
My Dragon world

From the eater came something to eat, From the strong came something sweet.

umukoro_prosper · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Getting Kaloan back part one

Hearing those words confused Lifa greatly, what is up with this fellow, he showed up here immediately he broke through gazing into thin air after which he start spatting nonsense, had breaking through got him to go berserk or he hit hi head somewhere

"brat did you hit your head or something or is the breakthrough messing with your head" Lifa asked to confirm what is wrong with the person before her and why it suddenly felt like she knows this person yet she don't

Wiping the tears of his eyes returning to his calm disposition he stood to his feet, his eyes cold as ice, taking in the view before him to understand where he is, he didn't have that time to scan the area before as he was over joyed to see a familiar face after that torture

Confirming his position he nodded within himself, he is back and presently in the dragon world, from the look of it he must have gone through what they have been saying, the trial, his only question now is if he passed or failed

Been alive and standing in front of Lifa gave him hope but still like their words, they said they don't know how things work, secondly he is the first possessor this two had met, so there is no telling

Right then the whole place began shaking violently, it was like a cataclysm earthquake is taking place, shaken both Lifa and Davis of their feet, forcing Lifa to take flight pulling Davis along saving him from falling down

After a while everything calmed down, no damage what so ever or any unusual activity, everything remained the same the way the are moment back confusing Lifa even more "what is going on" she asked herself

Her attention was pulled back by the scream of the person she we carrying, turning to see what was wrong she saw him holding his head squatted on her back screaming like mad, sweat beads running down his face

Same time a second round of rumble began, followed by a deep ancient voice declaring the new possessor of the dragon world a true inheritor and an innate dragon originator, a single ray of light shot down from the sky submerging into the screaming Davis as another cocoon envelop him

Few minutes past before the light reside displaying a new Davis, his skin, extremely smooth, his charms more alluring, his build with put all experience athletics to shame, his aura had also change

Black firts where falling off his body like his skin and body abhor firts, not a single one remain on him, the air around him is oppressive and suppressive, the he finally opened his eyes, his Pupils had change now having a slit iris instead of the normal circle iris

One look at it will put fear into one as they would feel like the are been stare by some terrifying predator, well all this phenomenon happen just a while before everything went back to normal, Lifa still lost in shock didn't know when she left her mouth open

The kid before her had become something else, she didn't know if it just her or that the way every one see him but she dare not say she wouldn't want to get this youngster lord over her, probably even make babies if he so please

Casting those thought away she curse herself for looting over a human child but she couldn't help but take a second look, only then did she notice the person in question is starring at her confused about everything too

"let me guess you took the test already"

"it seems so" I answered while checking my boy round, aside the physical change, I could feel my power had increased, I didn't increase in rank but I can't explain why I feel more like five times stronger than a normal rank one warrior mage

Circulating my energy I got another round of shook, my core had once again evolved, it's no more a crystalline heart core again but now more like a live like heart brimming with energy five time stronger and purer, all energy completely mixed in harmony

Then comes my blood and muscle, my body everything had change, clinching my fist the pressure it exert is enough to punch through a tank from my previous world, my blood also carry's a distinctive property I know nothing about too

"your energy, it purer and stronger, there is also a sliver of dragon energy perfectly mixed in it, both body and mana like" Lifa exclamation retracted my attention from my body only to come see her shock expression

"I would have love to stay and chat over all the changes that had occur in me but that will be for later, let's go get kaloan" pushing the temptation to ask questions, not that am not bordered to know but it really didn't matter now, I can find out gradually with time

"oh right come with me, I totally forgot you have passed the trial and kaloan is now officially free from been locked up" flapping her wings she took me off in the air flying to a certain direction, truth be told the world is so big looking at it from this height

We flew past a couple of dragon and dragon settlements, I could see them for up here but not so clear, Lifa said we will venture some other time when am free and she kept beeny tour guide explaining each location or Torren we pass

Not long after we arrive at an ice torrent, a huge ice castle structure welcome my view, multiple dragon filled the place, so on air while other on the ice that is build at the middle of a vast sea, descending down we attempted to land

"what is your purpose here and why did you bring In a human" three dragon block our path to question us, this got the calm Lifa all along mad

"are you slap senseless? Can't you tell the human with me is the possessor or you have suddenly gone darf" Lifa roar echo a distance away drawing the attention of other dragon

"it still do....." he was cut shut by a voice from deep within the castle asking him to allow us pass, with that we landed and I was assaulted with cold, I felt even my soul freezing just landing here

"this is the ice pit, a prison for fire dragon, that freezing pain you are feeling is because of the fire energy running through you" Lifa explained to me telepathicly

