
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Fast Demon And Bbone Demon

[Bone Demon]Derry also stood on the rooftop, quietly watching Feilun. His entire body was covered in thick, white bone armor, which was exceptionally ornate, covered in sharp bone spikes, giving an overall sinister beauty.

Although his face was obscured, his lofty demeanor betrayed him.

At a glance, Feilun could tell that [Bone Demon] was a conceited peacock with a restless heart.

Feilun couldn't help but feel disdainful: "We're all just failed escapees from the big city, what's with the aloof act?"

At that moment, [Bone Demon]'s subordinates had already hidden in the darkness, seeking opponents to engage.

Feilun sneered, drawing his twin blades from his lower back, and his figure silently vanished.

He was a level four variant in the [Swift Human] series, known as [Speed Demon], already nearing the pinnacle of variant strength.

At level one, [Swift Human] gained swiftness; at level two, [High-Speed Being] obtained 'super speed' and 'dynamic vision'; at level three, [Invisible Beast] acquired invisibility and stealth; at level four, [Speed Demon] gained 'Rend' and 'Air Step'.

To Feilun, his abilities seemed almost invincible.

'Super speed,' 'invisibility,' 'air step,' combined with the attack-enhancing and armor-piercing 'Rend,' who could possibly defeat him?

If he couldn't win, he'd escape to the skies—who could catch him?

Seemingly... no one!

Feilun nearly burst out laughing.

However, seeing [Bone Demon]'s cooler appearance, he instantly felt a surge of dissatisfaction.

Without another word, he was eager to dismantle all those bones.

In just a breath, Feilun's figure flashed behind [Bone Demon] Derry, striking at the thick neck armor.


A large chunk of [Bone Demon] Derry's neck bone shattered, revealing the flesh beneath.

At that moment, Derry realized Feilun had disappeared from sight and he had been attacked.

"Too fast! I couldn't react at all!" Derry tensed up, but remained calm, activating his ability immediately.

"Bone Spikes!"

"Puff puff puff!"

Sharp bone spikes suddenly protruded from all over Derry's body, each over three meters long, turning him into a porcupine.

This was the ability 'Bone Spikes' of a level four [Extended Armor Human] in the series, [Bone Demon].

Feilun had already retreated upon his initial miss, his figure disappearing once more.

Derry slowly retracted the spikes, and the wound on his neck healed instantly.

He watched warily, but saw no sign of the enemy.


Suddenly, bone fragments splattered as he was attacked again, this time at the heart.

Blood flowed from the wound.

This was Feilun's ability 'Rend,' which excelled at armor-piercing, even Derry's thick bone armor couldn't withstand it.

But to Derry, this was a minor injury, healing in a blink.

"Crack crack crack!"

Feilun's figure continuously flickered around Derry, each appearance resulting in shattered bones and deep cuts.

But Derry quickly healed every wound.

Feilun didn't care how Derry healed; he was simply enjoying cutting up the unsightly bone armor, feeling an exceptional thrill.

Cut, cut, cut! Fast, fast, fast!

However, this thrill was interrupted by Derry's counterattack.

"Sky Spike Burial!"

Derry stomped down hard.

"Puff puff puff! Hiss hiss hiss!"

Countless bone spikes suddenly shot up from the ground, reaching ten meters high, covering a twenty-meter radius.

The sharp spikes glistened coldly in the night.

Feilun, stepping invisibly in mid-air, broke out in a cold sweat, shouting internally: "Almost got turned into a pincushion! [Bone Demon] is insane!"

The next moment, he started laughing: "But no matter how strong, you still can't kill me, ha ha ha!"

With that, he leapt sideways out of the spike's range, landing on a rooftop.

Feilun's figure vanished again, blending into the darkness, his twin blades vibrating intensely, signaling his ability 'Rend.' In the next second, he dashed towards Derry.

Derry seemed to sense something, as more bone spikes sprouted from his body.

"Puff puff puff!"

Seeing the bone spikes, Feilun grinned behind his mask, twirling his blades to fend off any attack.

"Crack crack crack!"

Bone spikes shattered into fragments under his blades.

"Decapitation Strike!"

Feilun flashed past Derry, his blade gleaming.

Derry slightly sidestepped.


Derry's arm was severed at the root, flying through the air, blood gushing from the wound. He reached out with his remaining arm to retrieve it.


But as he stretched out, Feilun flashed by again, severing the other arm at the root.


Su Hao was suddenly awakened by the distant commotion, flipping upright: "What's happening? Such a ruckus!"

He immediately activated his radar, attempting to sense the distant events.

Over a thousand meters away, he detected a large number of variants, with two of them having blood energy at the level of Grand Preceptor, engaged in battle.

"Let's sneak a peek!" Su Hao quickly changed his gear, activated his radar, and stealthily approached the battle site.

At around five hundred meters, Su Hao stopped and climbed to a higher vantage point to observe the chaos.

However, it was too dark to see anything clearly.

A bit closer!

At about three hundred meters, Su Hao finally saw the situation faintly.

A tall, burly man covered in bone armor was being attacked relentlessly by an unseen assailant, bone fragments flying everywhere.

Both arms severed, he looked incredibly miserable.

Su Hao widened his eyes, trying to spot the attacker, but saw nothing. Only through his radar could he sense the opponent moving at an extremely high speed, constantly circling the bone-armored man for attack opportunities.

"Faster than a human king!" Su Hao immediately grew wary of underestimating the combat power of these variants.

If he faced this incredibly fast person, he might lose before having a chance to draw a rune!

"For now, I must avoid these variants." Su Hao weighed the pros and cons, noting that he didn't understand their abilities and, although he had reached high-rank grandmaster, his body was still weak and had much room for growth. No need to rush.

The battle soon changed.

Bone Demon Derry crouched, extending two bone spikes through his arms, retracting them, seemingly to reattach.

But would Feilun give him that chance?

He flashed by, smashing the arms to pieces with his blades.

Derry didn't get angry, but smiled, gritting his teeth and bellowing. Bone quickly surged from the stumps, regenerating two new arms in an instant.

Derry flexed his new arms, perfect as before!

Feilun, in mid-air, exclaimed: "That's possible?!"

Then, he laughed indifferently: "This time I'll cut off your head!"


Feilun disappeared, flashing past Derry. Derry seemed to anticipate the attack, tilting his head aside.


Yet his neck was still sliced halfway through, his head nearly falling.

Just as Su Hao thought Bone Demon was doomed, a chilling sight unfolded.

Bone Demon Derry merely held his head in place, preventing it from falling, then stomped down.

"Divine Burial of Spikes!"

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