
The system belongs to

Bliss had gone through everything, but instead of explaining everything, she asked if the two could hold hands. At first, Ray was reluctant, but right now, he felt powerful. He could tell that although Bliss had a load of magical energy surrounding her, it was distorted.

Out of control, it was rampaging and couldn't be controlled. All the power from the other crystals that Ray had felt were now around her, but it seemed like for whatever reason wasn't able to enter her body.

As the two touched hands, Bliss had shown Ray all the events leading up to this day, including their grand battle they had but it was only shown in fragments and Bliss purposely left out some crucial parts.

"My body is still somewhere on this land!" Ray said once he opened his eyes.

 Although Bliss had shown him the part where she had put Ray's body underground, she had not shown him, it was at the very fortress where the two of them fought.