. It is." Mariya finally broke the excruciating silence with her answer. 

It's on.

Mariya extends her hand towards him for a handshake just like she does to seal any of her deals but Zayn... He tucked both of his hands in his pockets.

What is wrong with this man? One moment, he'll be acting all kind, and the next, he's... well, rude.

"You are annoying." She rolled her eyes at him and retreated her hand.

" As the son of the Emir of Kano, I'll take this as a compliment, only for your sake." He smirked and made his way out of her office. The guts.


  Zayn, Eskander, and Emraan were sitting together in Emraan's room, filling each other with the day's events, like they always do.

" Zayn, what were you doing in Mariya's office today? You didn't even come to see me but you met Mariya." Emraan enquired. As much as he knew, Zayn and Mariya didn't cross each other's paths.

  Zayn wondered how he got to know about that.

" I'm not surprised. Every man would want her." Eskander chipped in.

" Guys, nothing is going on between us." Zayn answered, putting much more emphasis on Eskander's statement." I only need her for some legal procedures. I finally agree that she's good at her work. She defended Mr.Daniel in court and won the case." 

That was a close save for Zayn. He'd promised her that her secret was safe with him. He can't just break a hard-earned trust.

That was the only excuse Zayn could make up at the moment. He hopes Emraan buys his little white lie. That lawyer is too hard to fool.

" I told you she's good at her work. That Mr. Daniel's case did a good job to her profile." Emraan boasted, proudly. He's proud of that woman.

" How did you know I was there?" Zayn asked.

" C'mon, Zayn. It's my workplace we are talking about. I've got eyes everywhere in my law firm." 

Of course, he would. Emraan is always stalking him.

" What are we eating tonight? I'm hungry." Eskander interrupted.

  As if on cue, the door opened and Nazeera entered. Emraan's wife. Not long after she entered, a three-year-old toddler barged into the room and rushed to hug Emraan.

" Dada!" The toddler squealed excitedly. Emraan picked up his son and kissed his cheek.

" Are you guys going to have your dinner here?" Nazeera inquired.

Eskander and Emraan gave a positive answer. They are hungry.

" No. I have to meet up with someone. I'll eat at my house." Zayn said and got up to leave. 

He felt a tiny pair of arms wrap themselves around his leg.

" Carry me along, Uncle Zayn." The toddler pouted and made a sad face. With that sad face the toddler had put up, Zayn had considered staying with the kid. He hasn't spent much time with the kid since he came back from Cairo for a business trip. The kid's attitude is overloaded with cuteness and he wanted to stay with the kid but he had to go somewhere. He had an engagement to crash. It's going to be exciting to see Hassan lose one of his greatest obsessions.

" Not now, Ameer. I'll see you later." Zayn carried the boy and gave him to Eskander." Stay with Uncle Eskander."

He flashed his sister-in-law a smile before exiting the room.


  " Nice doing business with you, Mr. Zayn- Ashraf Malik." The woman sitting across from him smiled. She looked all glammed up and... seductive. Nevermind. That's Ayoola Damilola's normal self. Such women never seem to affect him. In the business world, one gets to meet people from different backgrounds and has to deal with them all. Just like the boring meeting he just had with the woman sitting across from him. She extended her hand for a handshake with him and Zayn, just being his normal self, tucked his hands in his pockets. He's got a thing 

for doing that to women. Zayn knew she was in for more than a professional handshake. The last time he shook hands with her, he had to wriggle his hands-free from her torturous caresses. 

  As if knowing why he did that, she retracted her hand and flashed him a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Whatever is happening now is a backcase. How about he starts with what brought him to Hassan's girlfriend's office?

Of course. Not everyone knows about this.

" Ayoola, I'm surprised, you know. You have tried very hard very hard to keep your composure in such a situation. Hassan finally showed you his true colours." Zayn stated.

If she hasn't heard of Hassan's engagement then he'll inform her, if she's pretending she doesn't know then he's going to have to remind her of what's ahead of her.

" What is it, Ashraf?" She asked." Our relationship is doing just fine. We'll make it public soon."

" Haven't you heard the rumours?"

Ayoola scoffed." You are the last person I expected to believe in rumours and gossip. I don't even have time for that."

Zayn and gossip? No. Worst combination ever. 

"Hassan is getting married," Zayn revealed.

"Ashraf, don't lie to me." Ayoola jerked up from her seat, making the swivel chair fall backward. Already, her voluminous back side has tortured the chair enough." Is it true?"

" Why not find out yourself? Zayn smirked. This is going on well. Just right. That was the exact reaction he had anticipated from his cousin's girlfriend. He knew Ayoola wouldn't sit back and let such a thing happen. The woman is strong-headed.

He watched her as she scrolled through her phone. Zayn knew she had seen the post regarding Mariya and Hassan's wedding when her facial expression changed to a terrified one.

Looks like he has hit the right spot.

"Olorun mi!"( My God!)  Ayoola exclaimed."Hassan dared to play dirty games with a Yoruba woman. He'll see where power lies." 

A typical Yoruba woman, indeed. Hassan is in trouble. 

She slid off a ring from her left ring finger and threw it across the room, grabbed her purse, and made her way out of the office, leaving Zayn behind. She didn't forget to bang the door behind her.

Zayn chuckled. Hassan has given Ayoola a promise ring too. This is getting more exciting than it should have been. On a more serious note, Mariya is going to be out of this excuse of an engagement very soon. This is the beginning of it all.


The next day

" Do you like this one?" Mariya's sister asked her again for the umpteenth time.

" My Goodness! Mariya, see this beautiful dress." Saratu squealed, holding up a dress for Mariya to see.

She isn't happy that she's getting married to Hassan but she'll have to pretend she is. Zayn better do something real quick to get out of this hell of an engagement.

" Select a decent dress." Her father chipped in. He was sitting across the grand hall with Fareed and some other family members.

She is surrounded by her family and she's supposed to be happy but she's sad and hopeful that Zayn will do something to get her out of her predicament.

The quality family time was interrupted by some voices from outside. Mariya could recognize that of the security guard but not the rest of the female voices. There seems to be some kind of commotion outside.

" Abeg shift!" One of the female voices yelled.

Now all eyes were on the door. The voices were getting closer. The security guard was trying his best to stop whoever it was from coming inside.

  Without any civilized method of knocking, a group of four women barged into the hall. Ayoola and her entourage.

" Will someone tell me who that excuse of a human being called Mariya is?" Ayoola yelled. She won't have anyone snatching her man from her.

" What on earth." Saratu countered. She got on her feet, stripped her head off its hijab, leaving only a silk cap to cover her hair, and tied the hijab around her waist. It's just about to go down and she won't have her hijab being an obstacle. She's ever ready to trash anyone who degrades Mariya.

The whole family was shocked. Who are these women at all?

" Repeat that and let me hear you, Rasa kunya." Saratu dared. The crazy Saratu is back again.

Bring it on.

The drama is about to begin. What is your review of this chapter? Let me know in the comments pls.

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