
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

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The next day, Su Hao went to the city to look for work.

However, to his dismay, no one believed that a boy of around four years old could do anything. After understanding Su Hao's intentions, they all rejected him outright.

This put Su Hao in a difficult position. Finding a job was not easy in these times, and making a living was even harder.

But he couldn't continue stealing and sneaking around forever. As the saying goes, "One who often walks by the river will get their shoes wet eventually."

After wandering around for a while, Su Hao clapped his hands and made a decision, thinking to himself, "Since no one wants to hire me, but I still need to survive, don't force me to resort to underhanded methods!"

Losing some integrity for his pursuits seemed quite normal to him.

After causing havoc in the previous world without any scruples, Su Hao's heart gradually settled, and he gained a new understanding of his own thinking and human thinking in general.

Everyone's life goals are different, and their choices vary as well.

Ultimately, the path one takes is influenced by their environment. In other words, thinking is limited not only by genes but also by the environment.

Every person is born into a vast web of social relationships, from which it is hard to break free. The only difference is that everyone is in a different position within this web.

Like a moth stuck in a spider's web, no matter how hard it tries, it cannot escape its final fate.

But Su Hao was different; he could break free from one web and then plunge into another.

This caused his thinking to undergo significant changes over time.

Having experienced multiple deaths and rebirths, he began to become fearless and unrestrained.

It seemed as if he could not truly die unless one day he lost himself and forgot his name was Su Hao.

As Luo Chaohui, he achieved great fame and had more money than he could spend, losing that genuine love for money.

As Wu Xiangwu, he had a burning desire to achieve earth-shattering feats and make a name in history, but after switching to another world, that passion was suddenly extinguished. Perhaps that world-changing enthusiasm could never be found again.

The only constant might be his relentless curiosity about the world and the universe.

What filled him with passion were the simple four words: "So that's how it is."

Su Hao looked at his sharp nails and asked himself, "Am I still the same human as before?"

One could say he was, but also say he was no longer the same person.

He had sensed that he was gradually shedding his human shell, and in the future, who knows when, he would also shed his human cognition.

Then, as he repeatedly broke through his moral limits, he would reshape a new soul.

So what is a soul?

Su Hao didn't know. He believed the soul was self-awareness.

What is will?

Su Hao didn't know that either. He thought will was the logic of perceiving things.

When his cognition detached from the human scope, would he still be human? If not, what would he be?

Su Hao slowly came to realize that in the future, he would definitely gradually change his cognition and slowly depart from the way a normal person thinks, and the only factor deciding his actions would be what he wanted.

To achieve his goals, he might do many outrageous things!

The rules of being human would bind him less and less.

For example, stealing to survive in this life didn't seem to trouble him at all.

Apart from the pressure to survive, he found it hard to develop a sense of racial identity with the vermilion reaper. Although he didn't dislike them, he didn't feel close to them either.

It could be imagined that in the next world, if he were lucky enough to become human again, would his sense of identity with humans be correspondingly reduced? Perhaps not!

This was unknown,

But the future would surely reveal it...

Once Su Hao had saved enough money, he planned to move to a new place. No matter what, living in a house was better than staying in that cramped little nook, and as his body grew stronger and taller, that small nook could no longer meet his needs.

Su Hao, carrying his money pouch, went to a broker specializing in housing, choosing a small house with a yard in a remote location.

Under the guidance of the tall broker, Su Hao arrived at the small yard.

The tall broker was an ordinary person and did not look down on Su Hao because of his young age. Even if he did, he wouldn't show it because people like him only recognized money. As long as there was money, everyone was his boss.

His curly hair was braided into small pigtails all over his head, and when he talked, he liked to pinch his pigtails with his fingers. With a beaming smile, he introduced the house to Su Hao, "The original owner of this yard was also a young kid. Two months ago, his father suddenly disappeared, leaving behind some property. Later, forced by circumstances, he sold this house. Now, the price is not expensive. If you take it, you will definitely profit."

Su Hao walked around the yard, very satisfied, and said, "I'll take this yard for two thousand vermilions. But how do I guarantee it?"

The broker gave Su Hao a surprised look and said, "All house transactions in the small city are guaranteed by the 'Shanghe' Chamber of Commerce, you can rest assured."

Seizing the opportunity, Su Hao asked, "What is the 'Shanghe' Chamber of Commerce?"

Money talks, and the broker patiently explained, "'Shanghe' Chamber of Commerce is a large organization formed voluntarily by all the merchants in Temple Forest City, selecting nine most reputable individuals as representatives to adjudicate all business disputes in the city. Of course, sometimes it's not just that. In short, the 'Shanghe' Chamber of Commerce can settle everything in the city."

Su Hao nodded to show his understanding.

The broker took out two contracts from his bag and asked, "Can you write?"

Looking at the paper full of words, Su Hao simply shook his head and said, "No!"

The broker took out a box and handed it to Su Hao, indicating, "You just need to put a fingerprint on this paper."

As soon as he finished, the broker immediately added, "Don't worry, there's absolutely no problem."

Without hesitation, Su Hao put a big fingerprint on the paper.

Then he readily handed over the money.

He wasn't afraid of problems. If anyone dared to trick him, he would just sneak in at night, beat them up, and take the money back.

The broker took the money bag, handed one contract to Su Hao, kept his own, and then glanced outside the yard, saying, "Little friend, there are a few older kids outside who seem to have set their sights on you! What are you going to do?"

Su Hao took out another handful of money and handed it over, saying, "Can you help me deal with it?"

The broker happily took the money and said, "Of course, just wait and see!"

With that, he somehow produced a baton, rolled up his sleeves to reveal a scorpion-shaped tattoo on his arm, and charged out, immediately intimidating the group of stray kids, "You brats, look closely, this is the territory protected by the Sandworm Gang. If you dare to cause trouble within a month, each of you will get a broken leg, got it?!"

The seven or eight-year-old kids immediately scattered in all directions.

Su Hao, on the other hand, silently thought to himself, "It seems this Temple Forest City is indeed controlled by various gangs."

Then he was stunned for a moment. What had he just heard? 'Within a month'? What did that mean?

The broker, with a grin on his face, came back and said, "Alright, I've taken care of it. If you have any trouble within a month, you can come to me for help."

Su Hao's mouth twitched, and he said expressionlessly, "What about after a month?"

The broker said, "After a month, I don't know. After all, this money only guarantees one month's protection, and I even gave you a discount. If you want continued protection from the Sandworm Gang after a month, you can come to me and pay the full management fee."

Su Hao nodded and didn't say more.

The broker was very happy to have closed a deal today and left humming an unknown tune.

After the broker left, Su Hao couldn't help but complain, "These gangs are really black-hearted!"

Su Hao quickly moved all his belongings into the small house, which mainly consisted of warm clothes and bedding. With a little arrangement, it was ready for him to move in.

Although simple, it was still a proper shelter from the wind and rain.

He sat on the eaves, staring blankly at the empty yard, suddenly thinking of the small courtyard in Chashan Post in his previous life, where his father Wu Yuntian often sat at the stone table in the yard drinking tea. He also remembered when he was Luo Chaohui, staying in a small villa with his parents and younger brother.

Su Hao murmured, "The more people you meet, the emptier your heart feels..."

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