
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Surprises Don't seem to end

The surprise brought by Bodhi's awakening slowly calmed down and I was told by Bodhi that she was still like a newborn and truly powerful pokemon can defeat her at the moment. The only thing she had was the monstrous strength, psychic, and aura control but didn't have any knowledge of how to use her cosmic and fairy powers properly yet. Those perks themselves were quite amazing but I knew that being complacent could bring my downfall and being a show-off at the beginning itself won't help things. I didn't like it in all those novels where the main character overly-emphasized being low key and then blow things up to get into trouble. So I decided I won't be the low key guy, but I won't be a pompous show-off kinda person either, just some genius, not so rare, but still uncommon.

I did some deep breathing to properly calm down and started observing the changes within me and the other members of my team. Pichu had grown a few centimeters and his cheek pouches were now a very deep shade of red. I could feel that the Pichu now packed quite a punch in his tiny body. The changes in Growlith's physique were very remarkable, with the most observable change being the size, now standing at a height of about 1.4 meters, he stood in front of me, face to face, stared at me and then very grandly tackled me down to lie flat and gave me one of the biggest drool facials. While he was licking me I found that his eyes had changed in color from the previous black to blue, just like the blue sky, and his fur had blue linings along with the bluish-green stripes which became more prominent compared to before. I asked him to punch the air and a compressed air punch originated from it. I could also feel his aura running wildly inside him, not a dangerous kind of wildly, but like a free-spirited horse enjoying its freedom.

Having calmed down I suddenly remembered that I had unlocked my aura and it was in ample amounts in my body. I could easily control it inside my body by bringing it outside to do something was not possible yet, not that I had any complaints about that. I had the power to bring in things from the earth and had the urge to try it straight away, I tried imagining a cup of mango-milkshake and voila!, I had one in my hand. Before I could taste it something made it disappear from my hands and I say Bodhi gulping it down like no tomorrow. She siphoned every bit of the drink from the cup and looked at me in anticipation.

I received critical damage from the puppy-dog eyes attack from Bodhi.

Seeing her looks I couldn't bring myself to scold her and just released a good amount of sugarcane from the store. She began eating with joy and I went back to my trial of aura exchange. I then brought a lot of fruits, veggies, and plants from the earth, namely mangoes, watermelons, Strawberrys, Dragon fruit, Guavas, Oranges, Tangerines, Peaches, Plums, Banana, Melons, Jackfruits, sweet potatoes, fig-trees, banyan trees, willow trees, sunflower plants, Midnight glory and many more. The farm-level shot up to 75, which amazed me. I didn't care much as an increase in level meant a good thing for me. An increase in level brought an increase in available land in the space and an increase in controllable land outside space.

The next thing I tried was the technological library which had been dormant since my rebirth. I tried moving to the library and happily discovered that the library had opened. However, as soon as I entered the library, I received a notification

"Host will undergo brain stimulation. Entering sleep state"

And I blanked out.

I woke up I didn't know how much time later and immediately teleported to the house. The sun was setting and no one was in the house. I checked the clocked and was relieved to see that the day hadn't changed, otherwise it would have been a hassle to explain to mom.

I moved back to the library and checked out the contents available in the library. I was impressed to observe technologies not only for my previous world but also for the pokemon world. I found technologies to make different kinds of pokeballs pertaining to different effects. Moreover, I was also amazed by the different studies available for pokemon growth, improvement, breeding, and evolution. Also, the books for practicing aura and psychic along with detailed research on them were available in the library. Thus, I obtained a path to become OP quickly and was quite jovial about it.

I moved back to the farm to see Bodhi sitting triumphantly under a Banyan tree as if she won a battle against the pile of sugarcane and had massacred the enemy troops. The Banyan tree had grown to an impressive size and had quite a large span. Banyan trees were known as trees under which Goddess of Wisdom often comes for a visit and was thus quite popular amongst ancient scholars in South Asia. I could feel my psychic energy and aura accumulating some from the outside which was oozing from the tree. This was the sole reason I had planted that tree.

I started to relax again, lying under the tree, waiting for mom to come back home and have dinner, I found a notification for a message in the farm activity log. I opened the message and was delighted to see the contents.

"Mr Ash Ketchum


I am the Manager under which the reaper who handled your case works.

Firstly, I apologize for not explaining properly the conditions of your arrival in the pokemon world and secondly I wanna tell you about the reparations for your loss.

For your conditions, your gifts should activate at the very moment you arrive, but your case was different. Both the technological system and aura had to be blocked as their requirements from the human body are high and your 3-year-old body would definitely have burst up and died due to the load. However, the reaper didn't tell you the details and even made the condition that you could only exchange goods by using aura, which was quite unfair, as per the head manager of the soul collection department. Thus, the purpose of the burst of energies from Bodhi was to compensate for the practice time you lost which should have been told to you. I believe you'll be content with the amount of aura you now have as it is the maximum amount of aura a human of your age can contain. However, we cannot meddle with your body a lot, so you'll have to work on the control yourself. I hope you don't mind. To compensate for this, the nature of your aura will make it easy for pokemon to approach and befriend you. This won't work with angry pokemon though. We cannot have you become overpowered by befriending every pokemon and making them come under you.

