
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

I Am Here

In the wilderness, Su Hao continued his research at the same pace as before, changing locations from time to time.

Occasionally, he entered towns to rest.

He even reached the major city of the human race, the main city of He'an.

He was searching for information, needing to understand more about the materials in this world.

He had a hypothesis: if he could find materials that could constrain blood energy, then pre-recording runes would no longer be a fantasy.

Su Hao's envisioned blood energy-constraining material would be like wires constraining electric currents. If the material could be pre-embedded in weapons and armor according to rune patterns, then during battle, he would only need to infuse blood energy into them to activate the runes instantly.

Yes, Su Hao wanted to find a foolproof way to activate runes. This would lower the threshold for using runes significantly. As long as someone had blood energy, they could use runes, just like anyone with hands could become a king.

However, Su Hao found nothing. It seemed that such materials did not exist in this world, and there were no records of such knowledge.

He even captured and deeply discussed with many rune masters who were secretly researching runes, but still, he returned disappointed.

Was it really true that no material could constrain blood energy?


Su Hao believed that there must be some material that could constrain blood energy.

Otherwise, how did he control blood energy? Almost every elite martial artist could control their blood energy, which was a form of constraint.

Su Hao's mind raced as he thought about the differences.

"Maybe... it doesn't necessarily need to be constrained?"

Blood energy is essentially biological energy. This energy has a stronger adaptation ability within living organisms, but once it leaves the body, its control diminishes significantly.

For instance, when blood energy is infused into a long sword, it can only be stuffed in, resulting in a powerful explosive force, but it cannot perform delicate work on the sword.

Su Hao concluded that "Biological adaptability to blood energy is much stronger than that of metallic substances!"

So, to achieve pre-recording runes, it might not need strong constraining materials. As long as the rune patterns were pre-embedded in the weapons and armor, and filled with substances more adaptable to blood energy than metal, it could help activate the runes.

Because blood energy would prioritize the material with stronger adaptability.

Su Hao's eyes sparkled. "So, what should be used? Crushing flesh into a paste and filling it in?"

It was worth a try.

Su Hao first engraved a rune on a metal plate and then filled it with crushed flesh, trying to infuse blood energy to activate the rune.

It failed!

The crushed flesh was essentially dead matter, lacking the integrity of living organisms.

Moreover, such crushed flesh could not be preserved for long.

What to do?

Countless solutions flashed through Su Hao's mind, only to be dismissed.

Suddenly, an idea struck him!

Gold thread worms!!!

He remembered a parasitic worm found in many fierce beasts during his dissection research.

Because they looked like long, golden threads, he named them gold thread worms.

Despite his nausea, he had researched them for a while.

He found that gold thread worms had a long, hard body and extremely strong vitality. They could survive just on blood energy, but seemed otherwise useless.

Now it seemed they were more than useful—they were a gift from this world!

Excitedly, Su Hao found several unlucky fierce beasts and extracted many gold thread worms from them.

Then, based on the thickness and length of the gold thread worms, he re-engraved the rune on the metal plate, slotting the gold thread worms into the grooves with tweezers, compacting them at intersections.

After connecting the gold thread worms end to end, Su Hao tried infusing blood energy.

The formation plate's rune activated successfully, emitting a bright light.

It worked!

Su Hao pumped his fist in excitement.

The gold thread worms were unharmed! Instead, they seemed more vigorous, as if they had just had a full meal.

They could be reused!

This discovery kept Su Hao up for two nights, filled with endless dreams about the future.

Where would this world go under his influence?


A year and a half later.

At fifteen, Su Hao had completed the integration of basic runes, annotating and analyzing all the basic runes he had discovered, numbering over 800.

He categorized the basic runes into nine sequences based on their characteristics, and each sequence was divided into ten levels according to usage frequency.

All the basic runes were included in this sequence system.

For example, the first sequence, first-level, first-number basic rune was "Fundamental Force One"; the second sequence, first-level, first-number basic rune was "Fundamental Force Two"; the third sequence, first-level, first-number basic rune was "Low-Efficiency Mass-Energy Conversion," and so on.

When designing formation plate runes, he could quickly index and select suitable basic runes from the sequence based on the desired effect.

Thus, most of his creative ideas could be realized through these formation plates.

Su Hao even developed simple runes like fireball runes, ice spike runes, corrosive ray runes, earth spike runes, and discharge runes. These effects were not observed in fierce beasts.

He also developed more complex ones like laundry runes, fan runes, dust dispersion runes, high-pressure water jet runes, writing copying runes, barbecue runes, and steaming runes...

The purpose of runes was to improve life, after all.

He also successfully developed rune weapons and rune armor.

Even an elite martial artist could, with some practice, use a rune-engraved long sword to trigger the runes in the blade, gaining enhanced effects.

For instance, Su Hao's rune-engraved long sword had three runes: "Hardness," "Sharpness," and "Penetration," making it extremely powerful.

If the warriors in Rising Clouds Town had used this sword against the whiskered beast, each of them could have made a small cut on the beast.

Although making a small cut on the whiskered beast might not have been very useful, it was still a significant improvement from no damage at all.

He also engraved runes on armor, such as "Hardness," "Deflection," "Barrier," and "Vibration," providing strong defensive effects. Even if the whiskered beast attacked, it might not penetrate.

What was this?

This was the call of the times!

This was a true revolution for humanity!

Moreover, as long as the gold thread worms embedded inside were occasionally fed with blood energy, they could survive for at least a year and a half.

The first batch of gold thread worms Su Hao caught were still alive, though they appeared somewhat listless.

But did it matter? No, it didn't. The gold thread worms, having developed such powerful functions, were now honored.

The gold thread worms probably never imagined they could be so amazing, capable of releasing various powerful attacks. They could now honor their ancestors.

In addition, Su Hao wrote two books.

One was called "The Path of the Martial Artist."

It included sections like "Introduction," "Principles and Breakthroughs of Blood Energy Bottlenecks," "Advancing to Elite - Centrifugal Chapter," "Blood Energy Enhancement Wave and Blood Flesh Enhancement Wave Visualization Chapter," "Advancing to Grandmaster - Formation Plate Engraving Chapter," "Advancing to Grandmaster - Formation Plate Compendium Chapter," "Objective Exploration of the Martial Artist," and concluded with "The Poison of the Mind, The Strength of the Human Race."

A thick book, Su Hao was very satisfied with it.

He aimed to spread "The Path of the Martial Artist" throughout the Eternal Harmony Continent.

Later, for easier dissemination, he created a second version, separating each section into individual parts.

This way, the complete book could be treasured, while individual chapters would inspire people to collect the entire set, quickly making the book popular.

The second book he wrote was "The Complete Guide to Runes."

It also had several sections, including "Beast Patterns and Runes," "Three-Dimensional Runes," "Formation Plate Structure Theory," "Complete Guide to Basic Runes," "Rune Case Studies Workbook," "The Beauty of Nature - Gold Thread Worm Chapter," "Application of Runes in Life and Combat," and concluded with "The Enlightenment of Thought, The Exploration of the Universe."

Satisfied, Su Hao looked at the two thick books in his hands, signing them with the pen name "Passerby."


He extended his hand, grasping at the sky.

"I'm here, world!"

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