I nodded and followed her in, the castle went deep down and dragon lie everywhere, one thing I notice is they were all ice dragon, arriving at the spacious place deep with the castle a huge dragon lying on a leader platform watching a small battle competition amongst other dragon came in view

It funny seeing the dragons are no different from any civilized well intelligent race, having ways to entertain themselves and so on, those watching are cheering for one party or the other, some where even betting on a winner

"Lifa what brought you here, are you intentionally here to make trouble, shouting to disturb my peace noon" the dragon turn it's head a bit, it's a female dragon, the voice the pattern everything shows it a she

"Tella you must have heard it right, so why are you still acting all high and might" Lifa running out of patience to accommodate this b*tch before her changed her tone of speech

"oh that, I heard some good for nothing had actually passed the trail after so long, I still don't know why this rules exist, my opinion is we should find a way to break out of this cage and teach human what it means to feel fear" she replied nonchalantly turning her attention back to the game

I was to lazy to join ladies conversation, but the coldness in me grow stronger to the point I don't know which is higher, the cold plaguing me or the coldness coming from me, this didn't escape the eyes of the annoying dragon

"what do you wish to refute me words, aren't you all weakling and greed b*stard, what made you feel you worth anything before me eyes now that you managed to pass the trail" she turn toe while wiping her tail towards me

Am no idiot to stand there hoping to take it head on, neither am I a coward to cower before a threat, so I side step the trajectory of the tail while punching at it from the side increasing it motion using it own momentum against it

The tail carry on, going a 360 as it wipe her due to the force I applied and she wasn't expecting such counter, she groan in anger, stood up facing me ready to pounce on me but for some unknown reason she didn't make any move neither did her subordinate who had stop what they were doing all groaning at me

Lifa didn't bother, she step aside watching from the side, I don't know if it was confident she had in me or something else but that I am willing to find out myself, my fire ability will have a tough time down here still I will take my chance

Relaxing her posture she order the others to stand down while she returned to her lying position "count yourself lucky you are the true choose one else"

"else what, you would have want to go on a battle with me" I sneered at her, returning to my cold carefree self as I stare towards Lifa to get done with what brought us here

"don't act too cocky lad, if not that you are the chosen one I would have teach you a lesson, you can take it as me doing you a favour, after all weakling won't last a second before my lowest subordinate talk more of me" resting her head down on her hands she closed her eyes to sleep

I knew instantly what she intended to do "what if I last more than a second against you what will you do" I still dare to take the challenge, my ambition is driving me crazy

"I will let kaloan go" answering sigh her eyes still closed

"that you will surely do even without the match, what will you do if I win the match, or is the great Tella now scared of losing that she is afraid to bet" it was my turn to taunt her, straight away her eyes shot open and glare at me with fury

"why will I be scared of you, fine to prove it to you that you are nothing before me I will have the match with you, I won't go on the offensive only defence, it you can break my defense and touch me you win" boasting of her prowess


Gritting her teeth in annoyance she said the word am looking for "and I will sign a contract with you if you win, but if you lose kaloan life will be mine, do you dare to accept"

Now that isn't part of the picture in my head but it's too late now, Lifa immediately reacted when she heard this wanting to step in to stop our little madness when she heard me agree to the deal

She almost fell when she heard me, I didn't bother with her but went in to make the stake favourable for me "we can have that battle here, it will be too favourable foe you, and that will be considered cheat, I don't believe you are a cheat"

"fine, we will do it outside, let get this over with quickly so I can kill that annoying b*astard" she dash off toward the surface, her speed is extremely fast, I followed behind her, the other do same

Arriving outside all the dragon within the area that have hears about our little match had relatively choose a good spot to watch from as they were more than excited, they were cheering Tella already

"this is a bad idea, Tella is a strong dragon, that is how she became this pit leader, going against her is suicidal, if not for you for kaloan, quit this madness" a familiar voice echoed in my head, still I carry on

Stepping into the circle made for us to battle I was ready, the cold here is strong but nothing compare to down there and Dr what Lifa said the pit itself is even worst that a fire dragon can break out off it

"First no flight, I can't fly, so you flying is a cheat, secondly don't you dare renegade on your promise when I win" warning her coldly as I took my battle posture

"hmm, dream on, you win, let me make it easy for you" at the end of her word I heard cracking sound coming from within her as her figure began to shrink, the next moment a young beautiful lady is standing opposite me with sea blue hair and pupils carrying same colour

"she had taken her human figure" Lifa explained to me, which shock me, I thought it was just take of stories that dragon could take human form, from the explanation they reason they don't like taking this form is that it half there strength and power, restrict them and secondly the process is quiet painful

"can we begin now" the young lady flash a cunning grin at me, I quickly figure out why she made the change to her form and start cursing her deep within me.