
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs

58. First batch of Intruders

The early morning light bathed the Bluemond Barony, signaling the adventurers' team to gather before the main gate for their departure to the newly discovered dungeon. Each member had diligently packed their backpacks, ensuring they were well-prepared for the upcoming adventure. Weapons and armor were meticulously repaired and upgraded to a level befitting the challenges that awaited them.

Having secured a favorable price for the sapphire elemental gemstone from their prior dungeon exploration, Alex, Laura, and Ronald prepared for the new adventure. Laura, now unlocking the Rapier Swordsman class, exuded newfound confidence among the trio. Her upgraded skills and improved vision promised a more successful exploration this time around.