
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Temple Forest City Eldest Child

"Yashan brought Su Hao to an area in the northern part of the city and whispered, "Big Brother Wei often appears around here. Let's look for him."

Su Hao said, "No need to look. I already know where he is!"

Yashan was filled with envy and thought loudly in his heart, "Big Brother, I want to learn..."

However, he lacked the courage to say it aloud. Big Brother Wei had already helped him so much. What more could he ask for?

After turning into a street with Yashan, Su Hao whispered, "Yashan, he's in the alley up ahead. Go ahead! Give it your all!"

At this time, both of them used the 'Absorb Light' rune to hide their figures, making them hard to spot in the dark.

Yashan nodded, took a deep breath, drew his long knife, and walked towards the alley with a sense of tragic determination.

In the same sequence, a higher-level mutant could heavily suppress a lower-level one. Normally, a Level 2 [Marauder] would avoid a Level 3 [Reversing Beast] as much as possible.

But today, Yashan, feeling the pressure from every cell urging him to flee, walked forward resolutely.

He had to avenge his wife and children! He needed power, and that power was in the [Reversing Beast] ahead.

Just one bite...

When Yashan saw the [Reversing Beast], the beast also noticed Yashan cloaked in darkness.

Before transforming, mutants couldn't sense each other's identities. After transforming, their aura became very apparent.

The [Reversing Beast] had a dull grey carapace with a metallic look, appearing much larger and more imposing than the [Marauder], with thick shoulder, chest, and head armor—like the difference between a van and a tank.

Its carapace was covered in several centimeters long spikes, making it impossible to punch, resembling ancient bear armor.

Anyone with clear eyes could see that Yashan's [Marauder] was no match.

Facing the [Reversing Beast], Yashan's heart skipped a beat, and a chill rose from his feet to his head.

Questions filled his mind, "Can I really defeat this guy?"

But thinking of the powerful Bone Demon, he stepped forward again with determination, "It's not about whether I can defeat him, but that I must! If I can't beat the [Reversing Beast], how can I face the Bone Demon in the future?"

The [Reversing Beast] smirked under its mask, recognizing the dark figure as a [Marauder].

Though shrouded in darkness, its perception wouldn't be wrong. The [Marauder] was weak and useless, with no attraction in its flesh.

The [Reversing Beast] swung its spiked club lightly, mocking, "Useless trash, how do you have the courage to stand before me? Want to eat my flesh? Ha ha ha!"

Su Hao hid quietly in the shadows, ready to rescue at any moment.

Although he could help Yashan kill the [Reversing Beast] directly, Su Hao knew this would only make Yashan dependent, ruining him and stripping his courage to face stronger foes and avenge the Bone Demon.

Yashan had to face his life on his own. Some things couldn't be done by others.

However, Su Hao believed Yashan could defeat his opponent. With so many runes engraved, even a waste could fight decently if they knew how to activate them!

Yashan didn't say a word, silently applying 'Sharpness' and 'Penetration' to his long knife and 'Hardness,' 'Deflection,' and 'Barrier' to his carapace, with other runes ready to activate.

Yashan moved, clearing his mind, and charged at the [Reversing Beast].

The [Reversing Beast] moved simultaneously, swinging its spiked club down hard.

Moments later.

The [Reversing Beast]'s spiked club was cut off, and both wrists fell to the ground.

Yashan's next slash cut off its arm, slicing open most of its neck, blood spraying out.

Despite such wounds, the [Reversing Beast] didn't die, retreating in fear while its neck wound healed rapidly.

Exhausted, Yashan breathed heavily, his body full of spikes, bleeding profusely, unable to chase.

Before the [Reversing Beast] could escape far, a cold light flashed, and its head rolled to the ground, eyes wide in death, not understanding what happened.

Su Hao sheathed his long knife, collected some blood, and said to Yashan, "Yashan, the Wire Demon is coming, grab the severed hand, and let's get out of here!"

Yashan nodded immediately, picked up a severed hand, and followed Su Hao quickly. As they ran, spikes fell out of his body, hitting the ground.

Soon, Yashan recovered fully, though his body still bore many bloodstains.

After recovering, they changed direction and melted into the darkness.

The Wire Demon arrived at the [Reversing Beast]'s corpse, eyes wide with excitement, "Night Demon, it must be the Night Demon, where are you? Give me back my [King of Manipulation]'s flesh!!!"

But the Wire Demon couldn't find anyone.

He could only destroy things in a frenzy to vent his frustration. The opportunity for advancement had been right in front of him but slipped away. The Wire Demon was tormented by this huge disparity.

Remembering the half piece of [King of Manipulation] flesh at home, his heart twisted. Having just enough for evolution was worse than having none.

"Ah-" the Wire Demon roared in helpless rage.


Time flew by.

A year later, Su Hao turned nine.

The Vermilion Reaper's powerful physique made him grow rapidly to 1.8 meters, looking strong and well-proportioned.

His features inherited the Vermilion Reaper's traits, becoming more chiseled, with a unique elven-like quality.

In a fitting silk outfit, he looked like a rich young master.

His physical strength had long surpassed his previous life, and his blood energy had surged, nearly reaching the Grand Preceptor level's peak. His perception range exceeded 3,500 meters for the first time, almost encompassing half of Temple Forest City.

Standing in the city center, any mutant with high blood energy couldn't escape Su Hao's radar.

This greatly increased his safety in the city. As long as he didn't provoke the two Level 4 mutants, there wouldn't be much trouble.

Those two Level 4 mutants were Shick, the Wire Demon from the [Silkman] sequence, and Derry, the Bone Demon from the [Extended Armor] sequence.

A year ago, Shick's condition worsened. Unable to find the Night Demon, he often fought with Derry, thinking Derry had taken his other half of the [King of Manipulation] flesh.

Derry found Shick's disturbances unbearable but was immensely relieved that Shick only had half of the [King of Manipulation] flesh and couldn't evolve, or he would have had to leave the city.

After two years, Shick also understood that he, the Speed Demon Flywheel, and the Bone Demon Derry had all been played by An.

His mind became extremely twisted, the missed opportunity gnawing at him.

His anger made him vent his emotions recklessly. But to Su Hao, these demons didn't matter, nor could he concern himself with right or wrong. His goal was simple.

Tonight, he would kill the Bone Demon and the Wire Demon, then find and beat up all the city's mutants, making them stay quiet so he could peacefully conduct his genetic research.

Su Hao decided to kill the Bone Demon and the Wire Demon for two reasons.

First, he had promised to take Yashan for revenge two years ago and couldn't go back on his word.

Second, last night, their fight damaged his courtyard again.

Had he not reacted quickly and evacuated Yashan and Tenny, Tenny might have been killed by these Temple Forest City's demons.

And their new house had just been moved into today.

A year ago, their fight first destroyed Su Hao's courtyard. Not prepared at the time, he endured it, but he couldn't bear it anymore today.

These two, relying on their strength to wreak havoc, were too much.

The countless battles over two years had frustrated Su Hao, disrupting his research, and slowing his genetic studies.

Moreover, the city's population had been decreasing yearly, with more people moving to neighboring cities, affecting Su Hao's living quality and research efficiency.

So now, having prepared well, there was no better time to strike.

Su Hao decided that from tonight, he would clear the city in one go, subduing all opposition.

He would become the city's master!

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