
My Dragon.

What if the man that you love is a Dragon?! Meet Rebecca Willow and Elias Flames. Rebecca is not your typical lady. From the tender age of seven, she has been in plenty of court affairs protecting the people of Belfare, fighting in tournaments showing off her skills with the sword, and dreaming of a world where dragons flew in the sky. Elias is the Prince of Belfare and, he has a secret. He befriended Rebecca because, unlike every other woman who wants status, she creates it herself. She is his only friend that he can truly rely on and one that helps secure his throne. The fate of the Dragons relies on the shoulders of both Elias and Rebecca at young ages, although they don't realize it until Rebecca is kidnapped from Belfare to meet the Elder Dragon. Their friendship starts off rocky but eventually blossoms into an unbreakable bond full of trust and admiration. Later on, he shares his secret and proposes to the one he loves. Excerpt: Rebecca [ "Your Majesty, if I may?" I asked and, he waved his hand, silencing the room. I panicked slightly but regained my courage. He nodded and, I looked to the council leader, who sneered. "I have a suggestion about solving the high crime rates. It is not the high class that suffers the high crime rates, however the working class. It's their businesses that are bring robbed and, it is their families that are in danger." I glared at a council member as he made a move to interrupt. "I say that you can send more soldiers to patrol the streets, day and night. Yes, I am aware that there will be a need for soldiers, so pull a list of names that need to serve their time. And for the businesses, you should pay them for their troubles. At least until the crime rates decrease-" a cough echoed in the room, the council leader looked down on me as a child. "Who says the King shall listen to a woman, much less, a child." He paused as he let the words sink in. There were mutters around the room. "It's normal that crime is high. What do you mean to pay the business that is suffering? Our high class is suffering because they can't do business properly." He paused and, I took that moment to stifle his pride. "You're right. Why should a King listen to this ideal? However, as a citizen of the Country of Belfare, I have a right to come to His Majesty. And Councillor, is it not the working class that grows our economy? "For our country to prosper, our businesses should be protected and have trust in the government. Don't you think?" I asked the question and the Councillor opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.] Excerpt: Elias [ "They were bold to hurt both Rebecca and me. It's something I can't forgive or forget easily." I could feel those deep green eyes staring, and when I met them, they were glossy. "How is she coping?" He asked, and I let out a sigh, 'if only she had the patience to understand that recovering takes time.' I thought to myself. "She's... coping, although, I can tell it's killing her, to not pick up a blade. That was a low move of that man." I growled, and the King just nodded his head. "Why don't you heal her?" He asked and, I looked away from his probing eyes. I wanted to help her, but I haven't had a teacher thus, I had little control over my powers. "I wish I had someone to speak to. Humans have plenty of resources plus, they don't have to hide their powers and worry about hurting someone. My kind is so close to extinction, it's painful." A couple of tears trailed down, and I flinched when a drop landed on the back of my hand. "They're not dead." My father's voice sounded stern as he looked at the portrait. I knitted my brows together, 'Those dragons have been dead for about a century and a half.' I looked between the picture and father, noticing there was sadness etched in his features.] Read on to embark on these youngster's journeys, which blossom from friendship to love, with the blessings of the dragons. *Cover from Google*

KennaB · Fantasy
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293 Chs

Free Time

Smiling at the accomplishment, I proved that women were equally strong to men, if not stronger. Lieutenant Jones stood up and braced my arm, puffing out his chest, to make him look stronger. He didn't throw a fit that he was defeated, he accepted it and promised to train me. And with that statement, my doors opened.

Turning around to the audience, I smiled at Elias, and he nodded, giving me his usual boyish smile with a thumbs up. The other boys in the audience cowered under my gaze, but then looked at me with awe, as I defeated their teacher.

Stepping forward, pausing at the entrance, the boys paused, watching me with curiosity burning in their eyes, wondering who I was.

"I'm needed somewhere else, what is the schedule?" I asked and Lieutenant Jones looked at the far wall, with a calendar and schedule, marked with dates.

"We train on Mondays and Thursdays. You're dismissed, Miss Willow." I nodded then stepped out of the classroom entirely. I was slightly exhausted from the match, it's been a while since I fought someone with better skills, and I still had etiquette classes to attend.

Dashing as ladylike to the building, I made it in time before an old woman, with a sharp nose and gray hair, walked into the classroom. As soon as she saw the eight of us, she frowned. Looking at each one of us up and down, with her dark green eyes, I knew we were being evaluated.

"This class is a semester class that will turn you into a proper lady. Like standing up straight, holding a teacup correctly, or watching your tone." She concluded with a glare in my direction, it took me everything, not to roll my eyes.

It was ironic how Mother wants me to follow the chains of rules for ladies, while, I am able to train like a man. They both clash horribly, and only one will stick with my soul forever. Though to satisfy my mother, I would be as ladylike as I could at the bare minimum.

"Yes, Ma'am." We spoke in unison, and she continued on about the supplies we needed for this class. I knew immediately that I would hate this class, when I heard it was every school day, except for Fridays. With a sheet of paper that noted my supplies for all of my classes, I stepped out of the schoolyard letting out a deep sigh.

