
My Dummy System: Limitless Growth

... A two-red sun hung up in the sky. In the distance, a mountain that could easily reach the high sky could be seen. The mountain looks normal in the far distance, however, if someone got near to it, they would be traumatized by the thing they would see. The mountain was covered with flesh and separated limbs of all beings and its river was dyed with crimson red blood. The thousands of severed heads could be seen on the ground like a cabbage in the market. However, surprisingly in the mids of the apocalyptic scene. on top of the mountain, a seemingly ordinary person looked at the corpses indifferently. He was wearing clothes similar to a farmer's and his two hands were occupied with farming tools. The seemingly ordinary human stared at the severed head in front of him and said in a low voice. "I already told you. Don't have a malicious thought about my plants." ... .. .

DummyOfPast · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

A Mission.


In an instant, a whole day passed by and the 3 day worth of food eventually expires.

Ekhael slowly opened his eyes, completely waking up from sleep as the sounds of notifications rang inside his head simultaneously. Stretching his stiff muscle, Ekhael began to read the notification that appeared.

"It's been a total of 3 days since i woke up in this place." Ekhael mumbles in a slight excited tone as he could already start trading his goods as he begins reading the notification.


[ The 3 - day worth of foods expired... the real start of struggle began. ]


[ New Quest issued...

1st Mission - Kill as much beast as possible! The higher the points, The higher the rewards!

2nd Mission - Increase the cultivation of the host, the higher and solid the foundation is the better!

Note: Rewards are based on Rankings!

End of Mission: 3 days, 23 hours, and 58 minutes. ]

Upon reading, Ekhael couldn't help but to feel surprised. Based on what he read and what he understands, the 3 days he spends here is just to get settled down?

It's no wonder i didn't notice many beasts after staying here for a couple of days. The only time i saw one was when I went outside the protection area.

Sighing inwardly upon realizing that his life will only become harder onwards, Ekhael shifted his gaze towards the mission below.

Since we are done settling down, the Upper World Will decided to offer a mission?


Unfortunately, the 1st mission is a big no - no. Even though he was quite tempted by the rewards Ekhael will not risk his life just to kill beasts for rewards!

"Killing one beast or two is manageable, but since it's based on ranking... To get an reward, people would probably spend most of their time killing beasts to enter the ranking... the risk they will take is quite huge... And the death..."

Ekhael shook his head as he promised himself that he would never go outside the protection area if he was not strong enough or if it was not really needed.

It might look like he was a coward but in Ekhael's opinion even if he was a coward so what? Life is more important than his dignity.

Shifting his attention toward the second mission, Ekhael suddenly felt excitement and anticipation.

"Isn't this the thing I've been doing in the past few days?"

Increasing the cultivation while having a solid foundation!

Although Ekhael was not clear about the meaning of foundation in cultivation here in the Upper World. Based on the meaning of foundation where he came from and from the bits of information he gets from the World chat, system, and the Cultivation technique he gets.

The meaning of Foundation in cultivation is quite similar to a tall building... And the tall building here is the body of the cultivators.

No matter how beautiful, tall, and grand a building is, it will still crumble in the face of disaster if its foundation is not stable, strong and solid!

That is why a solid foundation is a must!

Similarly on how Ekhael tempered his body and strengthened his martial capabilities in the past few days.


Feeling the building confidence inside himself. Ekhael smiled as he could already see that he would gain a sizable reward from the system.

Even though he was not confident entering the top 100, entering the top thousand is not that impossible. (There are more than Ten Billion of people from Earth alone, Entering the top thousands is already impressive in Ekhael eyes!)

As for where his confidence came from. Ekhael shifted his gaze and stared towards the ordinary wooden dummy in the distance.

Its effect could never stop surprising Ekhael.

Smiling slightly, Ekhael summoned his character panel to see his progress yesterday.


[ Name: Ekhael Lorica

Lord Talent: Dummy of Growth (Rare +1)

Buff: (Buffed of the weak! ( 3 days, 23 hours, and 55 minutes left before the buff banished! ) ).

Cultivation Stage: 2nd Body Reinforcement realm ( 13.2/43 EXP ).

Lords Manor: Bronze - Mid grade.

Skills: Heavenly Planter (Epic), Enhanced Spirit(Uncommon).

(World Chat!) (Shop (Already Unlock!) ) (Inventory!) (Inbox) (Mission!) ]

"Hehehe, I already filled 1/4th of my Exp bar. I will probably advance tomorrow if I manage to upgrade my Lord Manor today."

Ekhael excitedly thought as he began to move towards his farm. He could already see the upgraded Manor in his mind.

As Ekhael was busy harvesting the fruit of his labor. All beings that were transferred here by the Upper World Will similarly receive the same mission from the system.

Upon seeing those missions...

Chaos instantly spread among them.

Sure enough the World Chat in the system is not spared as countless opinions were voiced out. Many were anxious, many were excited and many think that this is an opportunity that could make them stand out among the rest.

However one thing is for sure, many beings with ambition would die.


