
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

If One Knows They Must Die

Su Hao knocked down the man with the scaled armor again with a rock and then woke up the muscle man.

As soon as the muscle man woke up, he struggled to get up, his muscles bulging as he tried to break free from the ropes.

Whether it was a problem with the rope's quality or the muscle man's immense strength, the rope around his hands snapped with a "crack," and he broke free.

At this moment, Su Hao spoke up, "Hey, big guy, let's cut to the chase. I'll ask, you answer, and I'll spare your life."

Only then did the muscle man notice Su Hao standing nearby and the scaled armor man lying beside him. His expression turned ferocious under the mask as he snarled, "You little runt, you're dead. Just wait until I untie my legs, and I'll send you packing with one punch."

Su Hao didn't respond. He knew that this guy wouldn't cooperate unless he was beaten into submission.

As the muscle man reached down to untie the ropes around his legs, Su Hao darted forward, sweeping a kick aimed at his face. The muscle man immediately raised his arm to block.



Blood energy erupted as the kick sent the muscle man sprawling backward, sliding a few meters.

The muscle man's hands trembled from the impact, and Su Hao also felt the pain, stomping his foot in response. The force was mutual.

It was clear that this attack was a double-edged sword. Su Hao's current body was too weak.

"Rocks work better!" Su Hao picked up the rock he had just thrown down and slowly walked towards the muscle man.

The muscle man, with a grimace, said, "If you have guts, don't come any closer. Let me untie myself first, and then we can fight properly."

Su Hao snorted, sidestepped with a swift move, and slammed the rock into the man's face.

"Ah!" The muscle man cried out in pain, flipping to the ground. He sat up again, wiping the blood off his face, and roared angrily, "You coward! I, Sobang, will never submit!"


Another blow with the rock, and Sobang's head tilted to one side. But his back remained straight; he didn't fall. Sobang laughed loudly, "Hahaha, useless! Come on, kill me if you can!"

Su Hao frowned, stepped forward, and smashed the rock onto Sobang's forehead.

"Bang!" Sobang fell to the ground with a dull thud, passing out again.

After some thought, Su Hao went over to wake up the scaled armor man.

The scaled armor man woke up again, delighted to find he was still alive. He looked at Su Hao with hopeful eyes and said, "Big brother, will you really spare my life?"

Su Hao asked, "Depends on your performance. What's your name?"

The scaled armor man hesitated, "Well..."

Nighttime operations required keeping identities secret; revealing his identity meant certain death. However... not cooperating would mean death was even closer.

There was no mercy in nighttime killings.

Finally, he obediently replied, "My name is Yashan, and I clean rooms for a living."

Su Hao nodded, "Very well, Yashan. If you agree to be my experiment subject, not only will I spare your life, but I'll also help you become a [Ranger] and even achieve higher levels. How about that?"

Yashan swallowed and cautiously asked, "What do you mean by experiment subject?"

Su Hao explained, "It means you do whatever I say and fully cooperate with me in gathering information. Not only will it not harm you, but it will also help you gain the power you've always dreamed of!"

Yashan didn't believe he could be so lucky. Although he always believed in easy promotions, he didn't trust a word Su Hao said.

But what choice did he have? He couldn't fight back.

Yashan immediately nodded, "Okay, I agree to be your experiment subject, just spare my life."

Su Hao pointed at the muscle man, Sobang, "As your first gift, that muscle man is now yours."

Yashan was stunned at first. He looked at the muscle man lying beside him and pointed at himself, "Mine?" Su Hao nodded, wanting to see what Yashan would do next.

Yashan's face lit up with joy, "Thank you, big brother!"

Su Hao said, "You can call me Wei!"

Yashan quickly responded, "Thank you, Brother Wei! No, boss, thank you, Boss Wei."

Yashan raised his bound hands and feet, looking at Su Hao for help.

Su Hao was surprised, "You can't break free?"

Yashan awkwardly shook his head, "I'm an [Extended Armor Man]. My main strength is defense, not power."

Su Hao took a small knife from his waist and cut the ropes.

Yashan jumped up, rubbed his aching head, and went straight to grab Sobang's arm. He tore open the sleeve and bit down hard, ripping off a chunk of bloody flesh and swallowing it whole.

"Ah!" Sobang screamed in pain, waking up.


A rock struck his forehead again, knocking him out. Sobang had been hit multiple times in one night; who knew if he would get a concussion and become an idiot.

But it didn't seem to matter since Sobang was already quite foolish.

Yashan, satisfied after swallowing a big chunk of flesh, looked content.

Su Hao was very curious about what changes occurred inside Yashan's body after swallowing that flesh.

However, without instruments, he couldn't check, and Marble Space couldn't record other people's body information.

"I need to find a way to record other people's body data. Otherwise, to understand the secrets of evolution, I'd have to try eating it myself," Su Hao thought. He didn't want to try eating it himself, at least not before understanding the evolution mechanism. It would be very awkward if he didn't survive and had to reincarnate.

Soon, Yashan started feeling drowsy. Su Hao looked around and pointed at Sobang, "What do you plan to do with him?"

Yashan forced himself to stay awake and asked, "Boss, aren't you going to kill him?"

Su Hao asked, "Should I?"

Yashan scratched his head, "If it were a life-and-death struggle, the goal would be to kill the opponent. But I just wanted to take a bite or two, not kill him. It doesn't matter if he dies or not. Maybe just leave him here; he'll leave on his own when he wakes up."

Su Hao wasn't a murderer. He nodded, "Alright, you can go now."

Yashan was surprised, "An experiment subject only needs to eat?"

Su Hao smiled, "You could put it that way. Don't worry, I'll find you! Don't think about running; you can't escape."

With that, Su Hao left directly.

Yashan looked around at the quiet darkness, feeling a sense of survival. He quickly left, planning to lay low for a few days before deciding what to do next.

As he quickly left, a question suddenly popped into his mind, "If I knew I would die in a day, what would I do?"

It seemed that everything he cared about didn't matter anymore.

His job, the pressure from the landlord, the pursuit of evolution as an outsider, his wife and children...

None of it mattered anymore.

No, his two kids were so cute, how could they not matter? Besides his kids, nothing else mattered!

Thinking about this, Yashan suddenly felt incredibly light, as if he had shed all his burdens.

Then he thought of his two kids, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

It was good to be alive. He had to work hard to live, at least until his kids grew up.

He didn't know when he got home. The scales on his body slowly receded. He quietly looked at his sleeping son and daughter, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

As for his snoring wife on the side... well, she was a grown woman, she didn't need anyone to worry about her.

He quietly entered the side room and fell into a deep sleep.

Only after confirming Yashan was asleep did Su Hao leave from a distance and return home.

Tonight had been fruitful; now he needed to solve some problems.

"How can I record other people's blood and flesh information into Marble Space?"

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