
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

2 Years

During the day, the Temple Forest City is peaceful, but at night, brutal fights occur everywhere.

Most of the time, Su Hao stays at home, studying the gene sequences of ordinary people, attempting to decipher the secrets hidden within them.

However, this is easier said than done. He immediately encountered significant difficulties due to the lack of comparative data. The dense sequences of A, T, C, and G in the genes made it impossible to determine what they corresponded to.

Would he need to try each one individually?

It was impossible. He couldn't do it, especially in this backward world lacking advanced experimental equipment. It was simply impossible to decode genes by himself.

All he could do was compare differences, guess the results, and then verify them.

The gene similarity of ordinary vermilion reapers was as high as 99.99%, with only a small part of the genes being different.

Su Hao's task was to temporarily exclude those similar genes and instead study the different ones, determining what different external manifestations they transcribed.

The most important thing was to compare the differences between ordinary people and the superhumans, extracting the genes with differences for study.

Of course, Su Hao didn't spend all his time comparing genes.

Although comparing genes was an important topic, the most important thing for him at this stage was to quickly improve his strength.

For example, studying the body's "blood energy enhancement function" and "muscle enhancement function."

Unexpectedly, the "five senses enhancement function" and "internal organs enhancement function," which had troubled him in his previous life, were quickly understood in this world and reached the "proficient" level.

Su Hao found this miraculous.

Perhaps all the answers were hidden in the genes.

Time passed quickly.

Two years later, Su Hao was six and a half years old.

He had grown to 1.4 meters tall, his body gradually becoming robust and muscular, comparable to his ten-year-old self in his previous life.

After two years of growth and enhancement, his body strength became extremely high, his muscles and bones exceptionally tough, comparable to an old ox.

The enhancement of his internal organs made their functions extremely strong and resilient, preventing them from being easily injured by shocks.

Now, from the inside out, he was like a small iron man, unbreakable no matter how he was tossed around.

The biggest change was in his five senses. He had never felt the world so clear. The previous world seemed covered by a layer of white sand, but now, the white sand had been lifted, revealing the true face of the world to Su Hao.

Perhaps his eyes could see beyond the visible spectrum?

His keen hearing allowed him to easily hear the gossip of old ladies a hundred meters away.

His powerful sense of smell enabled him to easily distinguish the smells of various items.

His blood energy had also increased several times, quickly approaching the strength of his previous life.

The radar's maximum range reached nearly two kilometers, and it could be maintained at about one kilometer daily without pressure.

Moreover, his ears began to grow some fine hair, a sign of the vermilion reaper's growth.

That day, Su Hao was fiddling with some bottles and jars at home.

These were blood samples collected over the past two years and some simple experimental solutions he had prepared.

The blood samples were preserved with a special preservative unique to this world, ensuring that the gene structures wouldn't be damaged for years.

Although these blood samples' genes had already been recorded in the Marble Space, they still had future uses.

After nightfall, Su Hao quietly opened the door and went to a clearing on the city's edge.

This was the place where he met Yashan.

Yashan had willingly accepted Su Hao as his leader a year and a half ago when he was being chased by a level-one residual poison mutant and almost died, accidentally running near Su Hao.

Su Hao discovered and saved him. The residual poison mutant was Yashan's nemesis. Once touched, the poison bypassed his thick armor and entered his body, making it impossible to defend against.

When Su Hao killed the residual poison mutant with one slash, Yashan was deeply poisoned and on the verge of death, but Su Hao pulled him back from the brink of death.

Su Hao merely cut his face twice, making an incision, then drew a circular pattern on his chest, and the poison was cleared out.

Yashan immediately regarded Su Hao as a celestial being.

Of course, a lot of blood was also cleared out with the poison, and he almost died from excessive bleeding, but that wasn't important. What mattered was that he survived.

Since then, Yashan had followed Su Hao, obeying his every word.

Su Hao was happy to have a diligent assistant.

For the past two years, Yashan had acted as Su Hao's assistant, busying himself with collecting blood samples from various mutant sequences for Su Hao's research.

Of course, Yashan's role wasn't just limited to that.

He was also a very important research specimen for Su Hao.

First, Su Hao obtained the current gene data, then fed him meat, observed his changes, and obtained the gene data after digestion for comparison.

Through continuous research on Yashan, Su Hao identified the gene segments of the extended armor mutants, making significant research progress.

When Su Hao arrived at the clearing, he found Yashan already waiting.

Seeing Su Hao, Yashan rushed over like a child, exclaiming, "Boss Wei, you're here! I missed you so much these past few days!"

Su Hao replied, "Yashan, be more stable. You're already a father of two."

Yashan was covered in scales, leaving only his handsome face exposed, but his ingratiating smile destroyed his aura.

Su Hao sighed at the wasted face.

Fortunately, Su Hao was confident he would be more handsome than Yashan in the future.

When Yashan heard Su Hao mention his two children, his face lit up like the sun, about to share their every detail.

Su Hao immediately interrupted. He had met Yashan's two children, who were about two years younger than him and very cute, no wonder Yashan loved them so much.

But Su Hao found this fatherly love a bit excessive.

Yashan took out a small bottle and excitedly said, "Boss Wei, look what I brought you!"

Su Hao shook it and confirmed it was some blood.

Before Su Hao could ask, Yashan quickly said, "This is the blood of a level-two shapeshifter from the mimic sequence."

"Oh?" Su Hao's eyes lit up. He didn't have this blood sample yet. In his opinion, the genes of shapeshifters, who could transform at will, had extremely high research value.

Over the past two years, he had collected blood samples from seven of the nine sequence level-one mutants, only missing the swifters and seers.

As for level-two blood samples, he had only collected one from the berserker sequence.

This sequence was the most reckless, believing their strength to be unrivaled and disregarding other mutants, often dying the most tragically and frequently.

Su Hao put the blood sample away and praised, "Not bad, Yashan, even managing to get level-two blood. It seems the meat I've been feeding you hasn't been in vain."

Yashan chuckled, "That's right. This shapeshifter was injured in a fight with a level-two rampager, and I secretly collected the spilled blood. I know you like this stuff, Boss Wei."

Su Hao twitched his mouth at Yashan's phrasing.

He asked directly, "Are you ready for your promotion?"

Yashan nodded excitedly, "I feel my body's energy reaching its peak. I will definitely succeed in advancing to a rampager."

Su Hao smiled. His research was just at the stage of studying the genetic differences between level-one and level-two mutants.

Since Yashan was so cooperative, he gladly accepted.

Su Hao said, "You've performed well these two years. I will grant you this small request. Where is the rampager?"

Yashan rejoiced, "Boss Wei, follow me!"

Su Hao handed over a large bottle and said, "No rush, fill this bottle first."

Yashan: "…"

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