
The Horrific Dream

As I walked into the house with my mom, I couldn't wait to share my exciting news with my family. "Hey Luke, how're you?" I asked, dropping my bag on the floor. Luke looked up from his phone, "Oh, Daisy, how was school?" I grinned, "Awesome! And guess what? We're going on an excursion in two days, and before that, we're having a poll."

My brothers, Luke and Paul, were shocked when I mentioned the Gozarc Cave as my preferred destination. My mom tried to warn me, "Daisy, your father is not around, he went on a business trip." But I was determined to convince my classmates to vote for the cave.

As I lay in bed that night, I fell asleep, only to find myself in a horrific dream. I was standing in a dark, eerie place, surrounded by voices I couldn't understand. My classmates and teacher faded away, leaving me alone and scared. The voices grew louder, causing my head to ache. I screamed and screamed until I woke up, sweating profusely.

But the nightmare didn't end there. As I looked at my alarm clock, it transformed into a demon face, with four eyes and three horns. The room filled with a pool of blood and human skulls. I was paralyzed with fear, unable to move or speak.

Just as suddenly, everything returned to normal. The clock went back to its usual form, and the room was quiet once again. I let out a sigh of relief, realizing it was just a dream. But the memory of that dream lingered, leaving me shaken and uneasy.

As I got ready for school, my mom noticed something was wrong. "Daisy, what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself." I tried to brush it off, "Nothing, mum. Let's just get going." But deep down, I knew that dream had left a mark on me. And I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching me, waiting for its next move.

With a sense of trepidation, I headed to school, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Little did I know, my dream was just a warning of what was to come.

As I sat in class, I couldn't concentrate on the lesson. My mind kept wandering back to the dream, and the eerie feeling it left me with. I knew I had to shake it off, but I couldn't.

When the poll was announced, I knew I had to convince my classmates to vote for the Gozarc Cave. But as I stood up to make my speech, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. It was as if something was watching me, waiting for me to make my move.

I took a deep breath and began my speech, trying to push the feeling aside. But as I spoke, the room began to darken, and the voices from my dream came back, whispering in my ear. I tried to ignore them, but they only grew louder, until I couldn't hear myself think.

Suddenly, everything went black, and I felt myself falling. When I came to, I was back in my bed, my mom shaking me awake. "Daisy, wake up, you're going to be late for school."

I sat up, my heart racing, and my mind reeling. What was happening to me? Was I losing my mind? I knew I had to get a grip on myself, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching me, waiting for its next move.