
My Dungeon is also a General Store: Conquer, Create and Conquer Again

[ Ding! You've acquired the Universal Dungeon System! ] "Okay." [ Congratulations, you're now able to hijack dungeons, purchase and also build new ones too! ] "Eh, okay." [ You have acquired 100,000 Dungeon Points. You can claim daily rewards for even more. ] "Sure." [ Ding! Your dungeon can now access the General Store function! ] [ Ding! You have acquired a dragonʼs egg! ] [ Ding! You have summoned two progressive servants! ] [ Ding! You have just installed an Enchanter's Forge in your dungeon, would you like to hire utility monsters to manage it? ] Elden Online, the most popular VRMMORPG on the web. They were hosting a one-time event known as the Double-Tier Leveling Event, and the entire platform wanted to partake in this. As the players eagerly waited for the event to begin, a celestial comet collided with the neural net of HyperTech Industries, the brilliant minds behind this game. This cosmic encounter changed reality as a whole - the souls of the players were transported from the real world to the game world, which had now become a tangible reality. Death was real, and the possibility of a "restart" button was foolish. However, Shin, a nonchalant player at level 9, acquired a new class - Dominator, the gameʼs strongest class. As a result, he gained a system, granting him the power to conquer dungeons and shape them to his will. Thus, he became a Dungeon Lord. And soon after would come to be known as the Shopkeeper. Some wondered why he had such a name, but it was easy... His dungeon was also a general store. Within its walls, Shin sold - skills, magical artifacts, scrolls, magic stones, crystals... It was a death game, however, he wasn't the least bit bothered... --- Other tags, #Beasttaming #Dark #Gore #Forging #Dungeon-building #Level-up #Summons #Villain #Lordship #LitRPG #No-Harem

ElderTurtle · Games
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22 Chs

Dungeon Building.

[ First, will be the dungeon assessment test. ]

"Oh? A test," Shin lifted an eyebrow. "Go on."

[ You have been granted a five-day protection period. ]

[ During the five-day protection period, you will be protected by an Anachronistic Nexus Veil. This period is designated for the preparation of your dungeon assessment test. The dungeon will be inaccessible to players as it is still under construction. This allows you, as the Dungeon Lord, to make upgrades and modifications without external interference. ]

"That's pretty helpful..."

In Elden Online, dungeons functioned in a unique way. The game masters (GMs) designed them so that during the construction phase for main story dungeons, expansion pack dungeons, or daily dungeon events, they were inaccessible to players. This was achieved by making the dungeons undetected by the game's system. Consequently, when the protection barrier concealing the dungeon disappeared, the game system would promptly notify players in the respective region.

[ You can utilize DP (Dungeon Points) during this time to expedite construction, unlock special features, or enhance the dungeon's defenses. ]

Shin shrugged, "That part was pretty obvious already."

Giving another observational eye around the spacious interior, he looked back at the blue screen.

"So, what's next? Blueprints?" he suggested.

[ Yes, Blueprint and Room Design. With land secured, you can open the build menu and select the option to create a blueprint for his dungeon. ]

"Let's proceed then."

[ The following options have been presented to you, make your selection. ]

[ It is advisable to select the one you believe would be the best to handle, as an unpopular dungeon suffers the chances of being forgotten. And if that be the case, your title as a Dungeon Lord will ultimately be terminated. ]

[ Option 1: Fantasy Kingdom. ] 2,000 DP

[ Option 2: Cyberpunk City. ] 2,300 DP

[ Option 3: Ancient Mythology. ] 2,100 DP

[ Option 4: Post-apocalyptic Survival. ] 1,200 DP

[ Option 5: Ancient Egyptian Oasis. ] 1,800 DP

Shin only took a few moments to think, his hand rubbed his chin while his eyes fixed on the astronomically far ceiling.

'If my dungeon isn't popular, I'll lose my title, and likely the power as well. Well, the best option ultimately depends on the target audience and market trends. However, the Fantasy Kingdom theme holds the most potential due to its wide appeal, diverse gameplay options, and strong player base.'

He stopped thinking and focused back on the blue screen.


Then, he selected «Fantasy Kingdom».

Another spatial rumbling shook the dungeon, causing a transformation.

The once empty and plain dungeon now became a network of twisting tunnels and corridors. The air turned damp and cool, carrying the scent of earth and minerals. Flickering torches provided dim lighting, revealing remnants of mining equipment such as rusted picks, hammers, and abandoned mine carts on the walls. The sound of dripping water and echoes sounded in the newly formed dungeon.

[ Your current DP is 125,250. ]

"Looking good so far... Could you give me a blueprint or something?"

A holographic blueprint projector materialized before him, providing a three-dimensional representation of the dungeon's layout. Using an intuitive interface, he began observe the dungeon.

[ Status: Newly Built Dungeon ]

[ Theme: Fantasy Kingdom ]

[ Current Number of Floors: 1 ]

[ Dimensions: The entire megastructure dungeon measures approximately 2000 feet in diameter. ]

"Woah," said Shin in an unaltered tone. "That's more than 6 acres of land."

[ Floor Layout: A roughly circular shape, with the main chamber located at the center. The main chamber connects to multiple corridors and tunnels. ]

[ Floor Tunnels: The tunnels can be designed to be interconnected in a non-linear layout, offering branching paths and potential shortcuts. The number of tunnels is currently 6. ]

[ Floor Corridors: The corridors vary in size and shape, depending on the spatial lags provided to allow for a bigger dungeon experience. For now, there are currently 10 corridors. ]

[ Main Chamber:

- Shape: Circular

- Diameter: 500 feet

- Height: 100 feet

- Location: Center of the floor plan

- Features: Towers above other chambers, with towering pillars reaching up to the ceilings. ]

[ Corridors:

- Dimensions: Approximately 15 feet wide and 10 feet tall.

