
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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146 Chs

Strange Small City

In a daze, Su Hao opened his eyes once again.

The explosion that destroyed everything seemed to be right in front of him.

At the moment of the explosion, the powerful shockwave, carrying the iron fragments and steel balls embedded in the bomb, tore apart him and the human king, ending that battle completely.

He had no idea what happened afterward, and it didn't matter anymore. Countless years must have passed!

In that distant past, there must have been a splendid rune civilization.

Su Hao instinctively entered the Marble Space to check the logs.

The first thing he saw was the electronic clock hanging on the wall!

"Year 10,542,159, July 8, 17:02:58"

A million years had passed…

This time span was beyond Su Hao's imagination once again.

He murmured to himself, "A bit exaggerated... In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of years have passed. What does this time mean to me? What significance does it hold? The vastness of the universe is unimaginable. And, what is the true nature of the universe we live in?"

No matter how Su Hao tried to imagine, he couldn't picture the true nature of the universe. He could only take a deep breath and slowly exhale, as if everything from the past had dissipated with it.

The information from the martial artist's world still lay quietly in the Marble Space. If he wanted, he could replay everything he had seen.

But Su Hao didn't look through it. After all, it was already in the past, so let the colors of that world stay preserved in the Marble Space!

"So, what precious knowledge and wealth can the world I am in now bring me?" Su Hao murmured.

He continued to check the logs.

"Year 532,662, August 3, 00:00:00

Entered unknown starry sky, automatic comparison initiated, comparison successful, coordinates recorded;"

"Year 532,667, September 18, 00:00:00

Entered unknown starry sky, automatic comparison initiated, comparison successful, coordinates recorded;"

Jumping to the latest log.

"Year 10,542,159, July 8, 00:00:00

Entered unknown starry sky, detected abnormal gravity, gravity lock engaged, unable to move. Automatic comparison initiated, comparison failed, new star map created, creation successful;"

Su Hao didn't bother with why the star map comparison failed for now, as he couldn't comprehend it with his current abilities.

He focused on the more important matters at hand.

Looking at the body data again,

The martial artist world's body data had not been updated.

Su Hao simply saved the data, then established a new body data table, which was currently empty.

After carefully checking that there were no abnormalities in the Marble Space and the light, Su Hao exited the Marble Space and began to observe his own situation.

He had just crossed over and had not fully received the legacy of this child, so he wasn't clear about his current situation. Based on Su Hao's experience, this receiving process could take as short as three days or as long as half a month.

No rush!

For the first time, Su Hao focused on his current body!




"What???" Su Hao was full of question marks.

What was this situation? Just arrived and already hungry, weak, and powerless? Hell-level difficulty?

Su Hao struggled to get up and observed his surroundings.

Dirty and messy!

That was Su Hao's first impression.

Immediately, the smell of urine and feces mixed with a strong moldy odor filled his nostrils. The pungent smell was enough to make anyone quickly flee.

Even garbage dumps wouldn't smell this bad!

But this body seemed to be accustomed to the smell,

Not even secreting hormones to urge Su Hao to leave. It was a narrow alley, with walls made of stones, mud, and some straw, looking very old and rough, showing years of wear.

It was already dusk, night was falling, and the light in the alley was dim, making it hard to see.

Su Hao slowly walked to the mouth of the alley, leaning against the wall, and looked around at this unfamiliar place.

In the dim light, he could only see uneven houses stretching far away, swallowed by the night at the end.

The style resembled ordinary medieval houses, scattered without any apparent order. The overall impression Su Hao got was one of randomness; not only was the excretion done randomly, but even the construction of houses seemed random.

City management? It seemed nonexistent.

Seeing this, Su Hao immediately admired his current body's luck for not dying from disease.

Soon, Su Hao noticed something strange about this small town.

There was no one in sight!

He was the only child peeking out, the entire street, or rather the entire town, was silent with no trace of people, not even any cute animals.

"Where are the people? Am I alone? Is this a ghost town?" As soon as Su Hao thought of this, his scalp tingled. He had never seen a ghost, but he wasn't sure if they existed. The universe was so vast, who could say for sure?

Su Hao retreated back into the dark alley, as if the dark alley could provide him enough sense of security.

Leaning against the wall, Su Hao tried to warm himself a bit, while his mind quickly analyzed the situation.

First, he had no parents to protect him as a child, likely an orphan, barefoot, with pants so fashionable they reached his thighs, and his clothes were just a rag! A bad start.

Secondly, judging by the environment, this seemed to be a world with relatively low productivity. The weather was currently cool, suggesting it might be autumn if there were seasons, meaning he had to find clothes and shelter before winter, or he would be doomed.

Lastly, judging by the traces on the street, this town did have people, and quite a few, but now, before nightfall, there was not a single person in sight, making it seem like an empty city, indicating something fishy.

Perhaps something terrifying would appear after nightfall.

"Should I wait until dawn?" Su Hao was very hesitant.

He felt that this body was almost at its limit. If he didn't eat something soon to replenish his strength, he might not even have the strength to find food tomorrow, leading to a dead end.

Going out now, there was a chance of being killed by something unknown, but it was just a possibility, there was also a chance of survival.

So, he knew what he had to do.

"Could it be a one-day tour in another world?" Su Hao mocked himself.

No matter how tough things were before, he had lasted at least two months. Now, he should be able to hold on for a while, not breaking the record.

Every time he changed worlds, Su Hao had to start over, with all his previous powers disappearing, the most helpless thing.

The only consolation was that the knowledge he had learned remained.

Now, he only needed three months to become a martial artist again, having some self-defense ability. In three years, he would surely advance to a grandmaster martial artist, freely using various runes. By then, he could do whatever he wanted, fearing nothing.

But for now, he had to find something to eat.

With this thought, Su Hao slowly walked out of the alley, carefully observing the surroundings.

The entire small town, except for being darker, seemed no different, still silent, silent...

Su Hao took a deep breath, telling himself, "I can't see others, and they can't see me. Fair enough, what am I afraid of?"

Then, in the cold wind, he slowly walked into this eerie small town.

To find food!

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