
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Dungeon Points.

'I can't believe that we actually got an elemental gem as the drop item!'

'It was just a second stage evolved monster.'

All three of them jumped in joy as they overcame an astonishing struggle.

Normally other dungeons would also drop rare items when the rare monsters are defeated. But it was always luck-dependent. An item of this rarity dropping from such a monster was not common. The drop rate was only 15%.

The adventurer team got very lucky thanks to Viru, as he deliberately let them have it.

'They are my first-ever invaders after all'

Was what Viru said when he decided to offer the gemstone to the adventurers.

This was the first and the last time it was going to happen.

Viru instructed Aslan to keep mining the abyss for further stones and elemental gems. These elemental gems will be used as the drop items for evolved monsters in the future. Viru also had to return the gem that he kinda borrowed from Voilus in the first place.

Viru also set the drop rate for this item to be at a probability of 20 percent. Which was agreed upon by Albus as the minimum percentage that can be set. Anymore less would not be acceptable as the monsters were indeed powerful.

For a 3rd stage evolved monster like voilus and a couple of elite under him, the reward drop probability will be higher.

The more powerful a monster was, the probability of the gem dropping would increase. For the top five guards (3rd stage evolved) including Voilus in the Mystic waters, this probability was set at a minimum of 70 percent. This also represents the strength of the top five guards including Voilus as they were atleast three to four times stronger than the ones(2nd stage) fought by Alex, Ronald, and Laura.

Viru also had a basic question for a long time and it was finally time to ask Albus.

'Albus, what do I gain by having dungeon invaders come in? They just take away my resources and kill my monsters.'

'What do I gain from that?'

Asked Viru.

'Letting dungeon invaders enter the dungeon will prove to be a great merit. The time spent by each adventurer according to their endeavors inside the dungeon will help the dungeon master gain a certain amount of dungeon points. These dungeon points are basically the currency that the dungeon master can use around in his dungeon. The possibilities are limitless.'

'For example, using the dungeon points, the dungeon master can permanently grant an ability or a skill to a dungeon Guardian or anyone of his subordinates. He can also make a subordinate evolve by spending enough dungeon points. Customizing the dungeon using these points is also possible.'

Explained Albus about the importance of the dungeon points.

Viru now began to understand the merits and full potential of his dungeon system. His dungeon is not just his own base but also a farming ground for dungeon points.

'Then we should probably think of ideas on how to make more invaders enter the dungeon.'

Said Viru as he wanted to collect more dungeon points.

The three adventures decided to leave their current spot and move further away from the place where they fought the evolved monster.

They decided to exit the Dungeon as they were injured and unable to continue exploring. They cannot withstand another battle for at least another week.

The trio took notes on the outermost area of the nature domain. They recorded the vegetation and herbs that grew around them.

Some valuable medicinal herbs were spread across the forest domain.

If these adventurers spread the news to the other adventurers, many more intruders would most definitely want to visit.

This was what Viru ultimately desired.

The trio were about to step out of the dungeon and find their way back home.

***Dungeon points: +30***

Notification popped in front of Viru.

'So, what can I do with 30 points?'

Questioned Viru as he wasn't sure about the points' worth.

'To give you an approximate worth of the dungeon points,

A 1st stage kroken monster can be evolved into a 2nd stage monster with 30 points.'

Answered albus.

'Oh boy! That's not a lot of points then. I should surely devise a plan to increase my points collection.'

Mentioned Viru in a solemn tone.

'Luro, do you know where these adventurers are from?' asked Viru.

Luro summarized to Viru that these adventurers must belong to the nearby Ironblood Kingdom.

The Ironblood Kingdom has a bulk of humans. The majority of other races lived mainly in the capital city where people are more inclusive. Luro personally has not visited the Ironblood kingdom yet, but he has heard stories about it. These human adventures must definitely belong to the outskirts of the Ironblood Kingdom.

The current ruler is Queen Valeria Ironblood. She is extremely famous in other kingdoms as well for her strength and bravery. Queen Valeria is said to be the strongest in the entire kingdom of Ironblood. She is widely known for her never-yielding spirit.

The entire group of subordinates listened to Luro's explanation in awe. They were forest monsters after all. Any story about a civilized nation obviously piqued their interest.

Viru suggested that he, Luro, and Pyra shall try to enter the kingdom. Viru consulted Luro about his plans.

Luro suggested that they enter the kingdom, identifying themselves as travelers who got robbed in the jungle by some thieves. This would avoid the trouble of bringing up unnecessary questions about documents proving their origin at the security check which is placed at the entrance of the kingdom.

'But what if they indeed ask about our origin at the city entrance?' asked Viru.

'I think the best answer would be my kingdom, Sorcelia. And we can convince the security at the entrance by pretending to be travelers who lost all their belongings to a group of thieves in the forest.'

'It won't be too hard to enter the kingdom since it's just the outskirts.'

Luro suggested.

Luro was born in the kingdom of Sorcelia. Navia, Marve, Karina, and Rosev were also from the same kingdom. But unlike Luro, they weren't from a noble clan.

Sorcelia is a demihuman kingdom that has a decent civil relationship with the Ironblood Kingdom. So using Sorcelia's name would not cause any suspicions.

Luro also suggested that, if they really wanted to enter the kingdom of Ironblood, they better catch up with the adventurer's trio. Because Luro did not know the directions to the kingdom as he had never been there.

'Then, let's hurry!' said Viru as they started to prepare for their encounter with the adventurer's trio.

Viru borrowed a set of clothes that Luro had with him. The current clothes that Viru was wearing would definitely raise questions as to its origin. Pyra reverted herself back to the bird form and landed on Viru's shoulder.

They left the dungeon and rushed to meet up with Alex, Ronald, and Laura.

'Change of plan!'

said Viru as they needed another plan to circumstantially meet up with the adventurers on their way back to the Ironblood kingdom. Viru devised a plan and ordered Pyra to execute it.

On the way back home:

Alex, Ronald, and Laura had a satisfied expression on their faces as they hauled a pretty valuable item and a lot of monster hides and other things.

They carefully maneuvered through the forest to not attract any other monster's attention. They decided to camp and start a fire for the night at an open and safe enough place. Laura grilled the meat as the trio sat around the fire to chat. They cleaned their wounds and redressed them to avoid infection.

During their peaceful conversation, a rustling noise was heard suddenly from a distance. The panicked group immediately searched for their weapons and armor to prepare themselves for the incoming danger. Alex grabbed his long sword picked up Laura's Rapier and threw it to her. Ronald did a quick check on how many arrows he had. The three of them stood near the fire covering each other's back.

A group of dire wolves started to emerge from the nearby bushes. The group concluded that these wolves somehow caught wind of the grilling meat but it was highly unlikely too. The three of them trembled in front of the wolf pack. They could have easily defended themselves from a couple of wolves. But this situation was rather extreme. Given their exhaustion and wounds from the previous battle with the monsters, the trio was absolutely at a disadvantage. The Wolves being the most agile, reduced their odds of escaping the situation.

Alex picked up the burning firewood and swung it across the wolves to scare them off.