- Locations: Connected to the main chamber and branching off to various points throughout the dungeon.

- Features: Dimly lit, with occasional torches lining the walls. In the future, it should contain traps and/or secret passages. ]

[ Tunnels:

- Dimensions: Approximately 20 feet wide and 15 feet tall.

- Locations: Interconnecting various levels and sections within the dungeon. It should potentially lead to other floors or related dungeons.

- Features: Various levels of lighting, from dimly lit to pitch black. Some tunnels should have natural formations, such as underground lakes or lava flows. Secret chambers or hidden treasures should be found here. It may as well contain hidden alcoves. ]

"Okay," Shin nodded once. "So now I have to place rooms right?"

[ Affirmative. ]

Shin strategically placed major rooms throughout the dungeon, acting as focal points for players. One room, twice the size of the others, would house the 1st floor boss. Each room cost 150 DP, except for the boss chamber which cost 300 DP. Shin also purchased additional rooms he called "Utility Rooms" which would be purposed for mining, planting, forging and breeding purposes, inaccessible to players. The remaining rooms would serve as treasure vaults, puzzle rooms, and monster-spawning areas.

By the end of it all, Shin had spent,

    - Barrier Boss Room: 300 DP + 100 DP (For being a BBR) = 400 DP

    - Treasure Vault Room: 150 DP

    - Utility Rooms: 750 DP

    - Monster-spawning Rooms: 1,500 DP

    - Total Expenditure: 2,800 DP

"I might need to add some extra rooms, but not for now at least..."

[ Your current DP is 122,450 DP. ]

The rooms may have had a purpose for which they were purchased. But, that was only in Shinʼs mind. In reality, he'd have to attribute these rooms with characteristics of their own. For now they remained— plain.

[ Next, you are required t— ]

Cutting the voice short, Shin spoke. "Map out the corridors and tunnels if I'm not mistaken..."

[ Affirmative. ]

Shin altered the corridors to connect the major rooms in the dungeon. These pathways offered players a chance to encounter challenges and explore, adding a sense of intrigue. He made some tunnels narrow and dark, with branching paths leading to puzzles, potential traps, and hidden chambers. Shin also included collapsed sections, forcing players to find alternative routes. He didn't have a set structure for mapping the corridors and tunnels; instead, he planned to observe the actions of a few individuals exploring it and adjust the mapping system accordingly, making the dungeon more challenging.


He stretched his arms and out wide and then placed them on his waist.

"That looks good for starters."

His emotionless crystal blue eyes never left the holographic three-dimensional display of the dungeon before him.

[ You may now set traps and environmental hazards and to further help fortify your dungeon. ]

"Can we hold up on that for now...?"

[ If you wish to. You are the one in control. ]

Shin chose to pause his progress because he realized it was impossible to complete everything in one sitting. Instead, he decided that a five-day protection period would suffice given the progress he'd already made. Recognizing that the Universal Dungeon System had more to offer, he desired to explore all its features in case there was anything that could impact his choices.

Therefore, he concluded that acquiring comprehensive knowledge and understanding would enable him to optimize his options.

For now, he already had already covered almost two aspects of dungeon building,

The first being Land Acquisition and the second being Blueprint and Room Design.





In the deserted depths of the one-floor dungeon, Shin wandered aimlessly.

The sound of his footsteps bounced off the walls; echoing.

Proof of how empty it was.

Every now and then, he would venture down a corridor, and notice something— these seemingly straightforward paths stretched out before him, elongated by the intermittent spatial lags that plagued this peculiar dungeon.

It was as if the very fabric of reality toyed with his perception, making every step feel never-ending.

Casually placing his hands behind his neck, he looked at the ceiling.

"So, you said something about me unlocking a Dungeon Lord Talent... you mind explaining?"

The feminine yet mechanical voice spoke.

[ Yes, you have indeed obtained a Talent. One of Mythical-grade caliber. ]

In Elden Online, the ranking system was the simple, traditional one: Common (C), Uncommon (U), Rare (R), Epic (E), Legendary (L), Grandmaster (G) and Mythical (M).

Some excitement should have coursed through his veins. After all, he'd just unlocked the highest talent grade achievable, anyone who heard such a news would be bouncing off the walls already.

And yet, Shin remained composed. "Tell me more," he urged.

The robotic tone of the voice accentuated its response.

[ Your newfound talent has materialized in the form of a Versatile Artifact. ]

Elden Online boasted an assortment of weapon-types, from elegant one-handed swords to tomes and magic orbs, the Versatile Artifact stood apart as an entity that defied traditional classification. It possessed weapon-like properties, earning its name and place among the weaponry of the game.

But that wasn't all.

The voice continued.

[ You have acquired the "King's Codex", a Mythical-grade item. ]

"What does it do?" Shin asked, his eyes straight ahead.

[ The item, "King's Codex", is the key that unlocks your talent, a treasure trove known as the 『Gilded Treasury: The Monarch's Cache』. It is a pocket-dimension that houses a number of rare items, as well as being a divine armory. ]

"I see," Shin murmured.

[ Would you like to access this talent? ]

It only took a few seconds for Shin to consider its question.

"Well, given I have noth—"

He paused abruptly.

Something at the corner of his right eye caught his attention.

He noticed a large object.

It was a bronze frame carved to look like three dragons at each otherʼs tail.

It was in one of the dungeonʼs chambers.


Intrigued, he entered the room to examine it closely. The hollow bronze frame was visually stunning, although Shin didn't outwardly express his admiration.

Suddenly, a translucent blue screen materialized, revealing the object's name.

[ Welcome to the Summoning Gate. ]

A Common-grade item had come into view.