
My eighteen

HELLO!! I am Misha ... I'm currently 18 yrs old ... as like everyone I've dreamt many fantasies about getting a boyfriend , dream life ,family ...but what happened in reality .. yeah.. it's as like you imagined, that's what I am gonna tell you guys

Jebina_Williams · Teen
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Hi everyone I'm misha.. I am the twin sister of visha ,she's a friendly and lovely but also has based temper and fights a lot and I'm the daughter of the cute and beautiful parents.

About two years ago

On a fine day , where everyone else was happy , Except the students who were having thier board exams nearing ... but there was the plot twist just about a week before the exam it was announced that board exams will be scheduled later due to the spreading of corona disease.. and it was announced that lockdown will take place all over the world ... some of my friends were happy whereas some of them were not happy .. but I was happy .. and then on all the busy parents were gathered at the same place .. at first it was interesting but later on all were boring .. nothing was interesting on mobile as well as t.v ...and no kc-series as well ... everything was boring ... but while in some days we enjoyed by dancing for workouts ... having funs.. later on after one month for the sake of exam tuitions and schools were conducted as online classes ... after some days investigation days were also informed but again then it postponed and finally it was said that it was cancelled.. I was too happy to core and then some got me feared by telling what will we do if we not get good grades and not get the preferred subject.. and then I left about that thought and carried on by playing e-games and had a lot of enjoyment hearing BTS... to the ones that don't know (it's a famous k.pop band ) then I got bored in that too. but I was not bored while playing games because that's where me and my cousins gather..after a few months lock down has been reduced therefore we can go out.but for going far out of town we should have permits. lightly everything went back normal . and one day results were out . my dad told you might get bad marks cause I'm an average student but thankfully good grades were given to me and my sister got into computer science group and I got bioscience group.. then without writing exam we got into higher secondary +1 , since we are passed in tenth standard without writing board exams .. we were called corona batch😐.

After some days there was no lockdown and we were free to go anywhere , therefore we are told to come to school , I did not attend the first day of school, since both me and my sister was suffering from fever, also we had school just on alternative days . here comes the villain of the school it was none other than my chemistry teacher and my physics teacher. the next day when I went to school I was having punishments . I hated school just because of these teachers. but all other teacher were nice, one month passed by, later due to the sudden increase in spreading of COVID-19. we suddenly had lockdown , at that time we were having mid term exam as well but only two exams were conducted due to lockdown we wrote the exam online and it was so easy for everyone because everyone was copying.

because of the lockdown we went to upper native . everything is fine there except the network issues. one month passed by all we did was nothing but stay at home . after that there was an death at our street , it was already shocking layer the same day another person passed away when attending the funeral. this incident shoked my mom because it seemed like an bad Oman for my mom. hence she send us to my cousin's house , then we stayed there . after two days we planned too return to our home. then this news came. that all 11th STD students are passed and they are passing to the next level 12th STD. I can't believe it since I am at the last year of my schooling.

Again when school reopen I took an leave because of headache. it was alternative days at that time too. when the next day arrived it was a bit terrible situation, because on the leave there will be online classes but since I don't understand,i don't listen to that , if the teacher asked questions i would stand like an nerd, i understood the fact that after the lockdown and after a long leave my education is worse, I was going to my tution but I didn't like that place except the boy I had a crush and my friends , suddenly an exam was. announced but my mark was very very worse even though I went to tution , my birthday came and I was enjoying that and I invited all my tution friends and my best friend at school.I was so happy that day because my crush also came.. but it was just a temporary crush , Later after a gap of three weeks since my marks were so less my mom stopped me from going to tutions and hired home tutions for me and my sister, the teachers were none other than my school teacher ... after that I became so busy but in an one month my marks became average but my most hated tution was chemistry because even though I went tution my marks were still lagging.. but thankfully my maths and physics was good .. sand I started to like my maths and physics teacher too, even though I was afraid of them. exams are nearing I can't believe it's going to my final exam. It is tough for me to wake up early therefore I was told to sleep together with my sister which was as an hassle for me because we fight a lot . I missed my room. oneday when an chemistry test was conducted at tution I got low marks in that test .. the test paper was distributed by the sir , he was angry and my heartbeat was crazy , he even made a call to my mom thankfully she did not attend the call.. but when I continued to write an another test sir told me to distribute the absentees paper in school and get parents signature , and he also told that he'll check the test paper again since it was corrected by another teacher . But fate plays an important role here I brought all other test papers except mine , on that very day my deskmate were absent. I was all alone in the first bench . as like you have imagined I got an handfull of scoldings even he started talking about my parents , and I began to cry silently , nobody was there to comfort me my friends were in the last bench .. then when there was break I was hoping to not cry but when I saw my friends I started crying . then I went to last bench with them .. there came an boy who joked with me Misha why are you crying as of like London bridge is falling down. I started to be normal again .. I haven't told you yet right before joining home tution I was in great state of confusion....

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