
My Divine Tree System

Mikeal was born a prince of Emedia nation, in a world where magic is condemned as a weapon of evil. An incident happened causing him to unleash his magic. This however was frowned upon and as such led to dire consequences. Mikeal was banished from the palace and sent on exile to the most perilous place on the planet, to serve as the lord of the region. Using the function of his Divine tree system, Mikeal had access to perks that others could not. He could perform miraculous events that would otherwise be deemed impossible. Slowly but surely, he builds his forces while in exile, ready to come back stronger than ever.

CatasOR8 · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Already Decided

"I am going to accept the invitation". Mikeal revealed to the leading figures on the table.

Before, he had no reason to accept the invitation except to see his father's scornful gaze once more, those eyes that wished he were dead.

After his meeting with Historia, things had taken a turn to a more interesting scenario.

Mikeal is curious, his interest is piqued and he has a growing desire to verify his right or wrong.

"I am not in support of this my lord". Elder Burke voiced out.

Yeah, he expected something like this to happen anyway.

"You had broken down from only seeing your father's written letter, what would happen to you when you meet him face to face?

"I don't know what it is that is between you and the king, but if it is a matter that endangers your health, what is the point of pushing toward it".

He is not wrong. Mikeal had factored that into the list of problems that could end up going wrong in the capital.