
Taken away

It took a while for Monk to take in everything that Martha had told him, how Ray had been knocked off due to the fighting between Van and Harry. 

"It seems like the shadow has affected your group greatly." Monk replied. "I wonder why it has never been able to take my own heart despite being so involved with them."

"Ray said it might have something to do with our deep desires, it preys on that. Maybe your desire is too strong for it to be swayed, or it is unable to help you fulfill it. Monk, you have always been a strong person." Martha said, smiling at him. 

The two of them needed to leave it there. For now, Monk had to continue acting as the leader of the Dark Guild while helping out the Shadow, but at the right time, he knew he could get those in the Dark Guild to turn. Meanwhile Martha would have to pretend she knew nothing about it. 
