
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs


The group of adventurers finally decided to go in and explore the dungeon.

Inspite of being anxious, Viru was actually thrilled to witness, what these adventurers were capable of. According to Albus and others, these adventurers didn't have what it took to defeat the entire nature domain.

Viru and the entire group of subordinates who weren't the guardians, were watching the live dungeon show. The group entered the dungeon as the black door with golden imprints paved their way.

The one with the long sword was named Alex, while the archer's name was Ronald. The female swordsman with the rapier was called Laura. The party stepped into the fully-grown grassland of the nature domain.

Entering the dungeon door need not lead you to the same place every time. The spawning place was relatively safer compared to the horrors of the inner forest area.

'Wow, such pretty grasslands!'

Said Ronald with admiration on his face. The grassland was quiet with warm sunlight caressing the skin. It was a vast expanse of open terrain covered with lush green grasses, often interspersed with wildflowers. It embodied a serene and picturesque landscape, offering a sense of tranquility and natural beauty. The nature domain had indeed expanded by leaps and bounds.

As the party was admiring the terrain, Laura sensed movements very near her. She instantly alerted the group making them regroup by taking a defensive stance. A horned rabbit jumped out from the grass meadow and pointed its horn directly at Ronald's face.

Alex jumped in and defended Ronald with his sword. The rabbit's horn hit the wide sword and bounced back. As it was still in the air, Laura slashed with her rapier at it, fatally wounding it. The rabbit fell to the ground.

The teamwork exhibited by the party was decent. Alex, despite having to carry a long sword, was quick on his feet. Laura's reflex was quick as a cat.

Ronald immediately loaded his bow and struck his arrow into a bush that was approximately 70 meters away. The arrow struck another horned rabbit that was hiding in the bush. This proved Ronald's skills as an Archer.

'Hmm not bad.' uttered Karina inside the meeting hall, as she watched Ronald take his shot.

'This dungeon would be a walk in the park if it only had horned rabbits.' said Laura as she put her rapier away.

They extracted the horns from the dead rabbits.

'Let's go deeper then!' urged Ronald as his interest in exploring dungeons took over.

'It seems like they're headed towards the Mystic waters, Virus Sama.' said Zain as interpreted the party's next destination.

'This is going to be fun!' exclaimed Viru as he was too eager to find out what was going to happen next.

The adventurer party was progressing towards the Mystic Waters subdomain. On the road, they encountered a lone dire Wolf. It was rare to see a dire Wolf at that part of the level but these adventures really had some luck.

The wolf noticed them and sprinted toward them at high speed. The party prepared themselves for combat ahead.

It wasn't a strong evolved monster. It was smaller in size and had relatively less strength compared to higher-evolved ones.

The wolf came at Alex who stood as the vanguard. He deflected the claw attack using his long sword and swung it again to strike the wolf down. The wolf backed a step to avoid the hit.


Ronald anticipated this maneuver and struck the wolf in its leg.

The Wolf let out a cry as it started bleeding where the arrow struck. As it stood there slightly hindered from moving, Laura rushed at it with her rapier, before the wolf could react, she plunged her sword into one of the wolf's eyes. Without the tolerance to handle such pain, the wolf went mad and shook its head around. In a few seconds, it steadied itself and dashed towards Alex for a hit. Alex and the Wolf collided with each other. As the unstable Wolf returned to its feet, Ronald struck his second arrow, this time aiming at the other eye.

With both eyes gone, the wolf screamed aloud.

'Alex! Finish it off before it calls out more of its kind.' shouted Laura.

Alex rushed in with his great sword held behind him. As he came into the vicinity, he swung his sword with great force and sliced the head off of the wolf.

The wolf was dead and the adventures managed to defeat another monster.

'Nice! The skin, teeth, and flesh of a dire Wolf will fetch quite some price.' said Ronald as he began calculating their profits.

'Does the skin of that wolf really fetch that much?' Asked Viru, as he had no idea about the product value market in Revara.

'It will indeed fetch a decent price for them, Viru Sama. They are quite close to unlocking their classes but still need more experience. Stronger adventurers won't consider it as something valuable.' explained Luro as he knew how these things worked.

'Ooh, what's the hierarchy of the adventurers and generally everyone?' asked Viru as he wanted to know the classification used in this world.

'Mostly anyone's strength in the realm of Revara is classified by their evolution status. After one unlocks their class they'll have to cross three stages to evolve to the next level. The three stages are


->Intermediate and


And the levels are the major ones. Which proceeds like this,


->Class unlocked




And so on. (Cylia is someone at a much higher level.)

I would say that these three adventurers are Basic level- Intermediate stage adventurers.

They will unlock their classes when they evolve two more stages by gathering experience points and learning specialized techniques.

"We don't even have a single Aeon in our group. We are terribly weak aren't we?"

Questioned Viru.

"I wouldn't say so Viru sama, Most of our elite are already in Class unlocked - Advanced stage. We are indeed very close to having an Aeon in our ranks."

Explained Luro to Viru's concerns.

Viru listened to Luro's explanation in awe. This made him even more enthusiastic to become much stronger.

The team of three stored their loot in a leather bag that was hung across the archer's body. It was a spatial magic bag.

Spatial bags can store more than what they look outside. Due to the spatial magic cast on it, the space inside the bag expanded, enabling adventurers to carry more essential supplies and also collect and store their loot.

Luro actually had something similar with him. The one Luro has now is a ring and looks more sophisticated and expensive. When Luro decided to leave his clan, he carried his belongings and other essential supplies with him. The spatial rings are significantly more expensive than a spatial bag.

Viru looked at Luro's ring enviously.

Luro caught Viru staring at his ring.

'Would you like my Ring? Viru Sama. It would be my greatest joy to give it to you.'

Said Luro as he pointed at his ring.

[Really!!? Yes yes!!] thought Viru in his mind.

'No, it's alright. You should keep it to yourself.' said Viru, suppressing his thoughts as he didn't want to cause discomfort to any of his subordinates. He thought It might be something that Luro cherished from his home.