
My Divine Legacy

[Check Out My New Book: I Have A Cheat System In The Apocalypse] The desire for greater power is the drive to progress as well as the path to ultimate destruction. Born without the ability to grow, in a world dominated by the supernatural forces above the heavens. Lucas was left in a dungeon to die, abandoned by his team, he struggled to survive. Lucas was then blessed with a power, greater than any power ever known, a power that was beyond the gods. A power that helped him defy the laws of nature and grow beyond the expectations of every being under the heavens. He was gifted with a legacy, he was given the power to take revenge on those who made his life a living hell. Lucas swore to grow in strength no matter what, he will destroy anything on his path to glory. "I won't stop until no one is strong enough to oppose me!" *** This is a story of an underdog rising beyond the gods, the story of the weakest becoming the strongest, the story of man becoming the paragon of the divine. The story of the weakest walking on a path to become an unparalleled force that could not be reckoned with. The story of how a weakling acquired A Divine Legacy. *** [Check out my new book: Eternal Path Of Cultivation!] ------ Leave a review and vote after reading to support the book. ------ Instagram: author_dmc_max Join my discord: https://discord.gg/SZRVrkYaTg

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
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60 Chs

My Divine Legacy

Lucas stored his paragon stone in his system before walking towards the darkest part of the dungeon.

He was right before the door and was about to step in, but Lily grabbed his arm trying to stop him from going in.

"Are you crazy? That's the monster boss's room!" Lily looked at Lucas as if he had gone extremely mad.

Boss monsters were extremely unpredictable, unlike normal monsters or demons who have a common line of attack.

The room of a boss monster is it's territory, no matter how strong you are, if you walk into the room an do not kill the boss monster, you cannot leave.

Lily noticed Lucas was walking towards the door, she had ignored him and was watching out for monsters until she decided to just take a glimpse back.

Lucas exhaled sharply, he wanted to test out his abilities, and who better would be suited for the job than the strongest enemy available?

"Don't worry, it anything happens to me you can..." Lucas paused, he felt something move in the darkness.

Lily frowned as she fairly understood what Lucas was about to say, but as she was about to speak she sensed something coming at them.

Lucas was the first to act, he powered up his sword again because it had already reverted back to normal after the awakened twisters were killed.

"It's a king rank demon!" Lily was fed up of being targeted, but she had to hide her powers just until she levelled up.

Lucas had charged into battle without stopping to plan a course of attack, she wanted to yell at him to stop, but it was too late.

Lily shook her head, she started running after Lucas with a dangerous aura rising around her.

"Chaos shift!" Lily wanted to end this as quick as possible, but she could not use her full strength now.

She took one of her weakest form, an intermediate ranked form, Chaos.

Lily smiled as she began to shift. Her skin slowly turned black, her green eyes glowed brightly, horns grew from her head, a tail appeared, wagging behind her, her hands started to turn into black blades as her teeth extended into fangs.

She roared, running on a fours after Lucas, but her target wasn't on the king rank demon, but the twisters in the boss room.

The goldfur king lunged at Lucas, brandishing it's claws and baring it's canines as it fixated it's black eyes on Lucas.

Lucas slammed his sword down on the ground, his plan was to use his newfound brute strength to end this as quickly as possible.

The goldfur king tilts it's body to the side mid-air avoiding the heavy strike that would have most likely left him badly injured.

Lucas lifts his sword, then swings it down again with less strength and more speed and agility.

The demon wolf king managed to partly dodge the attack, but was grazed by the edge of Darksteel, drawing black demon blood.

[Goldfur king poisoned!]

[Effect: Weakening of infected being and strengthening of the poisoner.(Every time the poisoned creature moves, it's lifeforce will immediately be transferred over to the poisoner)]

[Remove poison?]


Lucas smiled broadly, he was thinking of how he would be able to defeat this creatures then suddenly these words appeared before him.

It seems that Darksteel had more power than Master Avarlyn initially wanted me to know of.

"Hehe." Lucas chuckled, the path to limitless power had just been opened to him, he would just have to inflict a single strike and the fight would be over.

Lucas frowned immediately something dawned on him, he had to actually hit the enemy. If he was dealing with an extremely fast demon, it would be nearly impossible to hit it.

"No." Lucas instantly said. Who in his right mind would want to do that?

The goldfur king was retreating back into the darkness, but before it could escape, something struck it from behind and it's vision black out.

[Goldfur king killed!]

[Killed a demon king in one blow(Bonus)!]

[You have levelled up!]

[Level tab unlocked!]

[XP tab unlocked!]

[Skills tab unlocked!]

[New skill unlocked!]

[Inspect(Lv1): Tells you about anything you use the skill on.(Cannot give you information on anything higher than Intermediate rank)]

Lucas pinched himself to see if he was dreaming or not, he had thought that Master Avarlyn had bluffed when he said he would be able to rule the universe, but after reading this, it seemed like that wasn't a joke.

He thought that he would only be able to increase his health, magic power, and others, but now he could get powerful skills!

If he could know the weaknesses of his enemy, then, he would be nearly invincible, so powerful no demon could stand against him.

But time wasn't on his side, he had one year, to get as strong as the gods... No, stronger than the gods.

It's the legacy handed down to me, my divine legacy, I won't just be a god, I would become the paragon of the gods.

I would rule the universe.

"One year." Lucas mumbled under his breath as he clenched his fists, his fingers digging into his palm and blood dripping down to the ground.

"Then I would no longer have to hide in fear."


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