
My dream: The shield of prince.

“What the fucking hell, who is this girl, is she a witch, how can she always come into my dream, and ....why the fucking hell I want to see that dream everyday, who is she?" “What is this, Jack. Why are you changing, your eyes, your voice. You are scaring me. JACK, your body, NOOO." A boy, who is struggling to find his love, the girl of her dreams, but is he a real hero or a real villain?

Kashish_khan · Fantasy
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Surprise (Eva's POV)

As soon as concert finished, we all go in the nearest hotel for dinner. I don't know why but I was feeling like someone was chasing us while we were on the road. Like I was leaving something behind, I was missing something. Like someone was waiting for me.

"This was the best day of my life."

Bianca's voice waked me up from my thoughts.

We all agreed with her and after dinner we all change our paths to our house.

As I was walking home, someone was sitting on the road, he was looking somehow familiar, then he got in a car, that car was luxuries.

"Hey, girl you are getting late, you should go."

I talked to myself and got again on the path to my home.

"I am tired, finally this day is going to finish" I sigh and changed my clothes into my pajamas.

After sitting on a couch I opened my lap-top and starting to scroll on social media.

"Nothing is here to see" suddenly a beep sound of notification came from my lap-top, I received an E-mail. I clicked on the Mail to open it and I was in shock again.

"Oh my goodness, this is hilarious, is there something else to shock me." I started jumping on my couch like a teenager got all of the happiness in life. "Finally, I did it, I did it."

I picked up my phone and caledl my uncle, after some rings he answered the call.

"What's up Eva, why did you call me at this hour? Did something happen to you?" He was sound worried; yeah I never called him before at late night, it was 12:00 Am.

"Uncle, I did it, I have an interview at My Dream finally"

"Oh wow Eva, congratulations my princess, when will you go for the interview, for which post you applied?"

" Tomorrow uncle, tomorrow is my interview, I applied for the personal assistant, and if I will get selected I can improve my music too"

"Oh my dear, I am very happy for you Eva."

"Ok, now tell me did you eat something?"

"Yes, I was going to eat, the food is in front of me"

"Really uncle, it's 12:00 AM and you did not eat anything till now."

"Don't be angry Eva; I am just about to eat."

"Ok uncle I am hanging up the phone now, but first promise me that you will eat something before going to bed."

"Yes, I promise you Eva, I will eat"

"Ok bye uncle, have a sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams to you too Cinderella."

I hunged up the phone and go to sleep.