
My Dragon world

From the eater came something to eat, From the strong came something sweet.

umukoro_prosper · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The breakthrough

There is no time left, I have to push for mage rank now, with help from Lifa essence my warrior qi had also met up with my mage rank, so am about to push for a double breakthrough once, it won't have been possible if not for the evolution of my core allowing me to cultivate both energy same time

Sitting cross leg at the cultivate mat made specifically for cultivation as it been inscribed and connect to a mana vine buried deep underground in the academy I was ready to make a go for it, thanks to my new status I got all this handed to me easily

"are you sure you want push for it now, you need a strong cultivation technique to make a breakthrough, mage rank isn't anything like apprentice rank, what ever way you breakthrough with will be the foundation of your path" Lifa warned me of my choice

"I don't have any powerful cultivation technique now and I don't know if I could even find one powerful enough to carry the height I want to go in this world"

"how big is you desire?" a simple yet complex question, I don't need to know why she is asking, every technique is created with a desire in heart, so if am to push for a breakthrough with a technique my desire will be all I will be relying on

Going into a clear state of mind I let my desire run through my mind, my will and dream, after checking through both life time of mine I came to a sudden realization, I have never really fight for something all my life, been to conserved with what comes my way

Am been to content, too lazy to fight for more, isn't it in human nature to be greedy, isn't it our purpose to ask for more, isn't it our build to ever be hunger, then why change who I am, why lie to myself of what I am, if am greedy so be it

Greed can't qualify the amount of anger and desire inside of me right now, what right do I have to settle for little, living an exact opposite of my nature, no wonder I have been living a pitiful life, a life of pain and regret

If the world only respect power then I will be at the top of power, if it's strength I will move a mountain with a finger, unknowing the energy within me start synchronizing with my will building an indomitable ambition

Lost in the feeling of enlightenment breaking off the shakle of this world a powerful energy burst out off me as I heard a poping sound withing my self, feeling the fresh touch of energy within me

The energy within my body had gone through another round of change, if it where a stream pimping of my core with every heartbeat ofine before now it's like a dam that had broken lose, my body looking more younger, stronger and smoother

"congratulations on your breakthrough" Lifa voice call my sense to the fact that I have breaking through to mage rank, not just that but in both path, am now a rank one mage warrior

"I did it, I really did it, am now a rank one mage warrior"

"no you are now a rank one dragon warrior" Lifa corrected me while I was been too happy over my breakthrough, I didn't bother to question her as I was over joyed and could care less of what she is ranting about

Right then and there the pattern in my sea of consciousness shook and lighted up as I felt a force pulling my mind away forceful into the dragon world, doing my best to fight it was futile as I was gone with seconds


"you are saying the blaze found someone with a purer bloodline from a small kingdom" a weak voice asked from within the shadow in a dark room, the voice wasn't loud but you would want the owner to speak louder either

Sweat was pouring out of our little Vivian forehead just kneeling before this voice as she suddenly affirm the voice question, recounting everything that had transpired all the while she is in the academy

"this is going to be troublesome, if this youngster talent is a good as you said" the voice replied not one bit agitated over the news "how is the search going about, have our genius in the association found a way to increase the purity of bloodline"

"no my lord, all effort still prove futile, we are watching the last deduction that was made and carried out with on of our young genius, if it come out clean then we have hope else" she stop there

"nothing would happen even of it fails, but lest hope for the best, we can't let our enemies be ahead of us, set someone to keep watch and if there be an opening make the youngster disappear permanently" stressing the last words

"I understand my lord, I would leave no trace once such opportunity presents itself be rest assure"

"am not bothered, if you fail you know the consequences, secondly the blaze hidden figure won't make a move yet till he is sure he can win his game, we will be counting on that, but for safety reasons work with the royals to make sure things stay same"

"yes my lord"

"one more thing, if the royal leaves an opening do not hesitate, do it discreetly, if possible make it an accident that point to the blaze, you understand what I mean"

