
My Dreamhotel, but in a magical world?

Stoped for now A women with a little health knowledge and Hotel knowledge gets reincarnated in a magical world. As a abandend Girl because she "dosn't" have magical Powers. But she has a (non-comunication) system but not just for the Hotel. She is in a Orhanage but the Couple that run the Orhange don't like children and they sell them at age 16. So she works hard and gets a Job before it's to late. With the Money she gets to stay till 18 or she has a stable income, then she can leave on her own. And she opens the Hotel of her Dreams were Technik and Magic meet. And the Staff is the best of the best, everyone has a Chance from halflings to demons. But you have to be nice and fast or your Out. And the Events are one of a Kind! They even have conferences for all Kinds of Things. Years later the Original Family comes to the Hotel and want OP back in the Family. //You can give ideas If you want // English is my second language//

Vanessa_Shadow · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

Fishtrap and freeday

After i leave my bag, i still got followed by the Squirrels. So i sneak into the Backyard to the bushes, behind the Appletree and i put the Squirrels before them. They run in the bushes but the Black Squirrel dosn't get down from me. After a few minutes i gave up. The Squirrel hangs to my Clothes at my Back, so i can't get it. I go in the Orhanage and Sitter Lära and her Husband William greet me. William:" It's a bit late, don't you think?" I turn to them.

{Schei.. Scheibenkleister} "I was hiking."

The Squirrel climbs from my back to the Belly so it dosn't get seen. As i get my night gown from the bedroom, the black Squirrel leaps of my Belly and runs to my bed. After i return, it already was asleep. {Tomorrow, i don't have work, but i don't want to be here.} I got into bed.{System make an Alarm for 6 am}

The next day

I woke up with the Sounds of Bells ringing at the ocean.

[ Good Morning, Host. Task 2: time left 24 hours.]

I make myself ready and i take the Black Squirrel with me. I go to the bushes and the other Squirrels come out. I walk to Trasmatia for the Backpack. Eli greets me and i had breakfast with them. I walk to the Forrest and repeat the Tasks. {It's better if i do that every day, maybe i can get my stamina up.} I fill my Backpack with Rocks. {system make me a Route for 5 km.}

[Route is generated]

On my way i find nuts, seeds and wild Weed.

I crack the nuts and put it in my Pocket. After maybe half an hour i see a River. {Should i follow it? Maybe upstream.} I follow it upstream, the walk isn't so tiresome, because the area by the ocean is mostly flat. On the way i find Animal Footprints. The Footprints are almost normal but the sizes are different.

In the River are some fish, so i build a Trap for them. I put my backpack down and beginn to dig a small kanal. The ground isn't so hard, so that is good.

At the end i dig a bit more down.

But the water shouldn't flow in the hole. After i was finished, i continued Walking. I walked for an hour before I started to walk back.

[ Pocket Space→unlocked

Task: - carry 5 kg per day (2/2 days)✓

- lift 10 kg 20 Times ✓

- walk with 10kg for 20 km✓

=Price: small Inventory+ 4 Strength+ 3 HP + 2 Stamina]


Name: Loreley --(Age:14)_(Race: human)

(Birthday: 29.09---

(Day:03.09.3761 (King Salafencia the 3.)


LV.2 32/90

HP: 36-39 Str: 7-11 Agi: 7 MP:9

Int: 9 Sh:5 dext: 5 Sta: 12-14

((Average: HP:40 Sh:8 Rest 10 at age 17))


≈Platin:0/Gold:0/Silver:0/Cooper: 2≈

Tasks 1 25% shop x



skills: 7

>Magic Skills:

- Standard heal lv.1/10 (MP 2)

- Heal Area (small) lv. 1/10 (MP 5)

- minor plant regenaration lv.2/10 (MP 3)

- small light lv.2/10 ( 3MP)(5 sec.)

> Life Skills:

- Standard cooking lv.6/10

- climing lv. 5/10

- mental arithmetic lv. 2/10 (math+/-)


"Good" i say out loud.

{It's getting colder, so i need Clothes but i only have old ones. They are to big or have holes.}

I checked the Trap but nothing is in it. It only had been here for an hour. I walk to the docks, i can make Money if people are in the Ships. It has more to do with luck. I tie my blue Band around my waist, it's a bit warmer.

Axto:" Loreley, hey. I didn't know you had pets."

Loreley:" Hello Axto, No they just follow me. They are and aren't my pets. But don't tell William or Lära that. I want to keep them."

Axto:" Sure, No Problem. You got no Work today? Or why are you Here." We started to walk to a bar. As we open the Door, i See that all the workers are here that work at the Docks.