
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Everyone's Determination, No Matter the Error

Su Hao said, "Human King, I respect you, and besides that, I respect everyone who opens their eyes to see this beautiful world. In my opinion, everyone is born equal, and this is the premise of everything for me.

I do not expect everyone to become a qualified warrior; as you said, this is unrealistic. But what I want is for everyone to have a chance to choose, for everyone to have a chance to change their own life. Whether or not they succeed in the end is not important.

If the knowledge of runes is controlled by a few, can you tell me, will everyone have the opportunity to learn the knowledge of runes?"

The Human King frowned and said seriously, "Passerby, you are oversimplifying this world! If everyone were to practice martial arts, our resources would be insufficient. We can only make choices, select the best, and cultivate them quickly to gain stronger power to protect other humans.

It's impossible for everyone to practice martial arts!!! The system formed by countless ancestors over the years is the foundation of our human race!"

Su Hao's voice gradually rose, "Human King, resources and strength are proportional. This world is vast, much larger than any of you can imagine. If you want more resources, then go out boldly, venture into the wilderness to find more resources! There are too many resources outside the city.

Don't hide in this small city! If you stay here, you will have nothing, do you understand?

Always thinking about your own little plot of land, always focusing on the internal affairs of the human race, even fighting over the use of the knowledge of martial artists and runes! Why not think more about how to use runes to explore the world, transform the world, and improve the living environment of the human race?

Don't talk to me about systems or foundations! Those things are essentially the exploitation of the weak by the strong! I do not oppose exploitation, but at least give those who are exploited a chance!"

The Human King's voice also began to rise, and his face started to turn red. He hadn't argued with anyone for decades, and anyone who dared argue with him was usually cut down with a single sword strike. But he couldn't bear to just kill the passerby like this, he had to win this argument: "Passerby!! You know nothing about the wilderness, you know nothing about the top powers of this world! One wrong step for the human race, and it could mean utter destruction!

Go out? If we could go out, the human race would have done so long ago. Why would we hide here? But you must know, this world is not for the human race to decide. Numerous powerful grandmaster-level beasts are entrenched in various parts of the wilderness, and the human race cannot set foot in their territories.

Even if we threw everyone in, it wouldn't be enough to fill their teeth! Don't take this as a matter of course for this king!"

Su Hao also started to spit, "Human King! You underestimate the potential of every human. As long as they are given a chance, they can create miracles. You cannot place the hope of great strength on a few so-called 'elites.' You are the Human King, the king of the entire race, please focus on the entire human race and believe in the potential of each human! All they need is a chance, a small chance!

Yes, under the previous environment, you were not wrong. But now the situation is different, runes are completely different, it makes no sense to block them, why not try? The more people learn about runes, the greater the power that runes can exert!"

The Human King said, "Passerby! The weak are weak, no matter how many weak people gather together, they cannot change anything, giving them opportunities is useless, and long-term accumulation will only lead to the gradual decline of the human race through internal consumption!

You also think about the problem from the perspective of the race, you are a smart person, why don't you understand this?"

Su Hao immediately retorted, "Human King! They are indeed weak, but were they born weak? How do you know if a person can become strong if you don't give them a chance?

Do you know, when powerful beasts attack human towns, weak humans have no power to resist,

and are swallowed by the beasts. What can they do? Nothing, they can only look at this world one last time in despair. They don't even have the chance to try to change their fate of being devoured! Do you know the fear and helplessness of facing death without the power to resist? You surely do not know, but I do! I know what kind of despair it is! The despair of not even having the chance to strive!

I'll say it here, runes, you are not allowed to hoard them, spread them! If the human race wants to become strong, go study the power of runes, study the power that can defeat all the beasts entrenched in the depths of the wilderness.

Will hoarding runes give you stronger power? Nonsense! Ensuring the stability of the human race first, slowly adapting, will this give stronger power? Nonsense!"

The Human King got angry, waving the broken sword in his hand and said, "Passerby, you are talking nonsense! This king admits your runes are powerful, but so what? They still cannot compete with grandmaster-level beasts, all rune effects are like paper in front of grandmaster-level beasts, they break with a single poke!"

Su Hao immediately patted the "Eight Hundred Explosions" behind him and confidently retorted, "Nonsense! Even grandmaster-level beasts are powerless in front of my runes!"

The Human King said, "Passerby, this king knows I cannot convince you. But this king also does not agree with your philosophy! Because you think your runes are the strongest, but this king believes this king's power is the strongest!"

Su Hao rarely agreed with the Human King's statement and nodded, "Indeed!"

The Human King continued, "I don't want to kill you! Because you are a very rare talent."

Su Hao also said, "I don't want to attack you either, because your contributions to the human race deserve everyone's respect!"

The Human King said, "However, I have to swing my sword at you. If this king wins and you die, the human race remains the same, but will become stronger because of your runes. If this king dies and you win, it means your runes can indeed contend with grandmaster-level beasts, and this king will have no worries. So, let's settle this! Decide life and death!"

Su Hao quietly looked at the old man in front of him and suddenly laughed. He pointed his short knife at the Human King and said, "Come on! Let everyone feel the power of runes!"

Su Hao could understand the Human King's choice.

Because the Human King had his own persistence and pride.

The Human King grew up under the existing system of the human race, benefiting from it.

When he became the ultimate beneficiary of the system, he became an absolute supporter of it, and no one could change this, not even the truth.

So, he swore to defend the system that allowed him to stand at the top of the human race and all the complex relationships of the large families.

Subconsciously, he knew he couldn't become a traitor just because of Su Hao's few words.

Moreover, the Human King fundamentally believed that the power contained in his body was the strongest in the human race, and even in this world, and this was his pride.

Because unrivaled power cannot be shaken.

Su Hao's runes couldn't either!

He would prove this again with his long sword.

And Su Hao also had his persistence.

At first, he wanted to give the human race in this world a gift, any form would do, to anyone, as long as it could help the human race survive better.

But after the Rising Clouds Town whiskered beast attack incident, he changed his mind.

At that time, he was right there, witnessing with his own eyes the whiskered beast's tentacles swallowing one powerless person after another into its belly, and those who had no strength to struggle could only meet their end in despair.

It was such a familiar feeling, he didn't know how many times he had experienced it, and he personally felt that powerlessness.

At the moment close to death, he kept telling himself, if only there was a chance...

Yes, that's it, "if only there was a chance"!

He had waited for such a chance for a long time.

But what about the people of this world? What do they have to wait for?

Maybe they are also just lacking such a chance.

So, Su Hao thought, to the best of his ability, to create such a chance for the people of this world!

Whether it succeeds or not, at least it won't be too regrettable, right? Everyone, including him, will eventually die. The outcome is actually not important, not having regrets is the most important.

As for whether the human race will experience chaos?

He was absolutely confident; the potential of the human race is unimaginable. The new world forged in the fires of war will flourish, ultimately shocking everyone.

Today, he spoke a lot. Because this was his first time speaking out after gaining knowledge and power, and only expressions backed by knowledge and power would be heard.

Is it naive?

Su Hao felt he was quite naive, and so was the Human King who was arguing with him. But after the argument, it was really satisfying, refreshing!


Su Hao was in silver armor, revealing only his eyes full of spirit.

The Human King was in golden armor, inscribed with runes under Su Hao's 'Rune's Glory,' but still majestic, with an old face showing inherent authority.

The surrounding grand preceptor martial artists and grandmaster martial artists were sent away by the Human King.

Because this was his and the passerby's battlefield

, a battle of ideas, a life-and-death struggle, not allowing others to interfere.

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