

With Kyle leading the way and Nay and Max following. The group quickly headed down the stairs to under the arena as quick as they could. On the way to the medical bay, they went past several rooms such as the training room, the weapons room and every single one of them was empty.

Although Kyle not seeing any dead bodies took at as a good sign.

"How much further!" Max said as he was worried that something might have happened to his sister.

Max was closest in age to Slyvia and his brothers had always told him that he needed to look after his sister. The two of them would often play with each other as kids but Max always saw his sister as weak due to not being able to wield magic. He was just as shocked as everyone else when Slyvia had suggested she had been admitted into Avrion.

Everyday Max was worried about her.

"It's just those double doors up ahead!" Kyle shouted.
