
My Divine Angle System

Rizz Locus Almaus, born as a Divine Nephalem, dies in his early twenties and is reincarnated as Harry. With the help of a divine angel system, he must unlock his hidden powers of the Divine Nephalem to save his new family and protect the world from the looming threat of the Titans. Along the way, he searches for his lost family members from his past life. --------------------- System Info: Race: Human Elemental Attributes: • Fire: 200 (Level 0) • Water: 200 (Level 0) • Lightning: 200 (Level 0) Abilities: • Healing • Telekinesis Quest: Revive the Hidden Soul in the System within 1 year.

Mrcasual · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Soul Seal

"Mom, you are amazing! Can I do it, please, Mom, Safa, Dad?" Rizz said excitedly, pleading with his puppy eyes.

Raze, Safa, and Eleina shook their heads. Then Raze said, "Go, son. Show the ladies how we can do it. Make us proud!" He looked to the ladies for their permission. They both rolled their eyes at Raze's behavior but accepted it.

Safa said, "Raze, don't pressure my cute nephew. Go on, little one, show us. Do things carefully. First, try using your natural powers like holy fire, white light, and hellfire. Then try to control the darkness and light elements. Lastly, try to control the elements of nature. Go, little one, shine like the sun!"

"Take things slowly, my son. Don't overwhelm yourself. If you feel any issue, tell us immediately, and don't harm yourself, especially when using holy and hellfire. Ok, my son? You can do it, and always remember, Mom loves you a thousand times," Elena said to Rizz, kissing his forehead.

Then Raze and Safa said, "Little one, my son, you can do it. Aunt and Dad love you a thousand times," in unison, kissing his forehead one by one. Rizz looked at them and said, "I love you all a thousand times," with his shining forest-blue eyes.

He moved towards the center of the training ground and conjured blazing blades of holy and hellfire in both hands simultaneously. Watching this, Safa, Elena, and Raze felt proud and worried for Rizz, but they knew they would interfere if anything went wrong.

Rizz threw the blades at the dummies; they all burned, and a huge explosion took place. But due to the spirit wall, the fire didn't harm Rizz. Rizz saw the worried looks on his parents and aunt's faces and said, "Sorry, I was too excited. It won't happen again, I promise. Let me show my other powers." They looked at him and saw his determination, then signaled him to continue but warned him not to repeat the mistake through their mind link.

Elena and Safa told him, "Rizz, use white light for purification first, then attack the dummies. Be careful, or we will stop this!"

Rizz said, "Okay, don't worry, Afa and Mom. I'll do what you told me." He bowed his head toward them, then did as instructed. First, he used white light to purify his surroundings, then shot a beam at the dummies, causing them to vanish. The white light passed through and hit the wall. Excitedly, he asked the ladies, "Mom, Afa, how was it?" They said in unison, "That's my boy!"

Rizz responded like an adult, "Mom, Afa, and Dad, what you saw is just a glimpse. The real picture is yet to come." All the adults rolled their eyes and sighed at his comment.

When Rizz started conquering the light and dark elements to make swords for both hands, something unexpected happened. He felt immense pain in his chest and fell to his knees. Seeing this, all the adults rushed to his side. Safa and Raze exclaimed in unison, "Soul Seal!"