
The son of who?

At the entrance of the city, there was a large storage unit. It was a single large hanger like place with several guards stationed outside. They had decided to leave everything to Bob. After paying a small fee they were able to leave the carriage inside the hanger leaving Bob to receive a tagged key for it.

As they walked around they realised that it was a town unlike one they had ever visited before. It didn't have the same type of new technology that Avrion was running on, but it did seem like they had technology that was not yet available to the public on the outside. The only place they could think of that came close to it, was the merchant city Kelberg.

However, there were things here that they had never ever seen before. The lighting for the underground city was just as good outside if not better. Although it did give off a strange white colour that they had to get used to.