
My Divine Summoner System

Seun-mi Ho is an ordinary 18-year-old young man living in Seoul. Despite being intelligent, he feels dissatisfied with his life and dreams of adventure. One day, while crossing the street absentmindedly, he succumbs to an unexpected situation. However, much to his surprise, Seun-mi wakes up in a strange fantasy world. It is revealed that he has been transferred to this parallel world after his death, and it is, in fact, a highly realistic video game called "Heaven's Realm." In this world, Seun-mi discovers that he now possesses a unique divine summoning system, allowing him to call upon powerful entities to aid him in combat. Intrigued by his newfound powers, he decides to explore this world and climb the ranks among players, perhaps to find a way back to his reality. However, the "World of the Divinities" also hides dangers. Seun-mi must learn to master his abilities to survive and uncover the secrets of this once-familiar yet mysterious world. His adventure is only just beginning. https://discord.com/invite/UN5gb3pt (Discord My Divine Summoner System)

Charo666 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Return to the Village and Amusing Reflections

After gathering the objects and loot in the cave, Seun-mi ho emerges with a satisfied smile on his face, but a slight frustration begins to grow within him. The daylight blinds him momentarily, but he's quickly overwhelmed by conflicting thoughts as he heads back to Eldervale.

Seun-mi (thoughts): I took down 170 goblins... and only leveled up once? Isn't that a bit frustrating?

As he walks, he starts to imagine the conversation he'll have with the village chief. Arriving at Eldervale's entrance, he pushes open the door of the village chief's small house with newfound determination but also a slight indignation.

Seun-mi: Well, I'm back, and guess what? I managed to take out 170 goblins!

The village chief, sitting at his desk, looks up from his papers, raising an eyebrow. Seun-mi continues, arms crossed, pretending to pout.

Village Chief: Well done, Seun-mi! That's an impressive feat!

Seun-mi: Impressive, sure, but do you know how many levels I gained from that? One! Just one level for 170 goblins! I almost think they had a plan to hold me back.

The chief, trying to remain serious, bursts into laughter. Seun-mi frowns, feeling a bit vexed.

Village Chief: So, what do you suggest? A promotion every time you kill a round number of goblins? Maybe you should ask for a medal while you're at it!

Seun-mi can't help but smile despite himself, realizing the absurdity of the situation. He imagines a large goblin-shaped badge with a star on it that he'd proudly wear around his neck.

Seun-mi: And if I kill a thousand? Maybe a statue in my honor? With the inscription: "Village hero, goblin slayer!"

The chief, still laughing, shakes his head in amusement.

Village Chief: Yes, of course! I'll even hold a ceremony! But back to reality: the level is just a number, after all. You've learned how to handle an army of wolves!

Seun-mi takes a moment to collect himself, realizing that despite his frustration, he really has progressed. The lighthearted exchange reminds him that adventuring is also about laughter and friendship. He straightens up, looking determined.

Seun-mi: Alright, alright. Next time, I'll ask for a level-up for each goblin I kill. But for now, I need new quests!


With a smile, he leaves the chief's house, his mind already planning his next adventure, while the village chief continues to laugh at the situation, thinking he's never met an adventurer as entertaining as Seun-mi.

After their amusing exchange, the village chief stands up, a kind smile on his lips. He places a hand on Seun-mi's shoulder, ready to offer him advice.

Village Chief: Seun-mi, before you embark on another quest, why not rest a little? Eldervale has a lot to offer. The griffon only appears once a week, so you have plenty of time to prepare.

Seun-mi raises an eyebrow, intrigued. The idea of relaxing a bit sounds appealing after so many battles.

Seun-mi: What is there to do here? I bet resting just means staring at fields of flowers, right?

The chief bursts out laughing, knowing that life in the village is far more varied than it seems.

Village Chief: Not at all! We have a small market where you can trade goods, craft workshops where you could learn to create your own equipment, and even juggling shows in the evening! You could also join the community for some physical training.

Seun-mi grimaces, imagining himself in a juggling show, awkwardly tossing objects into the air. He shakes his head, amused by the idea.

