
My DxD reincarnation story

A boy kills himself hoping to end his own misery, unknowingly his soul end up in the Dimensional gap. Not the usual dxd system fanfic -No dungeons -No party’s -No multiversal gacha I feel the things I listed take away the fun of the system except the dungeons (I’m just to lazy to right dungeon scenes) so I won’t be adding them

Cupids_Punisher · Anime & Comics
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Devils Domain

I mostly rested Sunday, there's not much to do and everything's closed

Well I could atleast experiment with Telos Karma


"Finally, something I agree with"

"Yeah yeah"

"So how does it work again"

"Put shortly you can decide the effect in cause and effect"

"Right, so uh… what should I do"


"I'll just drop this"

I pull out a pencil from my pocket

"You know that's dangerous right"


I drop the pencil, I could bounce around, it could bounce once then roll, it could even stick right into the carpet

"Yeah, stick into the carpet"

I feel a sudden volt or release from my body but it feels natural and warm(?)


I look down at the now standing pencil



"I told you so, it's cool right"

"Yeah, and I can manipulate anything with this?"

"Well not anything there are limits"

"Like what?"

"As of now you can only manipulate small things, like a pencil dropping, but not full on actions of other, not yet at least"

"Yeah not yet"

"I know that look, the flame of ambition in those eyes"

I let out a small chuckle

"I'm just excited that's all"

"As you should be! But don't go rushing head first into things just because you made a pencil stick into the ground, there are beings out there who can simply think your existence away"

"Wow. That's humbling…"

"It should be, don't go getting yourself killed, I do not wish to see another partner die…"

"You won't, I promise Telka"


"Yup, that's your new name, it's better than just referring you to Telos Karma all the time"

"I-I see, Telka, The all mighty Telka, I like it Hikari"

"I knew you would"

I stretch while letting out a yawn

"Time to get some rest, I'll need all I can get for tomorrow"


"Well see ya tomorrow Telka"

"Yes… see ya.. Hikari


Monday Morning

Oh fuck, why am I so nervous

I'm practically hyperventilating

"Calm down, you're almost ther-"

"And you are?"

Oh shit

I look down to see a bespectacled bob cut

"H-hikari Noyami"

"Oh you must be the new transfer"

"I-I guess so"

I hope I'm playing this off correctly

"Well wait here until the bell and then I can take you to my office and get you settled in"

"Alright… thanks"

For the remainder of the time I stand there awkwardly

Watching all the students walk past and give me questioning looks didn't help either

So I kinda just looked down to avoid eye contact

And I assume Sona take notice of this so she tries her best at what I think is consoling.. for a devil at least


"Are you alright Hikari?"

"Just a little nervous, being a new student and all"

"Well you won't have to worry much longer as the bell-"

And as if right on cue


"Let's go to my office shall we"

She has a pretty smile

"Lead the way"

Student Council office

Right now Sona is flipping through files

Should I use this chance to test my sacred gear on her?

No! What am I thinking

There's devils all around this place, I'm sure they'd notice the rise in my magical energy or whatever they use to sense people's sacred gears

Oh fuck

Can she sense mine?!

Just then Telka spoke to me mentally

"Calm down partner, right now I'm to weak to even be noticed by even the most advanced magical senses"

"Ah! Here it is"

I'm going to be honest I jumped a little

"Sorry I didn't mean to fright you, you're file was just all the way in the back for some reason"

"Ah, is that so"

I awkwardly scratch the back of my head

"Ahem, anyways, Hikari Noyami…"

As she reads my file I decide to risk it

"It says here you're in the same grade as me"

"Uh yeah, I guess so"

"It'll be easier to just put you in the same class as me"


"What's wrong? I can switch it around if you'd like"

"Oh no it's nothing like that, thank you Miss…"

"Oh my where are my manners, Souna Shitori, nice to meet you Hikari Noyami"

I give a slight bow


"Now let's head off to class and get you introduced, some of my friends are also in that class"

Say what now…

"We're here, you wait out there while I settle everyone down"

"Sure thing"

She enters the rather rowdy class and shuts the door

Fuck man what am I going to do

"Just be cool as you humans say, don't draw to much attention to yourself and if it cause for it you may use the Telos Karma"

I would if ALL the high class devils weren't in the fucking class

"Fair point."

All right I just have to chill out, I'm already practicing 2 feet taller than everyone in the school so I shouldn't be self conscious to be honest I look rather intimidating with the black hair and eyes

Then a voice speaks up

"You may come in now"

"Fuck, here we go"

Pretty sure the devils could hear that

I slide the door open and make my way in the classroom

I immediately hear murmurs from the crowd

"He's so hot"

"Another one, god why"

"How tall is he"

Thankfully the teacher hushed them up

"Now now, let this young man introduce himself"

I decide to speak

"Thank you, my name is Hikari Noyami"

"A pleasure to meet you all"


While the class erupts once more I take notice but try not to stare at the red haired individual in the back of the class

"Lets see, since you're new I'll sit you…"

Please, please, please, please

"Next to Miss Gremory, ah Rias, can you raise your hand for our new student please"


I see a hand shoot up before bowing slightly

Making my way over to Rias I sit in the seat right next to her

"Well hello there cutie~"

It seems it's not just Rias either

Oh dear…

Took me a while to grasp how to actually right the way telos karma would work and we can see our mc has a grasp on it aswell it would seem

(I hate Messmer)

Cupids_Punishercreators' thoughts