Now, since you couldn't use aura for interdimensional exchange and had that ability locked up for 3 years, compensation was decided to be given and you can exchange a number of things without the use of aura. Keep in mind that there is a limit to exchange and what you exchange will utilize a certain portion of the exchange value depending on its value. You would be able to feel whether you can exchange the desired thing or not. The amount of exchange value is quite big so use it wisely. Please don't try to exchange things like Nuclear Bombs or WMDs or land of a certain country or something. Keeping in mind that your requests prior to your rebirth were quite sensible, I hope you practice restraint.

Hope you have a good and happy life.


Sub-Department of Scholar souls

Reaper Department"

Happy with the cooperative behavior of the manager, I planned to fully utilize the exchange system I had wrested from the Reaper. My wish was to exchange the things I "knew" on Earth and not what "existed" on Earth. So I could conjure up things from those fancy anime or novel worlds as well, meaning that this wish, by replacing a single word, had become OP. The condition for aura exchange does put up quite a limit but still, it's an OP skill. Now that I had the conditions to exchange quite a bit of them I was quite excited.

My first thought was to get a very OP bug, the Senzu beans from Dragon Ball. I exchanged a bean and felt that quite a hefty amount of my exchange value was gone. As soon as the Senzu bean was released, the farm leveled up and went to level 105, awarding me quite a lot of different things in the process. I expanded the land and planted the Senzu bean in it and commanded the space that the increased area will be solely for the purpose of growing Senzu beans. They had quite a long maturity time-1 month and produce was about 20 beans from 1 plant. Still, it wasn't bad as any flaw the bean had, if any, had been removed by the farm.

Now that I had a supply of Senzu beans, I decided on a gamble, which if worked, would further increase my strength. I tried to exchange a skill book, like the skill books in various video games and novels, and not just any skill book, I tried for multi-shadow clone justu, the signature jutsu of Naruto. I was able to get one and first decided to check if I can copy t with the synthesizer or not. Keeping the skill book in the synthesizer I pressed the button for duplicate and it displayed the requirement for an empty notebook. I immediately fished a notebook from my room and put it in the synthesizer. The timer displayed 5 minutes of countdown and I started praying that my gamble would succeed. The 5 minutes which felt very long, got over and I picked up the original skill book and a panel popped up asking me to learn the skill. I selected yes and the book merged with me. Nervously I made the hand seal imprinted on my mind and plop!

A perfectly copied me stood next to me. My aura had drained quite a bit and I realized that I can make about 5 clones with my current aura.

Although I thought of getting jutsu skill books, I postponed it for the time being and focused on an entirely different thing for my pokemon. I had read a novel about something called a legacy crystal, which contained the memories of the one giving the legacy and the seed of their power. While I didn't understand those legacies in the novel I planned to utilize the legacy crystals to get legacies that I thought were good for my pokemon, I tried getting a legacy crystal of Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail and it didn't take much exchange value as well, the reason being, its a weak thing in itself and potential isn't a measure of the exchange value. I tried to copy that again on the synthesizer and the raw material it required was a single crystal. I put in a glass crystal and a copy was generated. Giddy with happiness I immediately exchanged legacies of every character I felt was strong. I also exchanged legacy crystals of characters from Kaze no Stigma, a not so popular but good anime I watched. I tried using a legacy crystal for myself and it didn't work. I got the farm notification stating that legacy crystals are energy sources for the pokemon only. Not feeling too much worry about it, I then exchanged a skill upgrade scroll, copying the idea from a different novel. I exchanged one and successfully copied it from the synthesizer as well.

Next thing I exchanged were normal skill books for parkour, cooking, music, yoga, driving, motorbike driving, and some other daily life skills. After that, I exchanged some books on martial arts and weapon arts normally available on Earth. These books felt like almost no exchange value was used.

Then I tried getting the hyperbolic time chamber from Dragon Ball Z, but I got feedback that such a thing ain't available for exchange. I piped down the level and went for the gravity chamber but that also wasn't available. I had to make do with limited gravity rings which had a limit to the extent of gravity increment. Still feeling that I had a few exchange value left, I exchanged the 3 basic jutsu scrolls of Naruto, which, no surprise, were copied by the synthesizer.

Still feeling some exchange value left, I tried to exchange the motorbike I had when I was on Earth, a 125 cc light sports bike. This exchange emptied my exchange value and used some of my aura for the exchange.

Finally satisfied with the exchange, I moved out of space and waited for mom to return, not thinking at all that the energy burst from Bodhi's awakening had modified my body as well.

Author Note-

I wanted to ask if Ash should go to the Pokemon camp or not.

Serena will be there but I won't introduce any development with her.

However, I plan to introduce Cynthia in it.

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