Seun-mi: I'll pass on the shows. You wouldn't want me to make the spectators cry with my talents, would you?

Village Chief: Don't underestimate the power of humor, young man! But I see you prefer training. Why not try martial arts or friendly sparring with the other villagers?

Seun-mi thinks for a moment. Engaging in more social activities could help him feel less isolated in this new world. Plus, it would allow him to improve his skills without the life-or-death stakes.

Seun-mi: Alright, I'll take a look around the village. Who knows? Maybe I'll find something interesting to do... even if it's not juggling!

The village chief pats his shoulder with an encouraging smile.

Village Chief: Perfect! Take your time to explore. Leisure is just as important as combat. I'm sure you'll make new connections and discover exciting things.

Seun-mi walks out of the house, feeling a bit lighter. He decides to head toward the market, curious to see what the village has to offer. As he walks, he wonders what he might learn during his downtime.

As he moves further away, the scene of Eldervale's daily life opens up around him: the laughter of children playing, the mouthwatering smells of cooking food, and the lively conversations of villagers.

Seun-mi ho, wandering through Eldervale's bustling streets, eventually comes across an imposing building at the center of the village. A large sign at the entrance reads, "Mission Hall." Curious, he pushes open the wooden door and steps into a vast, busy room.

The hall is divided into several sections, each marked with ranks clearly displayed: D, C, B, A, S, and even S+. Veteran players, clearly more experienced than him, are chatting, choosing missions, or preparing to head out on expeditions.

Seun-mi (thoughts): Wow... It's a real hive of activity in here. And here I am... level 3, rank D.

Seun-mi observes the players around him. Many are non-Korean, with avatars of exotic appearances. He hears conversations in multiple languages. Combat, escort, diplomacy, and investigation missions are listed on large, glowing boards, each classified by difficulty. Tempting rewards shimmer beside each mission: gold, rare equipment, or experience points.

Seun-mi approaches the board for rank D missions. Even though he's low on the level scale, he remains determined to rise. He scans the various offers: escorting a caravan, protecting a merchant, infiltrating an enemy camp... He sighs slightly, looking for something out of the ordinary.

Seun-mi: These aren't the kind of missions that really inspire me to push myself... I need something more exciting!

Then, a particular mission catches his attention. It's different from the others: an investigation at a wealthy man's isolated mansion. The description mentions "strange phenomena" occurring there, leaving players puzzled.

Seun-mi (thoughts): Strange phenomena? That sounds way more interesting than escorting a caravan... and maybe less risky than fighting a giant monster!

Intrigued, he reads the mission details:

> Investigation Mission: Eckhart Manor

Rank D - Recommended Level: 3


A wealthy landowner, Lord Eckhart, has reported mysterious occurrences in his manor. Objects disappear and reappear elsewhere, strange noises are heard, and some staff claim to have seen figures in the hallways at night. You are tasked with investigating and uncovering the source of these events.

Reward: 500 gold coins, experience points, rare equipment.

Seun-mi: A haunted mansion, huh? Well, it's worth checking out... And 500 gold coins isn't bad for a rank D mission!

He quickly checks his interface to confirm his level and current skills. He's only at level 3, but he feels confident enough to accept this investigation mission.

He approaches the reception desk to officially take on the mission.

Seun-mi: I'll take the Eckhart Manor mission, please.

The clerk, a seasoned player with a futuristic look, raises an eyebrow at seeing Seun-mi choose this mission.

Clerk: Hmm... You sure, kid? That manor has spooked more than a few adventurers. It's not just some low-level stuff.

Seun-mi (smiling): I like challenges. Gotta start somewhere, right?

The clerk shrugs before stamping his authorization for access to the mission. He then hands Seun-mi a small scroll with the quest details.

Clerk: Good luck, and try not to get caught in there. These "strange phenomena" are sometimes trickier than they seem...

Seun-mi ho leaves the hall with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Night begins to fall over Eldervale, but instead of heading to an inn, he walks determinedly toward Eckhart Manor, ready to dive into a new, mystery-filled adventure.