
My Dreamhotel, but in a magical world?

Stoped for now A women with a little health knowledge and Hotel knowledge gets reincarnated in a magical world. As a abandend Girl because she "dosn't" have magical Powers. But she has a (non-comunication) system but not just for the Hotel. She is in a Orhanage but the Couple that run the Orhange don't like children and they sell them at age 16. So she works hard and gets a Job before it's to late. With the Money she gets to stay till 18 or she has a stable income, then she can leave on her own. And she opens the Hotel of her Dreams were Technik and Magic meet. And the Staff is the best of the best, everyone has a Chance from halflings to demons. But you have to be nice and fast or your Out. And the Events are one of a Kind! They even have conferences for all Kinds of Things. Years later the Original Family comes to the Hotel and want OP back in the Family. //You can give ideas If you want // English is my second language//

Vanessa_Shadow · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

2 New life

{OK keep calm, maby it is a dream?} I pinch myself and "au". No not a dream {but reinarnation only is for Heros or realy good people,No?} I sit up and look around. Im in a small bedroom with 4 loftbeds so a room for 8? And they are wierd glowing Stones. {Thank good it is night, mayby i can look around?} Im in a bottem bed, i stand up and i notice im realy weak like i haven't eaten anything. I go to one of the desks with name is on it. {What is my Name?} The purple translusend Screen pops up again.

(Name: Loreley---(Age:14--(Race: human

(Birthday: 29.09---

(Day:18.07.3761 era King Salafencia the 3.)


HP: 32 Str: 9

Agi: 7 MP:2

Int: 9 Sh:4

((Average: HP:40 Sh:8 Rest 10 at age 17))


skills: 3

- writing/ Reading lv.2/10 ( won't Show at

lv.10 Average)

- Standard cooking lv.6/10

- minor heal lv.1/10 Cost MP 2


... wow im weak. OK Fist what is minor heal?


- minor heal lv.1/10 will heal small Cuts or will make old bruises(3 days) disappear.


{... it is Something. Almost forgot my Name is now Loreley hmm, not Bad.}

i go top the dask with the name Loreley and Sisilia. {There are Books maby i can read them? }

i grab a Red Book named Land Hora but before i can read i hear steps so i lay the Book down and Go back to bed.

Next morning

Loreley wakes up at ca. 6 o'clock in the morning. The Other Girls are already changing. A Girl is coming to Loreley her Name is Sisilia. Sesilia:"Good morning Lory, why are you still in bed? We must Clean the House and make food. And you have the Job to buy our rations for next Week or did you forgot?"

{what?} Loreley:" o... ohh i i didn't sleep so good.... Where should i go again?"

Sisilia:" to Sitter Lära she is in the living room so Change now." Sisilia lefts. Loreley gets up and goes to the Closets. She Changes her clothing and follows the other Girls in the bathroom. It dosen't look hygienic, it even has broken Tiles. Then she goes to the living room with 2 old cotten Sofas and a Table.

Sitter Lära: "Morning Loreley, you are late. We should Go now or we dont come back before breakfast." Sitter Lära gets up and goes to the Front door. Loreley walks behind her and puts on her shoes. Sitter Lära walks into the streets of Giafta, because the Orhanage is at the Edge of the small town. We go to the Center, where the Shops are. Loreley is still confused where she is but 'her' memories tells her she is in Giafta.