
Purple liquid

Killer stood up from the ground. With his mask broken, there was no longer any need to continue wearing it. He ripped off the remainder of the mask and threw it to the ground.

Jack started to laugh out loud.

"Looks like you hid your real strength this whole time!" Jack said.

Killer was currently ranked second in the academy while Jack was number one. Although their positions seemed close on the leader board, in reality to the academy, the two were very far apart in terms of power. In the few matches they had with each other, Jack would come out as the clear winner.

But right now, Killer had shown Jack skills he had never seen before.

Ray was currently injured quite badly; his fanged boar armour had been completely destroyed by the blowback from the spear and his whole body was damaged. The mana Ray used would take a while to come regenerate so all he could do was use his normal amount of Ki.