
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Blood Energy Control Training

Then, Su Hao bombarded An with two more shells. The radar detected the rapid dissipation of blood energy, confirming An's death. Only then did Su Hao descend, landing beside An's skinless body.

To be honest, Su Hao greatly admired An. He couldn't imagine ever doing something as gruesome as flaying himself alive.

Just thinking about it made his skin crawl.

But An had done it, without hesitation.

If they hadn't been enemies, they might have been friends.

However, some things have no 'if'. Once a mistake is made, it's a mistake, and there's no changing that.

Su Hao stepped forward, cut off a piece of An's flesh, stored it, dug a pit nearby, and buried An.

Having chosen the path of becoming an extraordinary being, life and death were matters of no regret.

Su Hao leapt into the air, his feet exploding with power, flying towards Temple Forest City.

But he felt like he had forgotten something. What was it?

"Never mind, since the matter is resolved, I'll go back and focus on my research! Others can handle the aftermath."

He already had some ideas on how to micro-manipulate genes and create the desired cas9. Now, he just needed a lot of experiments.

Under Tenny's care, the little round mice were breeding well, enough for his experiments.


Yashan, holding a prisoner in each hand, stood in the desolate wilderness.

"Where is this? Where's [Speed Demon]? When did it suddenly disappear? And where's Boss Wei? Why hasn't he come yet?"

"Should I keep running? Boss Wei said the farther, the better..."

"Maybe I should run a bit further!"

Several level three extraordinary beings from the Temple Forest Association surrounded the [Corrosive Beast] Ariane from a distance, continuously throwing stones at her.

No matter how Ariane dodged, she was still hit by many stones. As time went on, her injuries worsened, and the stones came faster and more fiercely, as if the people throwing them were having fun.

Ariane felt bitter and helpless. Facing this situation, she had no way out.

Her poison was unmatched, but the cunning enemies never gave her a chance, only throwing stones from a distance.

She wanted to escape, but speed was not her strength, so she couldn't get away.

She considered rushing into the city to take hostages, but whenever she moved towards the city, a barrage of stones forced her further away.

It was a dead end!

She no longer had the strength to struggle, thinking, "If An were here, he'd know what to do... What a pity!"

Then she gave up resisting and was completely buried by the stones.

That night, the [Shapeshifter] Charlotte transformed into a wolfhound and sniffed out An's corpse.

Upon discovering An was dead, Charlotte couldn't help but tremble: "Even An is dead. How can I avenge you, my sister Shari?"

"You always thought I killed our mother, but it was actually An. For some unknown reason, he designed her death. I only ate a piece of her flesh and happened to be caught by you, my foolish sister..."

"This revenge, I won't take it! I'd better leave! I'll find a place where no one knows me, start anew, get married, and live as an ordinary person!"

After burying An's body again, Charlotte disappeared into the darkness.


The incident quickly subsided, and Temple Forest City returned to its usual calm. Ordinary people seemed unconcerned about what had happened, mentioning it only occasionally in idle chat. As long as they could maintain their way of life, they were content.

Su Hao, back in his lab, suddenly remembered Yashan and slapped his forehead: "Oh no, I forgot to tell Yashan he didn't need to keep running!"

But then he thought, "Yashan is a grown man, he can't get lost." So he dismissed the thought and continued his work.

Three days later, a confused Yashan finally returned to Temple Forest City, still holding two barely alive individuals.

That day, Su Hao, smelling the delicious food, walked out of the lab. Seeing Yashan, he greeted him: "Yo, Yashan, haven't seen you for a few days. Where have you been?"

Yashan was momentarily speechless, managing only a forced smile: "Let's not talk about it! Boss Wei, I've prepared a feast for you, come and try it!"

Su Hao sat down and, pointing to Tenny, who was already prepared, said: "How's the search for the teacher to teach Tenny reading and writing going?"

Yashan replied: "Boss Wei, don't worry! I'll find one for her by tomorrow."

Tenny, confused, asked: "What teacher?"

Su Hao smiled: "A teacher to teach you knowledge, to make you smarter. Tenny, you must study hard! I'm sure you'll love learning."

Tenny's eyes lit up with joy: "Really?"


Soon, Su Hao was back in his lab, fully immersed in cracking the method of micro-manipulating blood energy.

He had considered using his consciousness to control it but gave up after trying because he lacked the so-called spiritual sense from the cultivation world to observe his body's microstate.

Maybe he could learn these mysterious things if he reincarnated in the cultivation world in the future.

But for now, he was just an ordinary human in terms of consciousness and thought, unable to change microscopic things with his mind.

So what should he do?

He still needed Little Light's help, handing over the control of blood energy to Little Light to complete the synthesis of cas9.

Su Hao already had a plan. It was to match the brainwaves controlling blood energy with those generated by listening, speaking, reading, writing, and visualizing. Then, Little Light would generate the desired effects based on Su Hao's thoughts, and Su Hao could follow through with the actions.

To achieve this, Su Hao needed to do two things.

First, control the movement of blood energy as precisely as possible and collect the brainwaves generated.

This movement of blood energy wasn't random but systematic, covering as many directions and lengths as possible.

This wasn't difficult for Su Hao. He just needed to establish a spatial coordinate system, then use vector methods to define a unit length of one nanometer or one micrometer, thus recording as many movements of blood energy in various directions and sizes as possible.

However, this would take a lot of time.

Second, he needed to perform various activities to generate brainwaves and compare them with the brainwaves controlling blood energy for matching.

The best activity for this was visualization, followed by drawing symbols, writing, and lastly, speaking and doing actions.

Speaking felt awkward, like an old witch chanting spells, which wasn't what he wanted to do.

Doing actions didn't feel right either, resembling shamanistic rituals, which was also inappropriate.

So, Su Hao prioritized visualizing all kinds of strange things. If that didn't work, he'd move to symbols and text, and so on.

This would also take a lot of time.

Fortunately, Su Hao had plenty of time.

Time flew by, and two years passed in the blink of an eye. Su Hao turned thirteen!

He finally completed the coding and matching of brainwaves for micro-manipulating blood energy.

The method used visualization combined with symbols.

For example, to execute a blood energy vector movement, Su Hao just needed Little Light to list a series of visualizations and symbols.

Su Hao felt confident: "Next, let's start the genetic experiments on the little round mice!"

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