"yes my lord, perfectly, it's borrowing the hands of another to end the life of an enemy while we sit by the side to watch" she replied smiling like some witch who just got a new lab rat to experiment on

"that is the reason I left you in charge, you got good sense of battle and can lead my people to victory, your father is just a figure, bother yourself not with that, once he retires you will take is place not that weakling of a brother your father is grooming to take his place"

"thank you great grandfather, your wish will always be my command" standing up she left the room as it return to silence once more but starring at the dark room one could see a pair of blazing eyes starring at the back of the leaving Vivian


"my lord, we have to increase our forces, the blaze had found a new toy, one with a purer bloodline, If am not wrong they are putting their hope on him to get a climb back" inside the empire throne room the principal of the empire elite academy knelt down giving the emperor the recent news

"Oscar do I sense fear from you, no one can take us unaware, but what you sayakes sense, we can't make a move on the blaze now that they knew about the boys bloodline, we can only use the association to attack them subtlely" the emperor voiced out his plan

"my lord, that will bring us more trouble, we can use the onyx against them from the size, while pushing them to a corner with the association, that way we won't be held responsible for anything "

"great mind think alike, do it as you've said, you have my support, and if need present himself don't hold back"

"I understand my lord"


"are you stupid, you left him in the hands of those bastard, don't you know their smile bite more than frown, Oscar am disappointed with you"

"father it's not what you think, I haven't inform you yet neither have we spoken to grandfather about it, the call from the academy was to urgent" the middle aged man tries to explain

"silence" the aged man before him roar in anger as he appeared in front of him in a blink wanting to slap the former but held his hands back at the end

"will you put your voice down Allen, you are shaken the foundation of the mansion" another horses voice sounded in the room, from the way it sound one could tell it's not from within the room but the pressure it exert sent poor Oscar on his kneels

"sorry father, it's the irresponsible grandson of yours, see reason why I have refused to hand down the patriarch position to him instead is grooming his son in his stead" Allen was still panting out of anger

"what have he done this time, you have to take it easy on him, he is a grown man now not a child anymore" the horses voice continued

"not a kid anymore, father you spoil this child of mine rotten, at his aged he lack the basic cultivation to be the patriarch of the blaze family on top of that he careless about the business of the family, all he thinks of is fun" the more he speak the angerer he got

"I know it is my fault that he is this way, but I have left little Stephan for you to groom into a war machine as you so please just to make up for his blunder why are you still query him over every thing he does?"

"father you won't believe what he did, if I have sent Stephan instead he would have done the right thing"

"just spill it out already, am tired and want to go back to my beautiful rest your shout woke me up from" the voice sound irritated and inpatient

"very well since you are so edger to hear don't say I didn't warn you before hand and don't pull down this roof" the voice didn't reply like this wasn't the first time he had hype something up only for him to see it worth nothing in his eyes

"Oscar here found someone with a purer bloodline of our family and left him in the hands of the academy saying he hasn't informed us yet" Allen shifted to the side with his hand over his ear bending down to fortify his standing as a might roar left that weak voice that seems to die today tomorrow

"Oscaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr, you useless grandson of mine, what has this old man done to you, didn't I always stand for you, do I deserve to be punished like this" cracks were appearing all over the wall as many of the people in the estate past out instantly from that roar

"grandfather it not like that, I just wanted to inform you first"

"Will you silence, inform you head, don't you know how valuable he is to us right now and you still left him in the hands of danger" the voice was at the edge of tears, you could tell he most be kneeling where ever he is right now for how he speak

"quick, Allen go over and get him back, tell the academy we want to train him ourselves, take gift with you to substitute for the care they have shown so far and bring the boy home" ignoring the latter he turned to his son to instruct him on what to do

"yes father, I will be on my way now" rushing out of the room leaving Oscar alone to face the wrath all by himself

"Oscar you are be punished, you are to serve that young man once he arrived and you most breakthrough to the next level before the end of this season else" stopping their the voice fade away but Oscar could be seen sweating madly from fear.