
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Bone Armor First Battle

Yashan instantly transformed into a tall and handsome [Bone Demon], and grabbed the neck of the [Reverse Spike Beast] Fred, holding him tightly.

The spikes on Fred's neck broke off when they met Yashan's bone armor.

Fred exerted all his strength and opened his mouth to shout, "Ah- cough"

But Yashan increased his strength, forcing the latter half of the sound back into Fred's throat.

Then Yashan bent down and slammed Fred's head hard onto a rock.


The spikes on Fred's head broke off one by one.

However, the armor's defense was so strong that Fred didn't faint.

Yashan simply threw the [Burrowing Beast] in his other hand aside and grabbed a rock.


Then he started smashing the rock onto Fred's head repeatedly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After a while, Fred finally fainted.

Yashan tossed the rock away and murmured, "Boss Wei's strength is always more precise. No wonder he's the boss!"

Then he picked up the Burrowing Beast Yi and ran out of the city, passing by the [Corrosive Beast] Ariane, intending for Ariane to notify the [Speed Demon] Ann.

With everyone watching in horror, he sprinted out of the city, carrying one in each hand.

As Yashan had expected, Ariane found Ann.

Ann's first reaction upon hearing the news was suspicion, thinking it was a trap to lure him out.

"It must have been discovered by the 'Temple Forest Association'! How did they find us?"

Ann stood still, his mind racing.

"The important thing is whether to save Fred and Yi. If not, they are as good as dead. If I go, I might die too. So, should I go or not?"

Caught in hesitation, Ann consumed a lot of mental energy.

The most mentally exhausting task is not conducting research or solving math problems, but making decisions, which consume much more mental energy.

If the decision is correct, even if executed poorly, it can be corrected. But if the decision is wrong, no amount of good execution can save it.

After two breaths, Ann decided to make an attempt. If it failed, he would retreat and reconsider his plan.

Ann thought to himself, "I must not be reckless! Moreover, I don't know how the enemy discovered us. Logically, we have been very cautious these past few days, not exposing any abilities. After thorough consideration, I didn't find any major loopholes. Until this mystery is solved, I can't act rashly."

Ann then turned to Ariane and said, "Ariane, there is danger here. Leave in the opposite direction and wait for me in Temple Forest City."

Ariane, a beautiful woman, nodded.

Ann gradually disappeared, entering an invisible state.

Knowing that Ann had gone far, Ariane quickly left in the opposite direction.

Not long after Ariane left the city, several level-three mutants blocked her way.

Ariane's face turned cold, her skin turning a brownish-green, and her body grew numerous lumps like a toad's back, looking extremely terrifying. Her once beautiful face became hideous.

Then a pale yellow gas spread out from her, causing the grass around her to wither and rot.

The members of the 'Temple Forest Association' who blocked her quickly backed away: "It's the [Corrosive Beast], be careful not to let anything touch her, or it'll be trouble."

"What should we do then? We can't get close, and we have no long-range attack means!"

"This is tricky!"

Suddenly, someone suggested, "Throw stones at her!"

The group exchanged glances and understood each other!


Ann was very fast. Shortly after Yashan left the city, Ann caught up.


A gust of wind blew past Yashan, and his neck armor suddenly shattered, scattering fragments everywhere.

When Ann passed by Yashan, Yashan didn't feel anything.

If it weren't for the fact that the bones on his neck shattered and his neck got cut, he would have thought it was just a breeze.

Yashan kept running at full speed away from Temple Forest City, remembering Boss Wei's instructions to get as far away as possible.

Ann didn't reveal himself; he continued moving at high speed. He glanced at his twin short knives, sensing something amiss: "His bone armor is strange, a thin red membrane blocked my first attack, and the bone armor blocked my second attack, the hardness is beyond imagination."

Ann wasn't arrogant; his dual knife technique might not decapitate a Bone Demon in one go, but cutting half the neck was usually easy. The first knife cuts the bone, and the second one adds damage, enough to severely injure a [Bone Demon].

But it was ineffective against the running figure ahead, only barely breaking the skin.

If all [Bone Demons] were like this, the [Speed Demon] sequence wouldn't stand a chance.

Ann's eyes flashed with a strange light: "Let's try again!"


The twin knives began to vibrate at high speed with a "buzz."

Ann appeared beside Yashan again, aiming at Yashan's arm this time, intending to cut it off and rescue the captive.


Again, it was ineffective. The two combined strikes only managed to cut halfway through, and in the blink of an eye, Yashan's wound was healed.

"Not good!" Ann hesitated.

No matter how fast he was, it was useless if he couldn't break through the defense! Moreover, where was the opponent heading? Luring him out to kill?

Ann frowned deeply.

At this moment, he felt reluctant to just leave! Initially, he planned to try once and then leave, but the opponent didn't even fight back.


Meanwhile, Su Hao arrived at the yard as Yashan left the city.

He transformed into a [Bone Demon] while walking.

White bone armor formed, shoulder armor thickened and lifted, chest and abdomen armor formed, shining with white light, and two thin wings extended from his back...

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The unique sound of bones echoed, and a streamlined winged armor was completed.

Su Hao extended his right hand, and a bone long sword slowly extended, forming instantly, gleaming with cold light.

Intricate patterns spread all over the bone armor, extending to the bone sword.

When Su Hao reached the middle of the yard, the transformation was complete.

He crouched slightly and leaped a hundred meters into the air, a blast beneath his feet, shooting him like a cannonball towards the city outskirts.



This time, Su Hao didn't hide his form, flying openly over Temple Forest City, heading straight for Ann.

Was Ann fast?


On the ground, even Su Hao wasn't confident in outrunning him.

Ann's speed wasn't just in straight-line running, but also in agile turns and returns, maintaining speed.

It's said that 'in all martial arts, speed is unbeatable.'

When speed reaches a certain level, it's indeed invincible. A few years ago, the [Speed Demon] Fei Lun would've been unstoppable if not for his nemesis [Line Demon] Shick.

However, Ann's speed, while fast, couldn't match Su Hao's high-speed flight.

On the ground, Ann's speed was unmatched, free to move and turn, with no one able to catch him.

But in a straight line, Su Hao's high-speed flight was much faster.

So, Ann couldn't escape. As long as he was within Su Hao's radar range, no matter how he maneuvered, he couldn't get away.

How wide was Su Hao's radar range?

Six kilometers!

No matter which direction Ann ran, unless he immediately disappeared from Su Hao's radar, Su Hao would slowly catch up.

The moment Su Hao took off, Ann's fate was sealed.

So, how would Su Hao deal with the extremely fast-moving Ann on the ground?

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