
Encounter with a wolf

"So, dragons really do exist," Precilia thought, awestruck, as they soared over the castle. The towering spires seemed to stretch towards the sky like skeletal fingers. As they flew over the nearest village, she noticed people below. "Wait, there are humans here too!" she exclaimed, surprised.

But as they took a closer look, she realized that those "humans" weren't quite human. "Night wing, what are they?" she asked, confused.

Night wing didn't respond, instead he descended in flight until they landed. His transformation back into a human seemed less agonizing than his dragon transformation. "I'm sorry, I can't talk as a dragon," he explained. "And those people aren't humans; they're shifters. They can only take on human form they're different types of shifters actually, they're dragon shifters, wolf shifters even witches, they're sirens and ..." but precilia was half listening to him

Precilia's eyes widened as they walked through the village together everything seemed so different from the human world. Everyone's gaze seemed to be on her. "Why are they staring at me like that?" she asked, uneasy.

"Because they see you as food," Night wing replied bluntly. "Supernaturals eat almost anything, but humans are rare. When we see humans, we..." He trailed off, noticing Precilia's tears.

She remembered her dead friends and felt a surge of anger. "So I'm just a pig for the slaughter, right?" she said, her voice trembling.

Night wing's expression turned apologetic. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Precilia."

But she had already turned and ran, tears streaming down her face. "Wait, Precilia! Stop, you'll get killed!" Night wing shouted, He then turned to the villagers"if anyone of you should so much as touch a hair on her head I promise you won't see tomorrow's light" and the chased after her.

After two hours of running, Precilia finally collapsed, exhausted, by a tree. "Why did I even come here? How do I get back now?" she wondered, feeling lost and scared. Until finally she closed her eyes and slept off

As she slept there, the darkness began to overwhelm her and she woke "Where am I?" she whispered, but only the wind replied.

Suddenly, she remembered everything that had happened. Panic set in as she realized she was alone and vulnerable. She tried to find Night wing, but the darkness was too thick."I can't see anything apart from the moon's light, why is it so dark out here?" They're was no form of light anywhere.

As she walked aimlessly, a figure emerged. She was about to run towards it when she saw it was a wolf. Fear gripped her heart. "Wolves are dangerous, especially in the supernatural realm," she thought, hiding behind a tree.she sat down and rubbed herself against the tree to hind her scent, so that the wolf won't spot her quickly especially with the wind blowing

The wolf began to transform into a human as it smells something familiar.Precilia's fear turned to terror as the wolf man approached her tree. But just as he was about to reach her, a snap echoed through the air, followed by a thud. The wolf man's head rolled to the ground, and Precilia saw Night wing standing over him, blood on his hands and mouth.

Night wing tossed the head aside and stared blankly at Precilia. She was about to scream when the wolf man's body began to stir. "Who do you think you are? I found that human first, idiot!" he snarled.

Night wing turned slowly towards the wolf man, his eyes blazing with a blood-red intensity. The wolf man trembled upon seeing his face, picked up his head, and fled in terror, in a blink of an eye the wolf man's body dropped but this time he never stood back up again. Night wing faced Precilia, a green glowing bead in his hand. Overwhelmed, Precilia fainted.

Night wing caught her just before she could hit the ground and spread his wings,the spreading of his wings seemed less agonizing than his transformation to a dragon, he took flight towards his castle. As they arrived, the elderly man who had been with the band boys took Precilia from Night wing's arms. "Rest now, Precilia," said Night wing