"It's about time you showed up, do you want to go shopping?" Turning to the familiar voice, I smiled. Forty-five minutes of torture, and I got to see Elias for once without spectators, it almost made up for the fact that I was stuck at school for an extra hour.

"That sounds like an amazing idea, where do you want to meet?" I looked at the parked car, that was waiting on me. Mother went ahead and gave me her credit card knowing that I have supplies to buy.

"Let's start at the book store." He smiled lightly as his car pulled up, he paused opening the door, and shouted, "Hey Rebecca, you did awesome today!" Turning around, I flashed him a huge smile. I'm happy that my record hasn't been broken, and was very satisfied with the fight.

"Thank you!" I shouted back, before opening the door, stepping into the vehicle. As soon as I closed my door, my father spoke. Jumping slightly at the sudden voice, I turned, looking at him seated beside me. Pulling at the seat belt, strapping myself in. I stared at him for a couple of minutes.

"It seems your first day went well?" He asked, I nodded then told the driver, our next destination. It was a great start, other than the etiquette classes.

"My record still holds," I paused to let him understand, his eyes widen in shock, then he smiled patting me on the head. "Father, must I take these etiquette classes?" I asked, giving him pleading eyes, he chuckled in response.

"So you're willing to go back on your words?" he asked, and I shut my mouth, turning cold instantly. The only reason why I was able to go to school, was the promise of taking etiquette classes. Mother's answer, after I begged her to allow me to learn publicly with the sword, was to take etiquette classes.

"No, I won't go back on my words. I should be lucky it's only a semester class, or else I'd tear my hair out. I'm relieved that I won't have to stay after school on Fridays." I spoke while focusing on the scenery outside the car.

I was indeed grateful that Mother was trying to counterattack my boldness with these classes, however, that did not mean I wanted to suffer.

"A half of a year goes by quickly, just stick with the plan. I talked to Lieutenant Jones earlier, and he was impressed that you could defeat him, and shocked. I'm also shocked that you could defeat him, but, I'm proud of you." He patted my head again, his face full of pride.

"I'm going to start shopping, meet me here in an hour." I opened the door and rushed out, with Mother's credit card. Walking into the bookstore, I went over to the aisle that had games, and there the Prince was, holding two games in his hand.

He wore a hoodie and the cap I bought at the festival. Standing next to him, I looked at the familiar games. These games were never in stock because they were always sold out. Fidgeting with the short skirt that was the mandatory uniform, I waiting for him to get out of his world.

The uniform overcoat was black with the purple crest of the Royal school paired with a necktie. The skirt stopped right above the knee, adding length luckily. There was a white button-up shirt that also had the Royal school's crest. Shoes could be worn of any choice, preferably tennis shoes, for the gym class.

"I'm shopping, you can find me," I uttered, while reaching for a basket to hold my books, I needed to buy a book for each subject, plus etiquette's three books. Stepping away from the boy, he lifted his head, and our eyes met.

"I'm coming, I just wanted to buy these for a long time." He placed them into my cart. Reaching out mindlessly, I tugged at his hoodie, covering his features. Immediately realizing what I was doing, I dropped my hands and turned around, walking down the pathway listening to his light taps that were following closely.

"What do you need?" I asked while looking at the racks of school books, pulling the seven I needed, the weight of the basket grew immensely. He plucked three books, not adding to the weight of the basket, thankfully.

"I can hold that, hand it over." His outreached hand caused my reaction of placing the basket into his hand. Smiling lightly, my shoulders felt relieved, as I rolled them back a couple of times, looking into Elias's teal eyes.

"Thank you, do we need anything else from here?" I asked, and he shook his head, he turned around and walked quickly to the front. Trailing behind him, a book from my favorite author, caught my attention, turning me onto another aisle.

This author was someone who wrote many fantastic novels that were set in the Victorian era, however, they had a dark twist to them, turning them into romance through a war. It always amazed me how they wrote their book, pulling me into their world.

Elias came to stand next to me, as I read a part of the book. This was their latest novel, that I've been tracking, dying to know more about their series. Putting it to my chest, I looked at the rows of books by various authors.

"Do you read much, Elias?" I asked while reaching out to another book, he was silent before he clucked his tongue.

"Not these types of novels, but war novels. Why?" He asked pulling a book off the shelf, to read the back cover.

"Just wondering, how about we go check out." Stepping out of the aisle, I clung to the book. It would take everything not to read it before I get home. Buying my eight books the total came out to be seven hundred, which is to be expected.

For the next hour, we traveled to different stores that would sell our supplies, and soon our arms became full of bags that it was difficult to go anywhere. For the remaining time, we stopped at a cafe that wasn't stuffed and drank tea and ate cakes.

"Miss, we should go." I looked at my bodyguard, disappointed that he found me so quick, however glad that I didn't have to carry these bags anymore. I nodded to the man, looking at my best friend one more time before I left him in the building.

'Call me.' I signaled into the window since our time was cut short. He nodded and smiled, giving a thumbs up, I would look forward to this call. His expression today, had been clouded with thoughts which meant that the castle is full of problems.

Even though Father still taught private lessons with Elias, I was only allowed to them once every two weeks. Two weeks can create a lot of damage in the court, especially with the council almost fully in control.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Thank you for reading, please support this book with power stones.

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