
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Beast Mark


Author: Dali Bao

Translator: MythicWeaver


Su Hao's full-powered strike had such force that even Liu believed it was at the beginner grandmaster level.

Liu rubbed his smooth forehead and said helplessly, "Your blood energy feels like that of an elite martial artist, but the amount of blood energy is exaggerated. This explosive power, I haven't seen it in any high-rank elite warrior."

Su Hao nodded and said, "My father says I have a unique talent, so it's normal for me to have a bit more than others."

Liu could only reluctantly accept Su Hao's explanation.

Su Hao continued, "There is indeed an insurmountable gap between elite martial artists and grandmasters. The punch I just threw was the strongest one I could muster, but it couldn't even break through your defense, Teacher Liu."

Liu nodded, "The power of a grandmaster is not something the human race can possess naturally; it is summarized through the study of fierce beasts. The reason human bodies lag so far behind in strength compared to fierce beasts is due to the lack of a special structure."

Su Hao summarized, "Teacher Liu, are you saying that fierce beasts have something in their bodies that we humans do not?"

Liu replied, "Exactly, we call the special structure within fierce beasts 'beast pattern.' Fierce beasts are born with it, but humans are not."

"So, to advance to grandmaster, one only needs to add an artificial beast pattern to their body."

Su Hao suddenly understood, "I see."

But Liu added, "However, adding a beast pattern is not as simple as you think; it requires meeting two conditions."

Su Hao asked, "What are those two conditions?"

"First, you need to obtain a complete beast pattern; second, you must successfully imprint the beast pattern onto your body."

Su Hao couldn't meet the first condition as he had just heard of the concept of the 'beast pattern' for the first time and had no exposure to it. He asked, "Teacher Liu, where can I find a beast pattern?"

Liu smiled, "There are four ways to obtain a beast pattern. First, someone gives it to you, like a legacy from your father or someone else; second, you buy it at a high price on the black market; third, you become an academy student and learn from the academy; fourth, you hunt fierce beasts in the wilderness. You can directly choose the third option, selecting a beast pattern from the academy's collection, but it will cost money."

Su Hao broke into a cold sweat; the mention of spending money made his heart race. He asked cautiously, "How much money?"

Liu laughed, "Don't worry, it's much cheaper than the black market, only five gold coins. Didn't you win ten gold coins from Warden Jin Datong at the beginning of the school term? If you haven't spent it all, you can use it now."

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief. He had been busy studying for the past half year and hadn't spent much money, except on some small custom items, so he still had nine gold coins left, which was enough. If a beast pattern had cost 20-30 gold coins, he would have been at a loss.

Liu added, "The minimum price on the black market is twenty gold coins, and that's for beast patterns with weak effects."

Su Hao gasped.

Liu continued seriously, "So, after learning the beast pattern from the academy, you must not spread or sell it casually, or the academy has the right to reclaim it at any time."

Su Hao nodded, "Understood."

Su Hao asked, "Then how about the second point? How do I imprint the beast pattern onto my body?"

Liu stroked his bald head proudly, "This is the difficult part. Even if you obtain a complete beast pattern, it doesn't mean you can imprint it onto your body successfully.

Since beast patterns are designed for fierce beasts, imprinting them directly onto the human body won't work.

You need to analyze the core and adjust the beast pattern according to your body's condition to make it compatible with yourself, forming a new blood energy network for successful imprinting."

Su Hao understood, "I see. It looks like advancing to grandmaster will take some time."

Liu said, "Definitely. Depending on one's comprehension, this process can take one to five years or even longer. Those with good comprehension and luck can succeed in about a year, while those without might take indefinitely longer. But don't be too optimistic; having a beast pattern and time doesn't guarantee success. Most elite martial artists can't find a structure that matches their body and fail to imprint it successfully in their lifetime.

So, Xiangwu, whether you succeed in advancing to a grandmaster martial artist depends on yourself."

Su Hao nodded, "Understood. Thank you, Teacher Liu."

"Did you bring money?" Liu asked suddenly.

Su Hao nodded. He always carried his money with him; losing it would be disastrous.

Liu stroked his bald head, waved his hand, and walked out, "Come with me. I'll take you to choose a beast pattern first."


Soon, Su Hao and Liu arrived on the third floor of the Rising Clouds Library. They greeted the administrator and entered a room.

Liu took down a large wooden box from a huge cabinet and opened it to reveal many scrolls.

Liu casually picked up a scroll, "This is a beast pattern. Each scroll contains a complete beast pattern. All the scrolls in the academy are here. You can choose one you like. For example, this one in my hand is labeled 'Giant Strength.'"

"It means that if you choose this beast pattern and successfully imprint it, in addition to advancing to grandmaster, your blood energy will gain the giant strength attribute, giving your body immense power. You could even lift a house with ease in the future."

Liu picked up another scroll, "This one is labeled 'Jump,' which enhances jumping ability. You could leap like a flea in the future."

"This one is 'Hardness,' for defense..."

"This one is 'Control,' enhancing blood energy control..."

"This one is 'Shaping,' enhancing blood energy malleability..."

"This one is 'Burst,' increasing blood energy explosive strength..."

"This one is 'Phantom'..."

"Burn, Corrosion, Freeze, Color Change, Coordination, Numbness, Perception, Adhesion, Recovery, Healing, Spin, Penetration, Giant..."

There were thirty-three different beast patterns in total.

Faced with so many choices, Su Hao didn't know which to pick for a moment and asked, "Teacher Liu, what is your beast pattern?"

Normally, one shouldn't inquire about others' beast patterns, but Liu didn't intend to hide it from Su Hao and said directly, "Mine is 'Spin,' also learned from here. However, in the future, don't easily ask about others' beast patterns. Only share yours with teammates you can rely on. The more cards you hold, the safer you are."

"I understand, Teacher Liu." Su Hao nodded immediately and asked, "Can I choose two or three?"

Liu shook his head, "No, they will conflict, and our bodies can't handle it."

Su Hao understood, sat cross-legged on the ground, and carefully examined the scroll labels, asking Liu whenever he had doubts.

After some thought, Su Hao picked a beast pattern and said to Liu, "Teacher Liu, I've decided. I'll choose this one."

Liu had been wondering what beast pattern Su Hao would choose. Hearing this, he curiously took it to check.

He was surprised and confirmed with Su Hao again, "Are you sure you want this one? This beast pattern is very complex, and very few people have successfully imprinted it. It also doesn't have much offensive power. According to those who succeeded, it can only perceive a range of about twenty meters, which is almost useless. Think it over."

Su Hao nodded seriously, "I'm sure! This is the most suitable for me."

Liu nodded, not saying more. The suggestion was given, and the final decision lay with the other party. Success or failure didn't matter to him; success was best, but failure was also acceptable.

Handing the scroll to Su Hao, he said, "Now you pay five gold coins. You can come to the third floor to borrow the scroll and try to imprint the beast pattern within a year. After a year, you need to pay one gold coin annually for the rental fee."

Su Hao's eyelid twitched, thinking, "They really know how to make money."

He took the scroll and slowly opened it. The label on the scroll read - Perception!

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